Commit ccd11ac9 by Carl Bergquist Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #11212 from flopp999/patch-1

Added concentration units and "Normal cubic metre"
parents a9fd3e65 185aa6d4
......@@ -378,7 +378,6 @@ kbn.valueFormats.short = kbn.formatBuilders.scaledUnits(1000, [
' Sept',
kbn.valueFormats.dB = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('dB');
kbn.valueFormats.ppm = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ppm');
kbn.valueFormats.percent = function(size, decimals) {
if (size === null) {
......@@ -557,6 +556,7 @@ kbn.valueFormats.accG = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('g');
kbn.valueFormats.litre = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('L');
kbn.valueFormats.mlitre = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('L', -1);
kbn.valueFormats.m3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('m3');
kbn.valueFormats.Nm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('Nm3');
kbn.valueFormats.dm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('dm3');
kbn.valueFormats.gallons = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('gal');
......@@ -582,6 +582,18 @@ kbn.valueFormats.radexpckg = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('C/kg');
kbn.valueFormats.radr = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('R');
kbn.valueFormats.radsvh = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Sv/h');
// Concentration
kbn.valueFormats.conppm = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ppm');
kbn.valueFormats.conppb = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ppb');
kbn.valueFormats.conngm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ng/m3');
kbn.valueFormats.conngNm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ng/Nm3');
kbn.valueFormats.conμgm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('μg/m3');
kbn.valueFormats.conμgNm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('μg/Nm3');
kbn.valueFormats.conmgm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('mg/m3');
kbn.valueFormats.conmgNm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('mg/Nm3');
kbn.valueFormats.congm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('g/m3');
kbn.valueFormats.congNm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('g/Nm3');
// Time
kbn.valueFormats.hertz = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Hz');
......@@ -821,7 +833,6 @@ kbn.getUnitFormats = function() {
{ text: 'percent (0-100)', value: 'percent' },
{ text: 'percent (0.0-1.0)', value: 'percentunit' },
{ text: 'Humidity (%H)', value: 'humidity' },
{ text: 'ppm', value: 'ppm' },
{ text: 'decibel', value: 'dB' },
{ text: 'hexadecimal (0x)', value: 'hex0x' },
{ text: 'hexadecimal', value: 'hex' },
......@@ -969,6 +980,7 @@ kbn.getUnitFormats = function() {
{ text: 'millilitre', value: 'mlitre' },
{ text: 'litre', value: 'litre' },
{ text: 'cubic metre', value: 'm3' },
{ text: 'Normal cubic metre', value: 'Nm3' },
{ text: 'cubic decimetre', value: 'dm3' },
{ text: 'gallons', value: 'gallons' },
......@@ -1066,6 +1078,21 @@ kbn.getUnitFormats = function() {
{ text: 'Sievert/hour (Sv/h)', value: 'radsvh' },
text: 'concentration',
submenu: [
{ text: 'parts-per-million (ppm)', value: 'conppm' },
{ text: 'parts-per-billion (ppb)', value: 'conppb' },
{ text: 'nanogram per cubic metre (ng/m3)', value: 'conngm3' },
{ text: 'nanogram per normal cubic metre (ng/Nm3)', value: 'conngNm3' },
{ text: 'microgram per cubic metre (μg/m3)', value: 'conμgm3' },
{ text: 'microgram per normal cubic metre (μg/Nm3)', value: 'conμgNm3' },
{ text: 'milligram per cubic metre (mg/m3)', value: 'conmgm3' },
{ text: 'milligram per normal cubic metre (mg/Nm3)', value: 'conmgNm3' },
{ text: 'gram per cubic metre (g/m3)', value: 'congm3' },
{ text: 'gram per normal cubic metre (g/Nm3)', value: 'congNm3' },
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