Commit ce127acf by Brian Candler Committed by GitHub

Docs: Document the front-end proxy path for live log tailing with Loki (#25440)

parent 35602099
......@@ -129,8 +129,10 @@ The following filter types are currently supported:
Loki supports Live tailing which displays logs in real-time. This feature is supported in [Explore]({{< relref "../explore/#loki-specific-features" >}}).
Note that Live Tailing relies on two Websocket connections: one between the browser and the Grafana server, and another between the Grafana server and the Loki server. If you run any reverse proxies, please configure them accordingly.
Note that Live Tailing relies on two Websocket connections: one between the browser and the Grafana server, and another between the Grafana server and the Loki server. If you run any reverse proxies, please configure them accordingly. The following example for Apache2 can be used for proxying between the browser and the Grafana server:
ProxyPassMatch "^/(api/datasources/proxy/\d+/loki/api/v1/tail)" "ws://$1"
> Note: This feature is only available in Grafana v6.3+
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