Commit d1169b4b by Rashid Khan

Added more time intervals, fixed bug in goal pie

parent 391ab7b5
......@@ -159,18 +159,39 @@ function get_bar_count(from,to,interval) {
function round_interval (interval) {
switch (true) {
case (interval <= 500): return 100;
case (interval <= 5000): return 1000;
case (interval <= 7500): return 5000;
case (interval <= 15000): return 10000;
case (interval <= 45000): return 30000;
case (interval <= 180000): return 60000;
case (interval <= 450000): return 300000;
case (interval <= 1200000): return 600000;
case (interval <= 2700000): return 1800000;
case (interval <= 7200000): return 3600000;
case (interval <= 21600000): return 10800000;
default: return 43200000;
// 0.5s
case (interval <= 500): return 100; // 0.1s
// 5s
case (interval <= 5000): return 1000; // 1s
// 7.5s
case (interval <= 7500): return 5000; // 5s
// 15s
case (interval <= 15000): return 10000; // 10s
// 45s
case (interval <= 45000): return 30000; // 30s
// 3m
case (interval <= 180000): return 60000; // 1m
// 9m
case (interval <= 450000): return 300000; // 5m
// 20m
case (interval <= 1200000): return 600000; // 10m
// 45m
case (interval <= 2700000): return 1800000; // 30m
// 2h
case (interval <= 7200000): return 3600000; // 1h
// 6h
case (interval <= 21600000): return 10800000; // 3h
// 24h
case (interval <= 86400000): return 43200000; // 12h
// 48h
case (interval <= 172800000): return 86400000; // 24h
// 1w
case (interval <= 604800000): return 86400000; // 24h
// 3w
case (interval <= 1814400000): return 604800000; // 1w
// 2y
case (interval < 3628800000): return 2592000000; // 30d
default: return 31536000000; // 1y
......@@ -261,8 +282,9 @@ function is_int(value) {
function interval_to_seconds(string) {
var matches = string.match(/(\d+)([Mwdhms])/);
var matches = string.match(/(\d+)([Mwdhmsy])/);
switch (matches[2]) {
case 'y': return matches[1]*31536000;;
case 'M': return matches[1]*2592000;;
case 'w': return matches[1]*604800;;
case 'd': return matches[1]*86400;;
......@@ -165,10 +165,9 @@ angular.module('kibana.pie', [])
var results = request.doSearch();
results.then(function(results) {
......@@ -185,6 +184,7 @@ angular.module('kibana.pie', [])
// I really don't like this function, too much dom manip. Break out into directive?
$scope.populate_modal = function(request) {
$scope.modal = {
title: "Inspector",
body : "<h5>Last Elasticsearch Query</h5><pre>"+
......@@ -140,11 +140,13 @@ angular.module('kibana.timepicker', [])
$scope.time_check = function(){
// If time picker is defined (on initialization)
if(!(_.isUndefined($scope.timepicker))) {
var from = $scope.panel.mode === 'relative' ? time_ago($scope.panel.timespan) :
new Date(Date.parse($ + " " + $scope.timepicker.from.time))
var to = $scope.panel.mode !== 'absolute' ? new Date() :
new Date(Date.parse($ + " " + $
// Otherwise
} else {
var from = $scope.panel.mode === 'relative' ? time_ago($scope.panel.timespan) :
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