Commit cfbbab9b by Peter Holmberg Committed by GitHub

Docs: Add docs for InfoBox component (#28705)

* add mdx

* fixes after pr feedback
parent cb1449e4
import { Meta, Props } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';
import { InfoBox } from './InfoBox';
<Meta title="MDX|InfoBox" component={InfoBox} />
# InfoBox
A component for displaying information in different levels of severity (Success, Warning, Error, Info).
### Example usage
This component can be found in the settings for various data sources.
title="Example info box"
<Props of={InfoBox} />
import React from 'react';
import { number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { InfoBox, FeatureInfoBox } from '@grafana/ui';
import { number, select, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { FeatureState } from '@grafana/data';
import { InfoBox, FeatureInfoBox } from '@grafana/ui';
import mdx from './InfoBox.mdx';
export default {
title: 'Layout/InfoBox',
component: InfoBox,
decorators: [],
parameters: {
docs: {},
docs: {
page: mdx,
const getKnobs = () => {
const CONTAINER_GROUP = 'Container options';
// ---
const containerWidth = number(
'Container width',
const containerWidth = number('Container width', 800, {
range: true,
min: 100,
max: 1500,
step: 100,
const title = text('Title', 'User permission');
const url = text('Url', '');
const severity = select('Severity', ['success', 'warning', 'error', 'info'], 'info');
return { containerWidth };
return { containerWidth, severity, title, url };
export const basic = () => {
const { containerWidth } = getKnobs();
const { containerWidth, severity, title, url } = getKnobs();
return (
<div style={{ width: containerWidth }}>
title="User Permission"
onDismiss={() => {
alert('onDismiss clicked');
import React from 'react';
import { css, cx } from 'emotion';
import { GrafanaTheme } from '@grafana/data';
import { stylesFactory, useTheme } from '../../themes';
import { Icon } from '../Icon/Icon';
import { IconButton } from '../IconButton/IconButton';
import { HorizontalGroup } from '../Layout/Layout';
import { AlertVariant } from '../Alert/Alert';
import panelArtDark from './panelArt_dark.svg';
import panelArtLight from './panelArt_light.svg';
import { AlertVariant } from '../Alert/Alert';
import { stylesFactory, useTheme } from '../../themes';
import { getColorsFromSeverity } from '../../utils/colors';
export interface InfoBoxProps extends Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'title'> {
......@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ export interface InfoBoxProps extends Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>,
* This is a simple InfoBox component, the api is not considered stable yet and will likely see breaking changes
* in future minor releases.
* @Alpha
export const InfoBox = React.memo(
React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, InfoBoxProps>(
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