Commit c9f7e305 by Sofia Papagiannaki Committed by Leonard Gram

Fix failing end to end tests job for release (#18323)

Create and push the expected tag to grafana-dev repository
and use this instead for running the end to end tests
for the release.
parent 69b7b8bb
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ jobs:
- image: circleci/node:10-browsers
- image: grafana/grafana:$CIRCLE_TAG
- image: grafana/grafana-dev:$CIRCLE_TAG
- run: dockerize -wait tcp:// -timeout 120s
- checkout
......@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ fi
# Tag as 'latest' for official release; otherwise tag as grafana/grafana:master
if echo "$_grafana_tag" | grep -q "^v"; then
docker_tag_all "${_docker_repo}" "latest"
# Create the expected tag for running the end to end tests successfully
docker tag "${_docker_repo}:${_grafana_version}" "grafana/grafana-dev:${_grafana_tag}"
docker_tag_all "${_docker_repo}" "master"
docker tag "${_docker_repo}:${_grafana_version}" "grafana/grafana-dev:${_grafana_version}"
......@@ -38,8 +38,14 @@ if echo "$_grafana_tag" | grep -q "^v" && echo "$_grafana_tag" | grep -vq "beta"
echo "pushing ${_docker_repo}:latest"
docker_push_all "${_docker_repo}" "latest"
docker_push_all "${_docker_repo}" "${_grafana_version}"
# Push to the grafana-dev repository with the expected tag
# for running the end to end tests successfully
docker push "grafana/grafana-dev:${_grafana_tag}"
elif echo "$_grafana_tag" | grep -q "^v" && echo "$_grafana_tag" | grep -q "beta"; then
docker_push_all "${_docker_repo}" "${_grafana_version}"
# Push to the grafana-dev repository with the expected tag
# for running the end to end tests successfully
docker push "grafana/grafana-dev:${_grafana_tag}"
elif echo "$_grafana_tag" | grep -q "master"; then
docker_push_all "${_docker_repo}" "master"
docker push "grafana/grafana-dev:${_grafana_version}"
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