Commit d2bf2e86 by Mitsuhiro Tanda Committed by Torkel Ödegaard

upgrade to aws-sdk-go v1.8.11 (#8091)

* upgrade to aws-sdk-go v1.8.11

* fix test
parent 09cec311
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ func TestECSCredProvider(t *testing.T) {
defer os.Clearenv()
provider := remoteCredProvider(&session.Session{})
sess, _ := session.NewSession()
provider := remoteCredProvider(sess)
So(provider, ShouldNotBeNil)
......@@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ func TestECSCredProvider(t *testing.T) {
func TestDefaultEC2RoleProvider(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Running outside an ECS container task", t, func() {
provider := remoteCredProvider(&session.Session{})
sess, _ := session.NewSession()
provider := remoteCredProvider(sess)
So(provider, ShouldNotBeNil)
### SDK Features
### SDK Enhancements
### SDK Bugs
Contributing to the AWS SDK for Go
We work hard to provide a high-quality and useful SDK, and we greatly value
feedback and contributions from our community. Whether it's a bug report,
new feature, correction, or additional documentation, we welcome your issues
and pull requests. Please read through this document before submitting any
issues or pull requests to ensure we have all the necessary information to
effectively respond to your bug report or contribution.
## Filing Bug Reports
You can file bug reports against the SDK on the [GitHub issues][issues] page.
If you are filing a report for a bug or regression in the SDK, it's extremely
helpful to provide as much information as possible when opening the original
issue. This helps us reproduce and investigate the possible bug without having
to wait for this extra information to be provided. Please read the following
guidelines prior to filing a bug report.
1. Search through existing [issues][] to ensure that your specific issue has
not yet been reported. If it is a common issue, it is likely there is
already a bug report for your problem.
2. Ensure that you have tested the latest version of the SDK. Although you
may have an issue against an older version of the SDK, we cannot provide
bug fixes for old versions. It's also possible that the bug may have been
fixed in the latest release.
3. Provide as much information about your environment, SDK version, and
relevant dependencies as possible. For example, let us know what version
of Go you are using, which and version of the operating system, and the
the environment your code is running in. e.g Container.
4. Provide a minimal test case that reproduces your issue or any error
information you related to your problem. We can provide feedback much
more quickly if we know what operations you are calling in the SDK. If
you cannot provide a full test case, provide as much code as you can
to help us diagnose the problem. Any relevant information should be provided
as well, like whether this is a persistent issue, or if it only occurs
some of the time.
## Submitting Pull Requests
We are always happy to receive code and documentation contributions to the SDK.
Please be aware of the following notes prior to opening a pull request:
1. The SDK is released under the [Apache license][license]. Any code you submit
will be released under that license. For substantial contributions, we may
ask you to sign a [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)][cla].
2. If you would like to implement support for a significant feature that is not
yet available in the SDK, please talk to us beforehand to avoid any
duplication of effort.
3. Wherever possible, pull requests should contain tests as appropriate.
Bugfixes should contain tests that exercise the corrected behavior (i.e., the
test should fail without the bugfix and pass with it), and new features
should be accompanied by tests exercising the feature.
4. Pull requests that contain failing tests will not be merged until the test
failures are addressed. Pull requests that cause a significant drop in the
SDK's test coverage percentage are unlikely to be merged until tests have
been added.
5. The JSON files under the SDK's `models` folder are sourced from outside the SDK.
Such as `models/apis/ec2/2016-11-15/api.json`. We will not accept pull requests
directly on these models. If you discover an issue with the models please
create a Github [issue](issues) describing the issue.
### Testing
To run the tests locally, running the `make unit` command will `go get` the
SDK's testing dependencies, and run vet, link and unit tests for the SDK.
make unit
Standard go testing functionality is supported as well. To test SDK code that
is tagged with `codegen` you'll need to set the build tag in the go test
command. The `make unit` command will do this automatically.
go test -tags codegen ./private/...
See the `Makefile` for additional testing tags that can be used in testing.
To test on multiple platform the SDK includes several DockerFiles under the
`awstesting/sandbox` folder, and associated make recipes to to execute
unit testing within environments configured for specific Go versions.
make sandbox-test-go18
To run all sandbox environments use the following make recipe
# Optionally update the Go tip that will be used during the batch testing
make update-aws-golang-tip
# Run all SDK tests for supported Go versions in sandboxes
make sandbox-test
In addition the sandbox environment include make recipes for interactive modes
so you can run command within the Docker container and context of the SDK.
make sandbox-go18
### Changelog
You can see all release changes in the `` file at the root of the
repository. The release notes added to this file will contain service client
updates, and major SDK changes.
source ''
gem 'yard', git: 'git://', ref: '5025564a491e1b7c6192632cba2802202ca08449'
gem 'yard-go', git: 'git://', ref: 'e78e1ef7cdf5e0f3266845b26bb4fd64f1dd6f85'
gem 'rdiscount'
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ LINTIGNOREDOT='awstesting/integration.+should not use dot imports'
LINTIGNOREDOC='service/[^/]+/(api|service|waiters)\.go:.+(comment on exported|should have comment or be unexported)'
LINTIGNORECONST='service/[^/]+/(api|service|waiters)\.go:.+(type|struct field|const|func) ([^ ]+) should be ([^ ]+)'
LINTIGNORESTUTTER='service/[^/]+/(api|service)\.go:.+(and that stutters)'
LINTIGNOREINFLECT='service/[^/]+/(api|service)\.go:.+method .+ should be '
LINTIGNOREINFLECT='service/[^/]+/(api|errors|service)\.go:.+(method|const) .+ should be '
LINTIGNOREINFLECTS3UPLOAD='service/s3/s3manager/upload\.go:.+struct field SSEKMSKeyId should be '
UNIT_TEST_TAGS="example codegen"
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ gen-protocol-test:
go generate ./private/protocol/...
go generate ./private/endpoints
go generate ./models/endpoints/
@echo "go build SDK and vendor packages"
......@@ -70,35 +70,53 @@ smoke-tests: get-deps-tests
performance: get-deps-tests
AWS_TESTING_LOG_RESULTS=${log-detailed} AWS_TESTING_REGION=$(region) AWS_TESTING_DB_TABLE=$(table) gucumber -go-tags "integration" ./awstesting/performance
sandbox-tests: sandbox-test-go14 sandbox-test-go15 sandbox-test-go15-novendorexp sandbox-test-go16 sandbox-test-go17 sandbox-test-gotip
sandbox-tests: sandbox-test-go15 sandbox-test-go15-novendorexp sandbox-test-go16 sandbox-test-go17 sandbox-test-go18 sandbox-test-gotip
docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.4 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.4" .
docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.4
docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.5 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.5" .
sandbox-go15: sandbox-build-go15
docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.5 bash
sandbox-test-go15: sandbox-build-go15
docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.5
docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.5-novendorexp -t "aws-sdk-go-1.5-novendorexp" .
sandbox-go15-novendorexp: sandbox-build-go15-novendorexp
docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.5-novendorexp bash
sandbox-test-go15-novendorexp: sandbox-build-go15-novendorexp
docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.5-novendorexp
docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.6 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.6" .
sandbox-go16: sandbox-build-go16
docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.6 bash
sandbox-test-go16: sandbox-build-go16
docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.6
docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.7 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.7" .
sandbox-go17: sandbox-build-go17
docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.7 bash
sandbox-test-go17: sandbox-build-go17
docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.7
docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.go1.8 -t "aws-sdk-go-1.8" .
sandbox-go18: sandbox-build-go18
docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-1.8 bash
sandbox-test-go18: sandbox-build-go18
docker run -t aws-sdk-go-1.8
@echo "Run make update-aws-golang-tip, if this test fails because missing aws-golang:tip container"
docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.test.gotip -t "aws-sdk-go-tip" .
sandbox-gotip: sandbox-build-gotip
docker run -i -t aws-sdk-go-tip bash
sandbox-test-gotip: sandbox-build-gotip
docker run -t aws-sdk-go-tip
docker build -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.golang-tip -t "aws-golang:tip" .
docker build --no-cache=true -f ./awstesting/sandbox/Dockerfile.golang-tip -t "aws-golang:tip" .
verify: get-deps-verify lint vet
# AWS SDK for Go
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# AWS SDK for Go [![API Reference](]( [![Join the chat at](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Apache V2 License](](
aws-sdk-go is the official AWS SDK for the Go programming language.
......@@ -30,7 +23,22 @@ These two processes will still include the `vendor` folder and it should be dele
rm -rf $GOPATH/src/
## Getting Help
Please use these community resources for getting help. We use the GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests.
* Ask a question on [StackOverflow]( and tag it with the [`aws-sdk-go`]( tag.
* Come join the AWS SDK for Go community chat on [gitter](
* Open a support ticket with [AWS Support](
* If you think you may of found a bug, please open an [issue](
## Opening Issues
If you encounter a bug with the AWS SDK for Go we would like to hear about it. Search the [existing issues]( and see if others are also experiencing the issue before opening a new issue. Please include the version of AWS SDK for Go, Go language, and OS you’re using. Please also include repro case when appropriate.
The GitHub issues are intended for bug reports and feature requests. For help and questions with using AWS SDK for GO please make use of the resources listed in the [Getting Help]( section. Keeping the list of open issues lean will help us respond in a timely manner.
## Reference Documentation
[`Getting Started Guide`]( - This document is a general introduction how to configure and make requests with the SDK. If this is your first time using the SDK, this documentation and the API documentation will help you get started. This document focuses on the syntax and behavior of the SDK. The [Service Developer Guide]( will help you get started using specific AWS services.
[`SDK API Reference Documentation`]( - Use this document to look up all API operation input and output parameters for AWS services supported by the SDK. The API reference also includes documentation of the SDK, and examples how to using the SDK, service client API operations, and API operation require parameters.
......@@ -62,7 +70,7 @@ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=MY-SECRET-KEY
### AWS shared config file (`~/.aws/config`)
The AWS SDK for Go added support the shared config file in release [v1.3.0]( You can opt into enabling support for the shared config by setting the environment variable `AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG` to a truthy value. See the [Session]( wiki for more information about this feature.
The AWS SDK for Go added support the shared config file in release [v1.3.0]( You can opt into enabling support for the shared config by setting the environment variable `AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG` to a truthy value. See the [Session]( docs for more information about this feature.
## Using the Go SDK
......@@ -70,44 +78,77 @@ To use a service in the SDK, create a service variable by calling the `New()`
function. Once you have a service client, you can call API operations which each
return response data and a possible error.
To list a set of instance IDs from EC2, you could run:
For example the following code shows how to upload an object to Amazon S3 with a Context timeout.
package main
import (
// Uploads a file to S3 given a bucket and object key. Also takes a duration
// value to terminate the update if it doesn't complete within that time.
// The AWS Region needs to be provided in the AWS shared config or on the
// environment variable as `AWS_REGION`. Credentials also must be provided
// Will default to shared config file, but can load from environment if provided.
// Usage:
// # Upload myfile.txt to myBucket/myKey. Must complete within 10 minutes or will fail
// go run withContext.go -b mybucket -k myKey -d 10m < myfile.txt
func main() {
sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
var bucket, key string
var timeout time.Duration
flag.StringVar(&bucket, "b", "", "Bucket name.")
flag.StringVar(&key, "k", "", "Object key name.")
flag.DurationVar(&timeout, "d", 0, "Upload timeout.")
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
svc := s3.New(sess)
// Create a context with a timeout that will abort the upload if it takes
// more than the passed in timeout.
ctx := context.Background()
var cancelFn func()
if timeout > 0 {
ctx, cancelFn = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
// Create an EC2 service object in the "us-west-2" region
// Note that you can also configure your region globally by
// exporting the AWS_REGION environment variable
svc := ec2.New(sess, &aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-west-2")})
// Call the DescribeInstances Operation
resp, err := svc.DescribeInstances(nil)
// Ensure the context is canceled to prevent leaking.
// See context package for more information,
defer cancelFn()
// Uploads the object to S3. The Context will interrupt the request if the
// timeout expires.
_, err := svc.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String(bucket),
Key: aws.String(key),
Body: os.Stdin,
if err != nil {
// resp has all of the response data, pull out instance IDs:
fmt.Println("> Number of reservation sets: ", len(resp.Reservations))
for idx, res := range resp.Reservations {
fmt.Println(" > Number of instances: ", len(res.Instances))
for _, inst := range resp.Reservations[idx].Instances {
fmt.Println(" - Instance ID: ", *inst.InstanceId)
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok && aerr.Code() == request.CanceledErrorCode {
// If the SDK can determine the request or retry delay was canceled
// by a context the CanceledErrorCode error code will be returned.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "upload canceled due to timeout, %v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to upload object, %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("successfully uploaded file to %s/%s\n", bucket, key)
......@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ import (
// A Config provides configuration to a service client instance.
type Config struct {
Config *aws.Config
Handlers request.Handlers
Endpoint, SigningRegion string
Config *aws.Config
Handlers request.Handlers
Endpoint string
SigningRegion string
SigningName string
// ConfigProvider provides a generic way for a service client to receive
......@@ -22,6 +24,13 @@ type ConfigProvider interface {
ClientConfig(serviceName string, cfgs ...*aws.Config) Config
// ConfigNoResolveEndpointProvider same as ConfigProvider except it will not
// resolve the endpoint automatically. The service client's endpoint must be
// provided via the aws.Config.Endpoint field.
type ConfigNoResolveEndpointProvider interface {
ClientConfigNoResolveEndpoint(cfgs ...*aws.Config) Config
// A Client implements the base client request and response handling
// used by all service clients.
type Client struct {
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
// UseServiceDefaultRetries instructs the config to use the service's own
......@@ -21,9 +22,9 @@ type RequestRetryer interface{}
// // Create Session with MaxRetry configuration to be shared by multiple
// // service clients.
// sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// MaxRetries: aws.Int(3),
// })
// }))
// // Create S3 service client with a specific Region.
// svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
......@@ -48,6 +49,10 @@ type Config struct {
// endpoint for a client.
Endpoint *string
// The resolver to use for looking up endpoints for AWS service clients
// to use based on region.
EndpointResolver endpoints.Resolver
// The region to send requests to. This parameter is required and must
// be configured globally or on a per-client basis unless otherwise
// noted. A full list of regions is found in the "Regions and Endpoints"
......@@ -149,7 +154,8 @@ type Config struct {
// the EC2Metadata overriding the timeout for default credentials chain.
// Example:
// sess, err := session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig().WithEC2MetadataDiableTimeoutOverride(true))
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig()
// .WithEC2MetadataDiableTimeoutOverride(true)))
// svc := s3.New(sess)
......@@ -169,7 +175,7 @@ type Config struct {
// Only supported with.
// sess, err := session.NewSession()
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
// UseDualStack: aws.Bool(true),
......@@ -181,13 +187,19 @@ type Config struct {
// request delays. This value should only be used for testing. To adjust
// the delay of a request see the aws/client.DefaultRetryer and
// aws/request.Retryer.
// SleepDelay will prevent any Context from being used for canceling retry
// delay of an API operation. It is recommended to not use SleepDelay at all
// and specify a Retryer instead.
SleepDelay func(time.Duration)
// DisableRestProtocolURICleaning will not clean the URL path when making rest protocol requests.
// Will default to false. This would only be used for empty directory names in s3 requests.
// Example:
// sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{DisableRestProtocolURICleaning: aws.Bool(true))
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// DisableRestProtocolURICleaning: aws.Bool(true),
// }))
// svc := s3.New(sess)
// out, err := svc.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput {
......@@ -202,9 +214,9 @@ type Config struct {
// // Create Session with MaxRetry configuration to be shared by multiple
// // service clients.
// sess, err := session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig().
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(aws.NewConfig().
// WithMaxRetries(3),
// )
// ))
// // Create S3 service client with a specific Region.
// svc := s3.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().
......@@ -235,6 +247,13 @@ func (c *Config) WithEndpoint(endpoint string) *Config {
return c
// WithEndpointResolver sets a config EndpointResolver value returning a
// Config pointer for chaining.
func (c *Config) WithEndpointResolver(resolver endpoints.Resolver) *Config {
c.EndpointResolver = resolver
return c
// WithRegion sets a config Region value returning a Config pointer for
// chaining.
func (c *Config) WithRegion(region string) *Config {
......@@ -357,6 +376,10 @@ func mergeInConfig(dst *Config, other *Config) {
dst.Endpoint = other.Endpoint
if other.EndpointResolver != nil {
dst.EndpointResolver = other.EndpointResolver
if other.Region != nil {
dst.Region = other.Region
package aws
import (
// Context is an copy of the Go v1.7 stdlib's context.Context interface.
// It is represented as a SDK interface to enable you to use the "WithContext"
// API methods with Go v1.6 and a Context type such as
// See on how to use contexts.
type Context interface {
// Deadline returns the time when work done on behalf of this context
// should be canceled. Deadline returns ok==false when no deadline is
// set. Successive calls to Deadline return the same results.
Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
// Done returns a channel that's closed when work done on behalf of this
// context should be canceled. Done may return nil if this context can
// never be canceled. Successive calls to Done return the same value.
Done() <-chan struct{}
// Err returns a non-nil error value after Done is closed. Err returns
// Canceled if the context was canceled or DeadlineExceeded if the
// context's deadline passed. No other values for Err are defined.
// After Done is closed, successive calls to Err return the same value.
Err() error
// Value returns the value associated with this context for key, or nil
// if no value is associated with key. Successive calls to Value with
// the same key returns the same result.
// Use context values only for request-scoped data that transits
// processes and API boundaries, not for passing optional parameters to
// functions.
Value(key interface{}) interface{}
// BackgroundContext returns a context that will never be canceled, has no
// values, and no deadline. This context is used by the SDK to provide
// backwards compatibility with non-context API operations and functionality.
// Go 1.6 and before:
// This context function is equivalent to context.Background in the Go stdlib.
// Go 1.7 and later:
// The context returned will be the value returned by context.Background()
// See for more information on Contexts.
func BackgroundContext() Context {
return backgroundCtx
// SleepWithContext will wait for the timer duration to expire, or the context
// is canceled. Which ever happens first. If the context is canceled the Context's
// error will be returned.
// Expects Context to always return a non-nil error if the Done channel is closed.
func SleepWithContext(ctx Context, dur time.Duration) error {
t := time.NewTimer(dur)
defer t.Stop()
select {
case <-t.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
// +build !go1.7
package aws
import "time"
// An emptyCtx is a copy of the the Go 1.7 context.emptyCtx type. This
// is copied to provide a 1.6 and 1.5 safe version of context that is compatible
// with Go 1.7's Context.
// An emptyCtx is never canceled, has no values, and has no deadline. It is not
// struct{}, since vars of this type must have distinct addresses.
type emptyCtx int
func (*emptyCtx) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
func (*emptyCtx) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return nil
func (*emptyCtx) Err() error {
return nil
func (*emptyCtx) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
return nil
func (e *emptyCtx) String() string {
switch e {
case backgroundCtx:
return "aws.BackgroundContext"
return "unknown empty Context"
var (
backgroundCtx = new(emptyCtx)
// +build go1.7
package aws
import "context"
var (
backgroundCtx = context.Background()
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ var reStatusCode = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d{3})`)
// ValidateReqSigHandler is a request handler to ensure that the request's
// signature doesn't expire before it is sent. This can happen when a request
// is built and signed signficantly before it is sent. Or signficant delays
// is built and signed signficantly before it is sent. Or significant delays
// occur whne retrying requests that would cause the signature to expire.
var ValidateReqSigHandler = request.NamedHandler{
Name: "core.ValidateReqSigHandler",
......@@ -134,6 +134,16 @@ var SendHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.SendHandler", Fn: func(r *req
// Catch all other request errors.
r.Error = awserr.New("RequestError", "send request failed", err)
r.Retryable = aws.Bool(true) // network errors are retryable
// Override the error with a context canceled error, if that was canceled.
ctx := r.Context()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
r.Error = awserr.New(request.CanceledErrorCode,
"request context canceled", ctx.Err())
r.Retryable = aws.Bool(false)
......@@ -156,7 +166,16 @@ var AfterRetryHandler = request.NamedHandler{Name: "core.AfterRetryHandler", Fn:
if r.WillRetry() {
r.RetryDelay = r.RetryRules(r)
if sleepFn := r.Config.SleepDelay; sleepFn != nil {
// Support SleepDelay for backwards compatibility and testing
} else if err := aws.SleepWithContext(r.Context(), r.RetryDelay); err != nil {
r.Error = awserr.New(request.CanceledErrorCode,
"request context canceled", err)
r.Retryable = aws.Bool(false)
// when the expired token exception occurs the credentials
// need to be expired locally so that the next request to
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ type Value struct {
// The Provider should not need to implement its own mutexes, because
// that will be managed by Credentials.
type Provider interface {
// Refresh returns nil if it successfully retrieved the value.
// Retrieve returns nil if it successfully retrieved the value.
// Error is returned if the value were not obtainable, or empty.
Retrieve() (Value, error)
// Package stscreds are credential Providers to retrieve STS AWS credentials.
// STS provides multiple ways to retrieve credentials which can be used when making
// future AWS service API operation calls.
Package stscreds are credential Providers to retrieve STS AWS credentials.
STS provides multiple ways to retrieve credentials which can be used when making
future AWS service API operation calls.
The SDK will ensure that per instance of credentials.Credentials all requests
to refresh the credentials will be synchronized. But, the SDK is unable to
ensure synchronous usage of the AssumeRoleProvider if the value is shared
between multiple Credentials, Sessions or service clients.
Assume Role
To assume an IAM role using STS with the SDK you can create a new Credentials
with the SDKs's stscreds package.
// Initial credentials loaded from SDK's default credential chain. Such as
// the environment, shared credentials (~/.aws/credentials), or EC2 Instance
// Role. These credentials will be used to to make the STS Assume Role API.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// Create the credentials from AssumeRoleProvider to assume the role
// referenced by the "myRoleARN" ARN.
creds := stscreds.NewCredentials(sess, "myRoleArn")
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
Assume Role with static MFA Token
To assume an IAM role with a MFA token you can either specify a MFA token code
directly or provide a function to prompt the user each time the credentials
need to refresh the role's credentials. Specifying the TokenCode should be used
for short lived operations that will not need to be refreshed, and when you do
not want to have direct control over the user provides their MFA token.
With TokenCode the AssumeRoleProvider will be not be able to refresh the role's
// Create the credentials from AssumeRoleProvider to assume the role
// referenced by the "myRoleARN" ARN using the MFA token code provided.
creds := stscreds.NewCredentials(sess, "myRoleArn", func(p *stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider) {
p.SerialNumber = aws.String("myTokenSerialNumber")
p.TokenCode = aws.String("00000000")
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
Assume Role with MFA Token Provider
To assume an IAM role with MFA for longer running tasks where the credentials
may need to be refreshed setting the TokenProvider field of AssumeRoleProvider
will allow the credential provider to prompt for new MFA token code when the
role's credentials need to be refreshed.
The StdinTokenProvider function is available to prompt on stdin to retrieve
the MFA token code from the user. You can also implement custom prompts by
satisfing the TokenProvider function signature.
Using StdinTokenProvider with multiple AssumeRoleProviders, or Credentials will
have undesirable results as the StdinTokenProvider will not be synchronized. A
single Credentials with an AssumeRoleProvider can be shared safely.
// Create the credentials from AssumeRoleProvider to assume the role
// referenced by the "myRoleARN" ARN. Prompting for MFA token from stdin.
creds := stscreds.NewCredentials(sess, "myRoleArn", func(p *stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider) {
p.SerialNumber = aws.String("myTokenSerialNumber")
p.TokenProvider = stscreds.StdinTokenProvider
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{Credentials: creds})
package stscreds
import (
......@@ -9,11 +83,31 @@ import (
// StdinTokenProvider will prompt on stdout and read from stdin for a string value.
// An error is returned if reading from stdin fails.
// Use this function go read MFA tokens from stdin. The function makes no attempt
// to make atomic prompts from stdin across multiple gorouties.
// Using StdinTokenProvider with multiple AssumeRoleProviders, or Credentials will
// have undesirable results as the StdinTokenProvider will not be synchronized. A
// single Credentials with an AssumeRoleProvider can be shared safely
// Will wait forever until something is provided on the stdin.
func StdinTokenProvider() (string, error) {
var v string
fmt.Printf("Assume Role MFA token code: ")
_, err := fmt.Scanln(&v)
return v, err
// ProviderName provides a name of AssumeRole provider
const ProviderName = "AssumeRoleProvider"
......@@ -27,8 +121,15 @@ type AssumeRoler interface {
var DefaultDuration = time.Duration(15) * time.Minute
// AssumeRoleProvider retrieves temporary credentials from the STS service, and
// keeps track of their expiration time. This provider must be used explicitly,
// as it is not included in the credentials chain.
// keeps track of their expiration time.
// This credential provider will be used by the SDKs default credential change
// when shared configuration is enabled, and the shared config or shared credentials
// file configure assume role. See Session docs for how to do this.
// AssumeRoleProvider does not provide any synchronization and it is not safe
// to share this value across multiple Credentials, Sessions, or service clients
// without also sharing the same Credentials instance.
type AssumeRoleProvider struct {
......@@ -65,8 +166,23 @@ type AssumeRoleProvider struct {
// assumed requires MFA (that is, if the policy includes a condition that tests
// for MFA). If the role being assumed requires MFA and if the TokenCode value
// is missing or expired, the AssumeRole call returns an "access denied" error.
// If SerialNumber is set and neither TokenCode nor TokenProvider are also
// set an error will be returned.
TokenCode *string
// Async method of providing MFA token code for assuming an IAM role with MFA.
// The value returned by the function will be used as the TokenCode in the Retrieve
// call. See StdinTokenProvider for a provider that prompts and reads from stdin.
// This token provider will be called when ever the assumed role's
// credentials need to be refreshed when SerialNumber is also set and
// TokenCode is not set.
// If both TokenCode and TokenProvider is set, TokenProvider will be used and
// TokenCode is ignored.
TokenProvider func() (string, error)
// ExpiryWindow will allow the credentials to trigger refreshing prior to
// the credentials actually expiring. This is beneficial so race conditions
// with expiring credentials do not cause request to fail unexpectedly
......@@ -85,6 +201,10 @@ type AssumeRoleProvider struct {
// Takes a Config provider to create the STS client. The ConfigProvider is
// satisfied by the session.Session type.
// It is safe to share the returned Credentials with multiple Sessions and
// service clients. All access to the credentials and refreshing them
// will be synchronized.
func NewCredentials(c client.ConfigProvider, roleARN string, options ...func(*AssumeRoleProvider)) *credentials.Credentials {
p := &AssumeRoleProvider{
Client: sts.New(c),
......@@ -103,7 +223,11 @@ func NewCredentials(c client.ConfigProvider, roleARN string, options ...func(*As
// AssumeRoleProvider. The credentials will expire every 15 minutes and the
// role will be named after a nanosecond timestamp of this operation.
// Takes an AssumeRoler which can be satisfiede by the STS client.
// Takes an AssumeRoler which can be satisfied by the STS client.
// It is safe to share the returned Credentials with multiple Sessions and
// service clients. All access to the credentials and refreshing them
// will be synchronized.
func NewCredentialsWithClient(svc AssumeRoler, roleARN string, options ...func(*AssumeRoleProvider)) *credentials.Credentials {
p := &AssumeRoleProvider{
Client: svc,
......@@ -139,12 +263,25 @@ func (p *AssumeRoleProvider) Retrieve() (credentials.Value, error) {
if p.Policy != nil {
input.Policy = p.Policy
if p.SerialNumber != nil && p.TokenCode != nil {
input.SerialNumber = p.SerialNumber
input.TokenCode = p.TokenCode
if p.SerialNumber != nil {
if p.TokenCode != nil {
input.SerialNumber = p.SerialNumber
input.TokenCode = p.TokenCode
} else if p.TokenProvider != nil {
input.SerialNumber = p.SerialNumber
code, err := p.TokenProvider()
if err != nil {
return credentials.Value{ProviderName: ProviderName}, err
input.TokenCode = aws.String(code)
} else {
return credentials.Value{ProviderName: ProviderName},
"assume role with MFA enabled, but neither TokenCode nor TokenProvider are set", nil)
roleOutput, err := p.Client.AssumeRole(input)
roleOutput, err := p.Client.AssumeRole(input)
if err != nil {
return credentials.Value{ProviderName: ProviderName}, err
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import (
// A Defaults provides a collection of default values for SDK clients.
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func Config() *aws.Config {
// Handlers returns the default request handlers.
......@@ -120,11 +120,14 @@ func ecsCredProvider(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers, uri string) cred
func ec2RoleProvider(cfg aws.Config, handlers request.Handlers) credentials.Provider {
endpoint, signingRegion := endpoints.EndpointForRegion(ec2metadata.ServiceName,
aws.StringValue(cfg.Region), true, false)
resolver := cfg.EndpointResolver
if resolver == nil {
resolver = endpoints.DefaultResolver()
e, _ := resolver.EndpointFor(endpoints.Ec2metadataServiceID, "")
return &ec2rolecreds.EC2RoleProvider{
Client: ec2metadata.NewClient(cfg, handlers, endpoint, signingRegion),
Client: ec2metadata.NewClient(cfg, handlers, e.URL, e.SigningRegion),
ExpiryWindow: 5 * time.Minute,
package endpoints
import (
type modelDefinition map[string]json.RawMessage
// A DecodeModelOptions are the options for how the endpoints model definition
// are decoded.
type DecodeModelOptions struct {
SkipCustomizations bool
// Set combines all of the option functions together.
func (d *DecodeModelOptions) Set(optFns ...func(*DecodeModelOptions)) {
for _, fn := range optFns {
// DecodeModel unmarshals a Regions and Endpoint model definition file into
// a endpoint Resolver. If the file format is not supported, or an error occurs
// when unmarshaling the model an error will be returned.
// Casting the return value of this func to a EnumPartitions will
// allow you to get a list of the partitions in the order the endpoints
// will be resolved in.
// resolver, err := endpoints.DecodeModel(reader)
// partitions := resolver.(endpoints.EnumPartitions).Partitions()
// for _, p := range partitions {
// // ... inspect partitions
// }
func DecodeModel(r io.Reader, optFns ...func(*DecodeModelOptions)) (Resolver, error) {
var opts DecodeModelOptions
// Get the version of the partition file to determine what
// unmarshaling model to use.
modelDef := modelDefinition{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&modelDef); err != nil {
return nil, newDecodeModelError("failed to decode endpoints model", err)
var version string
if b, ok := modelDef["version"]; ok {
version = string(b)
} else {
return nil, newDecodeModelError("endpoints version not found in model", nil)
if version == "3" {
return decodeV3Endpoints(modelDef, opts)
return nil, newDecodeModelError(
fmt.Sprintf("endpoints version %s, not supported", version), nil)
func decodeV3Endpoints(modelDef modelDefinition, opts DecodeModelOptions) (Resolver, error) {
b, ok := modelDef["partitions"]
if !ok {
return nil, newDecodeModelError("endpoints model missing partitions", nil)
ps := partitions{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &ps); err != nil {
return nil, newDecodeModelError("failed to decode endpoints model", err)
if opts.SkipCustomizations {
return ps, nil
// Customization
for i := 0; i < len(ps); i++ {
p := &ps[i]
return ps, nil
func custAddS3DualStack(p *partition) {
if p.ID != "aws" {
s, ok := p.Services["s3"]
if !ok {
s.Defaults.HasDualStack = boxedTrue
s.Defaults.DualStackHostname = "{service}.dualstack.{region}.{dnsSuffix}"
p.Services["s3"] = s
func custAddEC2Metadata(p *partition) {
p.Services["ec2metadata"] = service{
IsRegionalized: boxedFalse,
PartitionEndpoint: "aws-global",
Endpoints: endpoints{
"aws-global": endpoint{
Hostname: "",
Protocols: []string{"http"},
func custRmIotDataService(p *partition) {
delete(p.Services, "data.iot")
type decodeModelError struct {
func newDecodeModelError(msg string, err error) decodeModelError {
return decodeModelError{
awsError: awserr.New("DecodeEndpointsModelError", msg, err),
// Package endpoints provides the types and functionality for defining regions
// and endpoints, as well as querying those definitions.
// The SDK's Regions and Endpoints metadata is code generated into the endpoints
// package, and is accessible via the DefaultResolver function. This function
// returns a endpoint Resolver will search the metadata and build an associated
// endpoint if one is found. The default resolver will search all partitions
// known by the SDK. e.g AWS Standard (aws), AWS China (aws-cn), and
// AWS GovCloud (US) (aws-us-gov).
// .
// Enumerating Regions and Endpoint Metadata
// Casting the Resolver returned by DefaultResolver to a EnumPartitions interface
// will allow you to get access to the list of underlying Partitions with the
// Partitions method. This is helpful if you want to limit the SDK's endpoint
// resolving to a single partition, or enumerate regions, services, and endpoints
// in the partition.
// resolver := endpoints.DefaultResolver()
// partitions := resolver.(endpoints.EnumPartitions).Partitions()
// for _, p := range partitions {
// fmt.Println("Regions for", p.Name)
// for id, _ := range p.Regions() {
// fmt.Println("*", id)
// }
// fmt.Println("Services for", p.Name)
// for id, _ := range p.Services() {
// fmt.Println("*", id)
// }
// }
// Using Custom Endpoints
// The endpoints package also gives you the ability to use your own logic how
// endpoints are resolved. This is a great way to define a custom endpoint
// for select services, without passing that logic down through your code.
// If a type implements the Resolver interface it can be used to resolve
// endpoints. To use this with the SDK's Session and Config set the value
// of the type to the EndpointsResolver field of aws.Config when initializing
// the session, or service client.
// In addition the ResolverFunc is a wrapper for a func matching the signature
// of Resolver.EndpointFor, converting it to a type that satisfies the
// Resolver interface.
// myCustomResolver := func(service, region string, optFns ...func(*endpoints.Options)) (endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
// if service == endpoints.S3ServiceID {
// return endpoints.ResolvedEndpoint{
// URL: "",
// SigningRegion: "custom-signing-region",
// }, nil
// }
// return endpoints.DefaultResolver().EndpointFor(service, region, optFns...)
// }
// sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
// Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
// EndpointResolver: endpoints.ResolverFunc(myCustomResolver),
// }))
package endpoints
package endpoints
import (
type partitions []partition
func (ps partitions) EndpointFor(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (ResolvedEndpoint, error) {
var opt Options
for i := 0; i < len(ps); i++ {
if !ps[i].canResolveEndpoint(service, region, opt.StrictMatching) {
return ps[i].EndpointFor(service, region, opts...)
// If loose matching fallback to first partition format to use
// when resolving the endpoint.
if !opt.StrictMatching && len(ps) > 0 {
return ps[0].EndpointFor(service, region, opts...)
return ResolvedEndpoint{}, NewUnknownEndpointError("all partitions", service, region, []string{})
// Partitions satisfies the EnumPartitions interface and returns a list
// of Partitions representing each partition represented in the SDK's
// endpoints model.
func (ps partitions) Partitions() []Partition {
parts := make([]Partition, 0, len(ps))
for i := 0; i < len(ps); i++ {
parts = append(parts, ps[i].Partition())
return parts
type partition struct {
ID string `json:"partition"`
Name string `json:"partitionName"`
DNSSuffix string `json:"dnsSuffix"`
RegionRegex regionRegex `json:"regionRegex"`
Defaults endpoint `json:"defaults"`
Regions regions `json:"regions"`
Services services `json:"services"`
func (p partition) Partition() Partition {
return Partition{
id: p.ID,
p: &p,
func (p partition) canResolveEndpoint(service, region string, strictMatch bool) bool {
s, hasService := p.Services[service]
_, hasEndpoint := s.Endpoints[region]
if hasEndpoint && hasService {
return true
if strictMatch {
return false
return p.RegionRegex.MatchString(region)
func (p partition) EndpointFor(service, region string, opts ...func(*Options)) (resolved ResolvedEndpoint, err error) {
var opt Options
s, hasService := p.Services[service]
if !(hasService || opt.ResolveUnknownService) {
// Only return error if the resolver will not fallback to creating
// endpoint based on service endpoint ID passed in.
return resolved, NewUnknownServiceError(p.ID, service, serviceList(p.Services))
e, hasEndpoint := s.endpointForRegion(region)
if !hasEndpoint && opt.StrictMatching {
return resolved, NewUnknownEndpointError(p.ID, service, region, endpointList(s.Endpoints))
defs := []endpoint{p.Defaults, s.Defaults}
return e.resolve(service, region, p.DNSSuffix, defs, opt), nil
func serviceList(ss services) []string {
list := make([]string, 0, len(ss))
for k := range ss {
list = append(list, k)
return list
func endpointList(es endpoints) []string {
list := make([]string, 0, len(es))
for k := range es {
list = append(list, k)
return list
type regionRegex struct {
func (rr *regionRegex) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
// Strip leading and trailing quotes
regex, err := strconv.Unquote(string(b))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to strip quotes from regex, %v", err)
rr.Regexp, err = regexp.Compile(regex)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal region regex, %v", err)
return nil
type regions map[string]region
type region struct {
Description string `json:"description"`
type services map[string]service
type service struct {
PartitionEndpoint string `json:"partitionEndpoint"`
IsRegionalized boxedBool `json:"isRegionalized,omitempty"`
Defaults endpoint `json:"defaults"`
Endpoints endpoints `json:"endpoints"`
func (s *service) endpointForRegion(region string) (endpoint, bool) {
if s.IsRegionalized == boxedFalse {
return s.Endpoints[s.PartitionEndpoint], region == s.PartitionEndpoint
if e, ok := s.Endpoints[region]; ok {
return e, true
// Unable to find any matching endpoint, return
// blank that will be used for generic endpoint creation.
return endpoint{}, false
type endpoints map[string]endpoint
type endpoint struct {
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
Protocols []string `json:"protocols"`
CredentialScope credentialScope `json:"credentialScope"`
// Custom fields not modeled
HasDualStack boxedBool `json:"-"`
DualStackHostname string `json:"-"`
// Signature Version not used
SignatureVersions []string `json:"signatureVersions"`
// SSLCommonName not used.
SSLCommonName string `json:"sslCommonName"`
const (
defaultProtocol = "https"
defaultSigner = "v4"
var (
protocolPriority = []string{"https", "http"}
signerPriority = []string{"v4", "v2"}
func getByPriority(s []string, p []string, def string) string {
if len(s) == 0 {
return def
for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(s); j++ {
if s[j] == p[i] {
return s[j]
return s[0]
func (e endpoint) resolve(service, region, dnsSuffix string, defs []endpoint, opts Options) ResolvedEndpoint {
var merged endpoint
for _, def := range defs {
e = merged
hostname := e.Hostname
// Offset the hostname for dualstack if enabled
if opts.UseDualStack && e.HasDualStack == boxedTrue {
hostname = e.DualStackHostname
u := strings.Replace(hostname, "{service}", service, 1)
u = strings.Replace(u, "{region}", region, 1)
u = strings.Replace(u, "{dnsSuffix}", dnsSuffix, 1)
scheme := getEndpointScheme(e.Protocols, opts.DisableSSL)
u = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, u)
signingRegion := e.CredentialScope.Region
if len(signingRegion) == 0 {
signingRegion = region
signingName := e.CredentialScope.Service
if len(signingName) == 0 {
signingName = service
return ResolvedEndpoint{
URL: u,
SigningRegion: signingRegion,
SigningName: signingName,
SigningMethod: getByPriority(e.SignatureVersions, signerPriority, defaultSigner),
func getEndpointScheme(protocols []string, disableSSL bool) string {
if disableSSL {
return "http"
return getByPriority(protocols, protocolPriority, defaultProtocol)
func (e *endpoint) mergeIn(other endpoint) {
if len(other.Hostname) > 0 {
e.Hostname = other.Hostname
if len(other.Protocols) > 0 {
e.Protocols = other.Protocols
if len(other.SignatureVersions) > 0 {
e.SignatureVersions = other.SignatureVersions
if len(other.CredentialScope.Region) > 0 {
e.CredentialScope.Region = other.CredentialScope.Region
if len(other.CredentialScope.Service) > 0 {
e.CredentialScope.Service = other.CredentialScope.Service
if len(other.SSLCommonName) > 0 {
e.SSLCommonName = other.SSLCommonName
if other.HasDualStack != boxedBoolUnset {
e.HasDualStack = other.HasDualStack
if len(other.DualStackHostname) > 0 {
e.DualStackHostname = other.DualStackHostname
type credentialScope struct {
Region string `json:"region"`
Service string `json:"service"`
type boxedBool int
func (b *boxedBool) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error {
v, err := strconv.ParseBool(string(buf))
if err != nil {
return err
if v {
*b = boxedTrue
} else {
*b = boxedFalse
return nil
const (
boxedBoolUnset boxedBool = iota
// +build codegen
package endpoints
import (
// A CodeGenOptions are the options for code generating the endpoints into
// Go code from the endpoints model definition.
type CodeGenOptions struct {
// Options for how the model will be decoded.
DecodeModelOptions DecodeModelOptions
// Set combines all of the option functions together
func (d *CodeGenOptions) Set(optFns ...func(*CodeGenOptions)) {
for _, fn := range optFns {
// CodeGenModel given a endpoints model file will decode it and attempt to
// generate Go code from the model definition. Error will be returned if
// the code is unable to be generated, or decoded.
func CodeGenModel(modelFile io.Reader, outFile io.Writer, optFns ...func(*CodeGenOptions)) error {
var opts CodeGenOptions
resolver, err := DecodeModel(modelFile, func(d *DecodeModelOptions) {
*d = opts.DecodeModelOptions
if err != nil {
return err
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("tmpl").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(v3Tmpl))
if err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(outFile, "defaults", resolver); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute template, %v", err)
return nil
func toSymbol(v string) string {
out := []rune{}
for _, c := range strings.Title(v) {
if !(unicode.IsNumber(c) || unicode.IsLetter(c)) {
out = append(out, c)
return string(out)
func quoteString(v string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", v)
func regionConstName(p, r string) string {
return toSymbol(p) + toSymbol(r)
func partitionGetter(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%sPartition", toSymbol(id))
func partitionVarName(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%sPartition", strings.ToLower(toSymbol(id)))
func listPartitionNames(ps partitions) string {
names := []string{}
switch len(ps) {
case 1:
return ps[0].Name
case 2:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s and %s", ps[0].Name, ps[1].Name)
for i, p := range ps {
if i == len(ps)-1 {
names = append(names, "and "+p.Name)
} else {
names = append(names, p.Name)
return strings.Join(names, ", ")
func boxedBoolIfSet(msg string, v boxedBool) string {
switch v {
case boxedTrue:
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, "boxedTrue")
case boxedFalse:
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, "boxedFalse")
return ""
func stringIfSet(msg, v string) string {
if len(v) == 0 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, v)
func stringSliceIfSet(msg string, vs []string) string {
if len(vs) == 0 {
return ""
names := []string{}
for _, v := range vs {
names = append(names, `"`+v+`"`)
return fmt.Sprintf(msg, strings.Join(names, ","))
func endpointIsSet(v endpoint) bool {
return !reflect.DeepEqual(v, endpoint{})
func serviceSet(ps partitions) map[string]struct{} {
set := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, p := range ps {
for id := range p.Services {
set[id] = struct{}{}
return set
var funcMap = template.FuncMap{
"ToSymbol": toSymbol,
"QuoteString": quoteString,
"RegionConst": regionConstName,
"PartitionGetter": partitionGetter,
"PartitionVarName": partitionVarName,
"ListPartitionNames": listPartitionNames,
"BoxedBoolIfSet": boxedBoolIfSet,
"StringIfSet": stringIfSet,
"StringSliceIfSet": stringSliceIfSet,
"EndpointIsSet": endpointIsSet,
"ServicesSet": serviceSet,
const v3Tmpl = `
{{ define "defaults" -}}
// Code generated by aws/endpoints/v3model_codegen.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package endpoints
import (
{{ template "partition consts" . }}
{{ range $_, $partition := . }}
{{ template "partition region consts" $partition }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "service consts" . }}
{{ template "endpoint resolvers" . }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "partition consts" }}
// Partition identifiers
const (
{{ range $_, $p := . -}}
{{ ToSymbol $p.ID }}PartitionID = {{ QuoteString $p.ID }} // {{ $p.Name }} partition.
{{ end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "partition region consts" }}
// {{ .Name }} partition's regions.
const (
{{ range $id, $region := .Regions -}}
{{ ToSymbol $id }}RegionID = {{ QuoteString $id }} // {{ $region.Description }}.
{{ end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "service consts" }}
// Service identifiers
const (
{{ $serviceSet := ServicesSet . -}}
{{ range $id, $_ := $serviceSet -}}
{{ ToSymbol $id }}ServiceID = {{ QuoteString $id }} // {{ ToSymbol $id }}.
{{ end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "endpoint resolvers" }}
// DefaultResolver returns an Endpoint resolver that will be able
// to resolve endpoints for: {{ ListPartitionNames . }}.
// Casting the return value of this func to a EnumPartitions will
// allow you to get a list of the partitions in the order the endpoints
// will be resolved in.
// resolver := endpoints.DefaultResolver()
// partitions := resolver.(endpoints.EnumPartitions).Partitions()
// for _, p := range partitions {
// // ... inspect partitions
// }
func DefaultResolver() Resolver {
return defaultPartitions
var defaultPartitions = partitions{
{{ range $_, $partition := . -}}
{{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }},
{{ end }}
{{ range $_, $partition := . -}}
{{ $name := PartitionGetter $partition.ID -}}
// {{ $name }} returns the Resolver for {{ $partition.Name }}.
func {{ $name }}() Partition {
return {{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }}.Partition()
var {{ PartitionVarName $partition.ID }} = {{ template "gocode Partition" $partition }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "default partitions" }}
func DefaultPartitions() []Partition {
return []partition{
{{ range $_, $partition := . -}}
// {{ ToSymbol $partition.ID}}Partition(),
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "gocode Partition" -}}
{{ StringIfSet "ID: %q,\n" .ID -}}
{{ StringIfSet "Name: %q,\n" .Name -}}
{{ StringIfSet "DNSSuffix: %q,\n" .DNSSuffix -}}
RegionRegex: {{ template "gocode RegionRegex" .RegionRegex }},
{{ if EndpointIsSet .Defaults -}}
Defaults: {{ template "gocode Endpoint" .Defaults }},
{{- end }}
Regions: {{ template "gocode Regions" .Regions }},
Services: {{ template "gocode Services" .Services }},
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode RegionRegex" -}}
Regexp: func() *regexp.Regexp{
reg, _ := regexp.Compile({{ QuoteString .Regexp.String }})
return reg
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Regions" -}}
{{ range $id, $region := . -}}
"{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Region" $region }},
{{ end -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Region" -}}
{{ StringIfSet "Description: %q,\n" .Description -}}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Services" -}}
{{ range $id, $service := . -}}
"{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Service" $service }},
{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Service" -}}
{{ StringIfSet "PartitionEndpoint: %q,\n" .PartitionEndpoint -}}
{{ BoxedBoolIfSet "IsRegionalized: %s,\n" .IsRegionalized -}}
{{ if EndpointIsSet .Defaults -}}
Defaults: {{ template "gocode Endpoint" .Defaults -}},
{{- end }}
{{ if .Endpoints -}}
Endpoints: {{ template "gocode Endpoints" .Endpoints }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Endpoints" -}}
{{ range $id, $endpoint := . -}}
"{{ $id }}": {{ template "gocode Endpoint" $endpoint }},
{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "gocode Endpoint" -}}
{{ StringIfSet "Hostname: %q,\n" .Hostname -}}
{{ StringIfSet "SSLCommonName: %q,\n" .SSLCommonName -}}
{{ StringSliceIfSet "Protocols: []string{%s},\n" .Protocols -}}
{{ StringSliceIfSet "SignatureVersions: []string{%s},\n" .SignatureVersions -}}
{{ if or .CredentialScope.Region .CredentialScope.Service -}}
CredentialScope: credentialScope{
{{ StringIfSet "Region: %q,\n" .CredentialScope.Region -}}
{{ StringIfSet "Service: %q,\n" .CredentialScope.Service -}}
{{- end }}
{{ BoxedBoolIfSet "HasDualStack: %s,\n" .HasDualStack -}}
{{ StringIfSet "DualStackHostname: %q,\n" .DualStackHostname -}}
{{- end }}
package aws
// JSONValue is a representation of a grab bag type that will be marshaled
// into a json string. This type can be used just like any other map.
// Example:
// values := JSONValue{
// "Foo": "Bar",
// }
// values["Baz"] = "Qux"
type JSONValue map[string]interface{}
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type Handlers struct {
UnmarshalError HandlerList
Retry HandlerList
AfterRetry HandlerList
Complete HandlerList
// Copy returns of this handler's lists.
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) Copy() Handlers {
UnmarshalMeta: h.UnmarshalMeta.copy(),
Retry: h.Retry.copy(),
AfterRetry: h.AfterRetry.copy(),
Complete: h.Complete.copy(),
......@@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ func (h *Handlers) Clear() {
// A HandlerListRunItem represents an entry in the HandlerList which
......@@ -85,13 +88,17 @@ func (l *HandlerList) copy() HandlerList {
n := HandlerList{
AfterEachFn: l.AfterEachFn,
n.list = append([]NamedHandler{}, l.list...)
if len(l.list) == 0 {
return n
n.list = append(make([]NamedHandler, 0, len(l.list)), l.list...)
return n
// Clear clears the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) Clear() {
l.list = []NamedHandler{}
l.list = l.list[0:0]
// Len returns the number of handlers in the list.
......@@ -101,33 +108,54 @@ func (l *HandlerList) Len() int {
// PushBack pushes handler f to the back of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushBack(f func(*Request)) {
l.list = append(l.list, NamedHandler{"__anonymous", f})
// PushFront pushes handler f to the front of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushFront(f func(*Request)) {
l.list = append([]NamedHandler{{"__anonymous", f}}, l.list...)
l.PushBackNamed(NamedHandler{"__anonymous", f})
// PushBackNamed pushes named handler f to the back of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushBackNamed(n NamedHandler) {
if cap(l.list) == 0 {
l.list = make([]NamedHandler, 0, 5)
l.list = append(l.list, n)
// PushFront pushes handler f to the front of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushFront(f func(*Request)) {
l.PushFrontNamed(NamedHandler{"__anonymous", f})
// PushFrontNamed pushes named handler f to the front of the handler list.
func (l *HandlerList) PushFrontNamed(n NamedHandler) {
l.list = append([]NamedHandler{n}, l.list...)
if cap(l.list) == len(l.list) {
// Allocating new list required
l.list = append([]NamedHandler{n}, l.list...)
} else {
// Enough room to prepend into list.
l.list = append(l.list, NamedHandler{})
copy(l.list[1:], l.list)
l.list[0] = n
// Remove removes a NamedHandler n
func (l *HandlerList) Remove(n NamedHandler) {
newlist := []NamedHandler{}
for _, m := range l.list {
if m.Name != n.Name {
newlist = append(newlist, m)
// RemoveByName removes a NamedHandler by name.
func (l *HandlerList) RemoveByName(name string) {
for i := 0; i < len(l.list); i++ {
m := l.list[i]
if m.Name == name {
// Shift array preventing creating new arrays
copy(l.list[i:], l.list[i+1:])
l.list[len(l.list)-1] = NamedHandler{}
l.list = l.list[:len(l.list)-1]
// decrement list so next check to length is correct
l.list = newlist
// Run executes all handlers in the list with a given request object.
......@@ -163,6 +191,16 @@ func HandlerListStopOnError(item HandlerListRunItem) bool {
return item.Request.Error == nil
// WithAppendUserAgent will add a string to the user agent prefixed with a
// single white space.
func WithAppendUserAgent(s string) Option {
return func(r *Request) {
r.Handlers.Build.PushBack(func(r2 *Request) {
AddToUserAgent(r, s)
// MakeAddToUserAgentHandler will add the name/version pair to the User-Agent request
// header. If the extra parameters are provided they will be added as metadata to the
// name/version pair resulting in the following format.
// +build !go1.8
package request
import "io"
// NoBody is an io.ReadCloser with no bytes. Read always returns EOF
// and Close always returns nil. It can be used in an outgoing client
// request to explicitly signal that a request has zero bytes.
// An alternative, however, is to simply set Request.Body to nil.
// Copy of Go 1.8 NoBody type from net/http/http.go
type noBody struct{}
func (noBody) Read([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, io.EOF }
func (noBody) Close() error { return nil }
func (noBody) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error) { return 0, nil }
// Is an empty reader that will trigger the Go HTTP client to not include
// and body in the HTTP request.
var noBodyReader = noBody{}
// +build go1.8
package request
import "net/http"
// Is a http.NoBody reader instructing Go HTTP client to not include
// and body in the HTTP request.
var noBodyReader = http.NoBody
// +build go1.7
package request
import ""
// setContext updates the Request to use the passed in context for cancellation.
// Context will also be used for request retry delay.
// Creates shallow copy of the http.Request with the WithContext method.
func setRequestContext(r *Request, ctx aws.Context) {
r.context = ctx
r.HTTPRequest = r.HTTPRequest.WithContext(ctx)
// +build !go1.7
package request
import ""
// setContext updates the Request to use the passed in context for cancellation.
// Context will also be used for request retry delay.
// Creates shallow copy of the http.Request with the WithContext method.
func setRequestContext(r *Request, ctx aws.Context) {
r.context = ctx
r.HTTPRequest.Cancel = ctx.Done()
......@@ -2,29 +2,125 @@ package request
import (
//type Paginater interface {
// HasNextPage() bool
// NextPage() *Request
// EachPage(fn func(data interface{}, isLastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error
// A Pagination provides paginating of SDK API operations which are paginatable.
// Generally you should not use this type directly, but use the "Pages" API
// operations method to automatically perform pagination for you. Such as,
// "S3.ListObjectsPages", and "S3.ListObjectsPagesWithContext" methods.
// Pagination differs from a Paginator type in that pagination is the type that
// does the pagination between API operations, and Paginator defines the
// configuration that will be used per page request.
// cont := true
// for p.Next() && cont {
// data := p.Page().(*s3.ListObjectsOutput)
// // process the page's data
// }
// return p.Err()
// See service client API operation Pages methods for examples how the SDK will
// use the Pagination type.
type Pagination struct {
// Function to return a Request value for each pagination request.
// Any configuration or handlers that need to be applied to the request
// prior to getting the next page should be done here before the request
// returned.
// NewRequest should always be built from the same API operations. It is
// undefined if different API operations are returned on subsequent calls.
NewRequest func() (*Request, error)
// HasNextPage returns true if this request has more pages of data available.
func (r *Request) HasNextPage() bool {
return len(r.nextPageTokens()) > 0
started bool
nextTokens []interface{}
err error
curPage interface{}
// nextPageTokens returns the tokens to use when asking for the next page of
// data.
// HasNextPage will return true if Pagination is able to determine that the API
// operation has additional pages. False will be returned if there are no more
// pages remaining.
// Will always return true if Next has not been called yet.
func (p *Pagination) HasNextPage() bool {
return !(p.started && len(p.nextTokens) == 0)
// Err returns the error Pagination encountered when retrieving the next page.
func (p *Pagination) Err() error {
return p.err
// Page returns the current page. Page should only be called after a successful
// call to Next. It is undefined what Page will return if Page is called after
// Next returns false.
func (p *Pagination) Page() interface{} {
return p.curPage
// Next will attempt to retrieve the next page for the API operation. When a page
// is retrieved true will be returned. If the page cannot be retrieved, or there
// are no more pages false will be returned.
// Use the Page method to retrieve the current page data. The data will need
// to be cast to the API operation's output type.
// Use the Err method to determine if an error occurred if Page returns false.
func (p *Pagination) Next() bool {
if !p.HasNextPage() {
return false
req, err := p.NewRequest()
if err != nil {
p.err = err
return false
if p.started {
for i, intok := range req.Operation.InputTokens {
awsutil.SetValueAtPath(req.Params, intok, p.nextTokens[i])
p.started = true
err = req.Send()
if err != nil {
p.err = err
return false
p.nextTokens = req.nextPageTokens()
p.curPage = req.Data
return true
// A Paginator is the configuration data that defines how an API operation
// should be paginated. This type is used by the API service models to define
// the generated pagination config for service APIs.
// The Pagination type is what provides iterating between pages of an API. It
// is only used to store the token metadata the SDK should use for performing
// pagination.
type Paginator struct {
InputTokens []string
OutputTokens []string
LimitToken string
TruncationToken string
// nextPageTokens returns the tokens to use when asking for the next page of data.
func (r *Request) nextPageTokens() []interface{} {
if r.Operation.Paginator == nil {
return nil
if r.Operation.TruncationToken != "" {
tr, _ := awsutil.ValuesAtPath(r.Data, r.Operation.TruncationToken)
if len(tr) == 0 {
......@@ -61,9 +157,40 @@ func (r *Request) nextPageTokens() []interface{} {
return tokens
// Ensure a deprecated item is only logged once instead of each time its used.
func logDeprecatedf(logger aws.Logger, flag *int32, msg string) {
if logger == nil {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(flag, 0, 1) {
var (
logDeprecatedHasNextPage int32
logDeprecatedNextPage int32
logDeprecatedEachPage int32
// HasNextPage returns true if this request has more pages of data available.
// Deprecated Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations
func (r *Request) HasNextPage() bool {
logDeprecatedf(r.Config.Logger, &logDeprecatedHasNextPage,
"Request.HasNextPage deprecated. Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations")
return len(r.nextPageTokens()) > 0
// NextPage returns a new Request that can be executed to return the next
// page of result data. Call .Send() on this request to execute it.
// Deprecated Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations
func (r *Request) NextPage() *Request {
logDeprecatedf(r.Config.Logger, &logDeprecatedNextPage,
"Request.NextPage deprecated. Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations")
tokens := r.nextPageTokens()
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return nil
......@@ -90,7 +217,12 @@ func (r *Request) NextPage() *Request {
// as the structure "T". The lastPage value represents whether the page is
// the last page of data or not. The return value of this function should
// return true to keep iterating or false to stop.
// Deprecated Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations
func (r *Request) EachPage(fn func(data interface{}, isLastPage bool) (shouldContinue bool)) error {
logDeprecatedf(r.Config.Logger, &logDeprecatedEachPage,
"Request.EachPage deprecated. Use Pagination type for configurable pagination of API operations")
for page := r; page != nil; page = page.NextPage() {
if err := page.Send(); err != nil {
return err
package request
import (
......@@ -26,8 +29,10 @@ func WithRetryer(cfg *aws.Config, retryer Retryer) *aws.Config {
// retryableCodes is a collection of service response codes which are retry-able
// without any further action.
var retryableCodes = map[string]struct{}{
"RequestError": {},
"RequestTimeout": {},
"RequestError": {},
"RequestTimeout": {},
ErrCodeResponseTimeout: {},
"RequestTimeoutException": {}, // Glacier's flavor of RequestTimeout
var throttleCodes = map[string]struct{}{
......@@ -38,6 +43,7 @@ var throttleCodes = map[string]struct{}{
"RequestThrottled": {},
"LimitExceededException": {}, // Deleting 10+ DynamoDb tables at once
"TooManyRequestsException": {}, // Lambda functions
"PriorRequestNotComplete": {}, // Route53
// credsExpiredCodes is a collection of error codes which signify the credentials
......@@ -67,12 +73,32 @@ func isCodeExpiredCreds(code string) bool {
return ok
func isSerializationErrorRetryable(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
return isCodeRetryable(aerr.Code())
if opErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok {
if sysErr, ok := opErr.Err.(*os.SyscallError); ok {
return sysErr.Err == syscall.ECONNRESET
return false
// IsErrorRetryable returns whether the error is retryable, based on its Code.
// Returns false if the request has no Error set.
func (r *Request) IsErrorRetryable() bool {
if r.Error != nil {
if err, ok := r.Error.(awserr.Error); ok {
if err, ok := r.Error.(awserr.Error); ok && err.Code() != ErrCodeSerialization {
return isCodeRetryable(err.Code())
} else if ok {
return isSerializationErrorRetryable(err.OrigErr())
return false
package request
import (
var timeoutErr = awserr.New(
"read on body has reached the timeout limit",
type readResult struct {
n int
err error
// timeoutReadCloser will handle body reads that take too long.
// We will return a ErrReadTimeout error if a timeout occurs.
type timeoutReadCloser struct {
reader io.ReadCloser
duration time.Duration
// Read will spin off a goroutine to call the reader's Read method. We will
// select on the timer's channel or the read's channel. Whoever completes first
// will be returned.
func (r *timeoutReadCloser) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
timer := time.NewTimer(r.duration)
c := make(chan readResult, 1)
go func() {
n, err := r.reader.Read(b)
c <- readResult{n: n, err: err}
select {
case data := <-c:
return data.n, data.err
case <-timer.C:
return 0, timeoutErr
func (r *timeoutReadCloser) Close() error {
return r.reader.Close()
const (
// HandlerResponseTimeout is what we use to signify the name of the
// response timeout handler.
HandlerResponseTimeout = "ResponseTimeoutHandler"
// adaptToResponseTimeoutError is a handler that will replace any top level error
// to a ErrCodeResponseTimeout, if its child is that.
func adaptToResponseTimeoutError(req *Request) {
if err, ok := req.Error.(awserr.Error); ok {
aerr, ok := err.OrigErr().(awserr.Error)
if ok && aerr.Code() == ErrCodeResponseTimeout {
req.Error = aerr
// WithResponseReadTimeout is a request option that will wrap the body in a timeout read closer.
// This will allow for per read timeouts. If a timeout occurred, we will return the
// ErrCodeResponseTimeout.
// svc.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, params, request.WithTimeoutReadCloser(30 * time.Second)
func WithResponseReadTimeout(duration time.Duration) Option {
return func(r *Request) {
var timeoutHandler = NamedHandler{
func(req *Request) {
req.HTTPResponse.Body = &timeoutReadCloser{
reader: req.HTTPResponse.Body,
duration: duration,
// remove the handler so we are not stomping over any new durations.
package request
import (
// WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode is the error code returned by a waiter when
// the waiter's max attempts have been exhausted.
const WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode = "ResourceNotReady"
// A WaiterOption is a function that will update the Waiter value's fields to
// configure the waiter.
type WaiterOption func(*Waiter)
// WithWaiterMaxAttempts returns the maximum number of times the waiter should
// attempt to check the resource for the target state.
func WithWaiterMaxAttempts(max int) WaiterOption {
return func(w *Waiter) {
w.MaxAttempts = max
// WaiterDelay will return a delay the waiter should pause between attempts to
// check the resource state. The passed in attempt is the number of times the
// Waiter has checked the resource state.
// Attempt is the number of attempts the Waiter has made checking the resource
// state.
type WaiterDelay func(attempt int) time.Duration
// ConstantWaiterDelay returns a WaiterDelay that will always return a constant
// delay the waiter should use between attempts. It ignores the number of
// attempts made.
func ConstantWaiterDelay(delay time.Duration) WaiterDelay {
return func(attempt int) time.Duration {
return delay
// WithWaiterDelay will set the Waiter to use the WaiterDelay passed in.
func WithWaiterDelay(delayer WaiterDelay) WaiterOption {
return func(w *Waiter) {
w.Delay = delayer
// WithWaiterLogger returns a waiter option to set the logger a waiter
// should use to log warnings and errors to.
func WithWaiterLogger(logger aws.Logger) WaiterOption {
return func(w *Waiter) {
w.Logger = logger
// WithWaiterRequestOptions returns a waiter option setting the request
// options for each request the waiter makes. Appends to waiter's request
// options already set.
func WithWaiterRequestOptions(opts ...Option) WaiterOption {
return func(w *Waiter) {
w.RequestOptions = append(w.RequestOptions, opts...)
// A Waiter provides the functionality to performing blocking call which will
// wait for an resource state to be satisfied a service.
// This type should not be used directly. The API operations provided in the
// service packages prefixed with "WaitUntil" should be used instead.
type Waiter struct {
Name string
Acceptors []WaiterAcceptor
Logger aws.Logger
MaxAttempts int
Delay WaiterDelay
RequestOptions []Option
NewRequest func([]Option) (*Request, error)
// ApplyOptions updates the waiter with the list of waiter options provided.
func (w *Waiter) ApplyOptions(opts ...WaiterOption) {
for _, fn := range opts {
// WaiterState are states the waiter uses based on WaiterAcceptor definitions
// to identify if the resource state the waiter is waiting on has occurred.
type WaiterState int
// String returns the string representation of the waiter state.
func (s WaiterState) String() string {
switch s {
case SuccessWaiterState:
return "success"
case FailureWaiterState:
return "failure"
case RetryWaiterState:
return "retry"
return "unknown waiter state"
// States the waiter acceptors will use to identify target resource states.
const (
SuccessWaiterState WaiterState = iota // waiter successful
FailureWaiterState // waiter failed
RetryWaiterState // waiter needs to be retried
// WaiterMatchMode is the mode that the waiter will use to match the WaiterAcceptor
// definition's Expected attribute.
type WaiterMatchMode int
// Modes the waiter will use when inspecting API response to identify target
// resource states.
const (
PathAllWaiterMatch WaiterMatchMode = iota // match on all paths
PathWaiterMatch // match on specific path
PathAnyWaiterMatch // match on any path
PathListWaiterMatch // match on list of paths
StatusWaiterMatch // match on status code
ErrorWaiterMatch // match on error
// String returns the string representation of the waiter match mode.
func (m WaiterMatchMode) String() string {
switch m {
case PathAllWaiterMatch:
return "pathAll"
case PathWaiterMatch:
return "path"
case PathAnyWaiterMatch:
return "pathAny"
case PathListWaiterMatch:
return "pathList"
case StatusWaiterMatch:
return "status"
case ErrorWaiterMatch:
return "error"
return "unknown waiter match mode"
// WaitWithContext will make requests for the API operation using NewRequest to
// build API requests. The request's response will be compared against the
// Waiter's Acceptors to determine the successful state of the resource the
// waiter is inspecting.
// The passed in context must not be nil. If it is nil a panic will occur. The
// Context will be used to cancel the waiter's pending requests and retry delays.
// Use aws.BackgroundContext if no context is available.
// The waiter will continue until the target state defined by the Acceptors,
// or the max attempts expires.
// Will return the WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode error code if the waiter's
// retryer ShouldRetry returns false. This normally will happen when the max
// wait attempts expires.
func (w Waiter) WaitWithContext(ctx aws.Context) error {
for attempt := 1; ; attempt++ {
req, err := w.NewRequest(w.RequestOptions)
if err != nil {
waiterLogf(w.Logger, "unable to create request %v", err)
return err
err = req.Send()
// See if any of the acceptors match the request's response, or error
for _, a := range w.Acceptors {
var matched bool
matched, err = a.match(w.Name, w.Logger, req, err)
if err != nil {
// Error occurred during current waiter call
return err
} else if matched {
// Match was found can stop here and return
return nil
// The Waiter should only check the resource state MaxAttempts times
// This is here instead of in the for loop above to prevent delaying
// unnecessary when the waiter will not retry.
if attempt == w.MaxAttempts {
// Delay to wait before inspecting the resource again
delay := w.Delay(attempt)
if sleepFn := req.Config.SleepDelay; sleepFn != nil {
// Support SleepDelay for backwards compatibility and testing
} else if err := aws.SleepWithContext(ctx, delay); err != nil {
return awserr.New(CanceledErrorCode, "waiter context canceled", err)
return awserr.New(WaiterResourceNotReadyErrorCode, "exceeded wait attempts", nil)
// A WaiterAcceptor provides the information needed to wait for an API operation
// to complete.
type WaiterAcceptor struct {
State WaiterState
Matcher WaiterMatchMode
Argument string
Expected interface{}
// match returns if the acceptor found a match with the passed in request
// or error. True is returned if the acceptor made a match, error is returned
// if there was an error attempting to perform the match.
func (a *WaiterAcceptor) match(name string, l aws.Logger, req *Request, err error) (bool, error) {
result := false
var vals []interface{}
switch a.Matcher {
case PathAllWaiterMatch, PathWaiterMatch:
// Require all matches to be equal for result to match
vals, _ = awsutil.ValuesAtPath(req.Data, a.Argument)
if len(vals) == 0 {
result = true
for _, val := range vals {
if !awsutil.DeepEqual(val, a.Expected) {
result = false
case PathAnyWaiterMatch:
// Only a single match needs to equal for the result to match
vals, _ = awsutil.ValuesAtPath(req.Data, a.Argument)
for _, val := range vals {
if awsutil.DeepEqual(val, a.Expected) {
result = true
case PathListWaiterMatch:
// ignored matcher
case StatusWaiterMatch:
s := a.Expected.(int)
result = s == req.HTTPResponse.StatusCode
case ErrorWaiterMatch:
if aerr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
result = aerr.Code() == a.Expected.(string)
waiterLogf(l, "WARNING: Waiter %s encountered unexpected matcher: %s",
name, a.Matcher)
if !result {
// If there was no matching result found there is nothing more to do
// for this response, retry the request.
return false, nil
switch a.State {
case SuccessWaiterState:
// waiter completed
return true, nil
case FailureWaiterState:
// Waiter failure state triggered
return false, awserr.New("ResourceNotReady",
"failed waiting for successful resource state", err)
case RetryWaiterState:
// clear the error and retry the operation
return false, nil
waiterLogf(l, "WARNING: Waiter %s encountered unexpected state: %s",
name, a.State)
return false, nil
func waiterLogf(logger aws.Logger, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
if logger != nil {
logger.Log(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))
......@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ region, and profile loaded from the environment and shared config automatically.
Requires the AWS_PROFILE to be set, or "default" is used.
// Create Session
sess, err := session.NewSession()
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// Create a Session with a custom region
sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-east-1")})
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
Region: aws.String("us-east-1"),
// Create a S3 client instance from a session
sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
// Handle Session creation error
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
svc := s3.New(sess)
Create Session With Option Overrides
......@@ -67,23 +67,25 @@ Use NewSessionWithOptions when you want to provide the config profile, or
override the shared config state (AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG).
// Equivalent to session.NewSession()
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{})
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
// Options
// Specify profile to load for the session's config
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
Profile: "profile_name",
// Specify profile for config and region for requests
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
Config: aws.Config{Region: aws.String("us-east-1")},
Profile: "profile_name",
// Force enable Shared Config support
sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
SharedConfigState: SharedConfigEnable,
Adding Handlers
......@@ -93,7 +95,8 @@ handler logs every request and its payload made by a service client:
// Create a session, and add additional handlers for all service
// clients created with the Session to inherit. Adds logging handler.
sess, err := session.NewSession()
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
sess.Handlers.Send.PushFront(func(r *request.Request) {
// Log every request made and its payload
logger.Println("Request: %s/%s, Payload: %s",
......@@ -138,15 +141,14 @@ the other two fields are also provided.
Assume Role values allow you to configure the SDK to assume an IAM role using
a set of credentials provided in a config file via the source_profile field.
Both "role_arn" and "source_profile" are required. The SDK does not support
assuming a role with MFA token Via the Session's constructor. You can use the
stscreds.AssumeRoleProvider credentials provider to specify custom
configuration and support for MFA.
Both "role_arn" and "source_profile" are required. The SDK supports assuming
a role with MFA token if the session option AssumeRoleTokenProvider
is set.
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::<account_number>:role/<role_name>
source_profile = profile_with_creds
external_id = 1234
mfa_serial = not supported!
mfa_serial = <serial or mfa arn>
role_session_name = session_name
Region is the region the SDK should use for looking up AWS service endpoints
......@@ -154,6 +156,37 @@ and signing requests.
region = us-east-1
Assume Role with MFA token
To create a session with support for assuming an IAM role with MFA set the
session option AssumeRoleTokenProvider to a function that will prompt for the
MFA token code when the SDK assumes the role and refreshes the role's credentials.
This allows you to configure the SDK via the shared config to assumea role
with MFA tokens.
In order for the SDK to assume a role with MFA the SharedConfigState
session option must be set to SharedConfigEnable, or AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG
environment variable set.
The shared configuration instructs the SDK to assume an IAM role with MFA
when the mfa_serial configuration field is set in the shared config
(~/.aws/config) or shared credentials (~/.aws/credentials) file.
If mfa_serial is set in the configuration, the SDK will assume the role, and
the AssumeRoleTokenProvider session option is not set an an error will
be returned when creating the session.
sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
AssumeRoleTokenProvider: stscreds.StdinTokenProvider,
// Create service client value configured for credentials
// from assumed role.
svc := s3.New(sess)
To setup assume role outside of a session see the stscrds.AssumeRoleProvider
Environment Variables
When a Session is created several environment variables can be set to adjust
......@@ -218,6 +251,24 @@ $HOME/.aws/config on Linux/Unix based systems, and
Path to a custom Credentials Authority (CA) bundle PEM file that the SDK
will use instead of the default system's root CA bundle. Use this only
if you want to replace the CA bundle the SDK uses for TLS requests.
Enabling this option will attempt to merge the Transport into the SDK's HTTP
client. If the client's Transport is not a http.Transport an error will be
returned. If the Transport's TLS config is set this option will cause the SDK
to overwrite the Transport's TLS config's RootCAs value. If the CA bundle file
contains multiple certificates all of them will be loaded.
The Session option CustomCABundle is also available when creating sessions
to also enable this feature. CustomCABundle session option field has priority
over the AWS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable, and will be used if both are set.
Setting a custom HTTPClient in the aws.Config options will override this setting.
To use this option and custom HTTP client, the HTTP client needs to be provided
when creating the session. Not the service client.
package session
......@@ -75,6 +75,24 @@ type envConfig struct {
// AWS_CONFIG_FILE=$HOME/my_shared_config
SharedConfigFile string
// Sets the path to a custom Credentials Authroity (CA) Bundle PEM file
// that the SDK will use instead of the the system's root CA bundle.
// Only use this if you want to configure the SDK to use a custom set
// of CAs.
// Enabling this option will attempt to merge the Transport
// into the SDK's HTTP client. If the client's Transport is
// not a http.Transport an error will be returned. If the
// Transport's TLS config is set this option will cause the
// SDK to overwrite the Transport's TLS config's RootCAs value.
// Setting a custom HTTPClient in the aws.Config options will override this setting.
// To use this option and custom HTTP client, the HTTP client needs to be provided
// when creating the session. Not the service client.
// AWS_CA_BUNDLE=$HOME/my_custom_ca_bundle
CustomCABundle string
var (
......@@ -150,6 +168,8 @@ func envConfigLoad(enableSharedConfig bool) envConfig {
cfg.SharedCredentialsFile = sharedCredentialsFilename()
cfg.SharedConfigFile = sharedConfigFilename()
cfg.CustomCABundle = os.Getenv("AWS_CA_BUNDLE")
return cfg
package v4
// WithUnsignedPayload will enable and set the UnsignedPayload field to
// true of the signer.
func WithUnsignedPayload(v4 *Signer) {
v4.UnsignedPayload = true
// +build !go1.5
package v4
import (
func getURIPath(u *url.URL) string {
var uri string
if len(u.Opaque) > 0 {
uri = "/" + strings.Join(strings.Split(u.Opaque, "/")[3:], "/")
} else {
uri = u.Path
if len(uri) == 0 {
uri = "/"
return uri
......@@ -42,6 +42,14 @@
// the URL.Opaque or URL.RawPath. The SDK will use URL.Opaque first and then
// call URL.EscapedPath() if Opaque is not set.
// If signing a request intended for HTTP2 server, and you're using Go 1.6.2
// through 1.7.4 you should use the URL.RawPath as the pre-escaped form of the
// request URL. points to a bug in
// Go pre 1.8 that failes to make HTTP2 requests using absolute URL in the HTTP
// message. URL.Opaque generally will force Go to make requests with absolute URL.
// URL.RawPath does not do this, but RawPath must be a valid escaping of Path
// or url.EscapedPath will ignore the RawPath escaping.
// Test `TestStandaloneSign` provides a complete example of using the signer
// outside of the SDK and pre-escaping the URI path.
package v4
......@@ -79,8 +87,9 @@ const (
var ignoredHeaders = rules{
"Authorization": struct{}{},
"User-Agent": struct{}{},
"Authorization": struct{}{},
"User-Agent": struct{}{},
"X-Amzn-Trace-Id": struct{}{},
......@@ -171,10 +180,24 @@ type Signer struct {
DisableURIPathEscaping bool
// Disales the automatical setting of the HTTP request's Body field with the
// io.ReadSeeker passed in to the signer. This is useful if you're using a
// custom wrapper around the body for the io.ReadSeeker and want to preserve
// the Body value on the Request.Body.
// This does run the risk of signing a request with a body that will not be
// sent in the request. Need to ensure that the underlying data of the Body
// values are the same.
DisableRequestBodyOverwrite bool
// currentTimeFn returns the time value which represents the current time.
// This value should only be used for testing. If it is nil the default
// time.Now will be used.
currentTimeFn func() time.Time
// UnsignedPayload will prevent signing of the payload. This will only
// work for services that have support for this.
UnsignedPayload bool
// NewSigner returns a Signer pointer configured with the credentials and optional
......@@ -208,6 +231,7 @@ type signingCtx struct {
isPresign bool
formattedTime string
formattedShortTime string
unsignedPayload bool
bodyDigest string
signedHeaders string
......@@ -298,6 +322,7 @@ func (v4 Signer) signWithBody(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, regi
ServiceName: service,
Region: region,
DisableURIPathEscaping: v4.DisableURIPathEscaping,
unsignedPayload: v4.UnsignedPayload,
for key := range ctx.Query {
......@@ -321,7 +346,7 @@ func (v4 Signer) signWithBody(r *http.Request, body io.ReadSeeker, service, regi
// If the request is not presigned the body should be attached to it. This
// prevents the confusion of wanting to send a signed request without
// the body the request was signed for attached.
if !ctx.isPresign {
if !(v4.DisableRequestBodyOverwrite || ctx.isPresign) {
var reader io.ReadCloser
if body != nil {
var ok bool
......@@ -390,7 +415,18 @@ var SignRequestHandler = request.NamedHandler{
func SignSDKRequest(req *request.Request) {
signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req, time.Now)
func signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req *request.Request, curTimeFn func() time.Time) {
// BuildNamedHandler will build a generic handler for signing.
func BuildNamedHandler(name string, opts ...func(*Signer)) request.NamedHandler {
return request.NamedHandler{
Name: name,
Fn: func(req *request.Request) {
signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req, time.Now, opts...)
func signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req *request.Request, curTimeFn func() time.Time, opts ...func(*Signer)) {
// If the request does not need to be signed ignore the signing of the
// request if the AnonymousCredentials object is used.
if req.Config.Credentials == credentials.AnonymousCredentials {
......@@ -416,8 +452,16 @@ func signSDKRequestWithCurrTime(req *request.Request, curTimeFn func() time.Time
// S3 service should not have any escaping applied
v4.DisableURIPathEscaping = true
// Prevents setting the HTTPRequest's Body. Since the Body could be
// wrapped in a custom io.Closer that we do not want to be stompped
// on top of by the signer.
v4.DisableRequestBodyOverwrite = true
for _, opt := range opts {
signingTime := req.Time
if !req.LastSignedAt.IsZero() {
signingTime = req.LastSignedAt
......@@ -611,14 +655,14 @@ func (ctx *signingCtx) buildSignature() {
func (ctx *signingCtx) buildBodyDigest() {
hash := ctx.Request.Header.Get("X-Amz-Content-Sha256")
if hash == "" {
if ctx.isPresign && ctx.ServiceName == "s3" {
if ctx.unsignedPayload || (ctx.isPresign && ctx.ServiceName == "s3") {
} else if ctx.Body == nil {
hash = emptyStringSHA256
} else {
hash = hex.EncodeToString(makeSha256Reader(ctx.Body))
if ctx.ServiceName == "s3" || ctx.ServiceName == "glacier" {
if ctx.unsignedPayload || ctx.ServiceName == "s3" || ctx.ServiceName == "glacier" {
ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Amz-Content-Sha256", hash)
......@@ -5,7 +5,13 @@ import (
// ReadSeekCloser wraps a io.Reader returning a ReaderSeekerCloser
// ReadSeekCloser wraps a io.Reader returning a ReaderSeekerCloser. Should
// only be used with an io.Reader that is also an io.Seeker. Doing so may
// cause request signature errors, or request body's not sent for GET, HEAD
// and DELETE HTTP methods.
// Deprecated: Should only be used with io.ReadSeeker. If using for
// S3 PutObject to stream content use s3manager.Uploader instead.
func ReadSeekCloser(r io.Reader) ReaderSeekerCloser {
return ReaderSeekerCloser{r}
......@@ -44,6 +50,12 @@ func (r ReaderSeekerCloser) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
return int64(0), nil
// IsSeeker returns if the underlying reader is also a seeker.
func (r ReaderSeekerCloser) IsSeeker() bool {
_, ok := r.r.(io.Seeker)
return ok
// Close closes the ReaderSeekerCloser.
// If the ReaderSeekerCloser is not an io.Closer nothing will be done.
......@@ -102,5 +114,5 @@ func (b *WriteAtBuffer) WriteAt(p []byte, pos int64) (n int, err error) {
func (b *WriteAtBuffer) Bytes() []byte {
defer b.m.Unlock()
return b.buf[:len(b.buf):len(b.buf)]
return b.buf
......@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ package aws
const SDKName = "aws-sdk-go"
// SDKVersion is the version of this SDK
const SDKVersion = "1.5.8"
const SDKVersion = "1.8.11"
// Package endpoints validates regional endpoints for services.
package endpoints
//go:generate go run -tags codegen ../model/cli/gen-endpoints/main.go endpoints.json endpoints_map.go
//go:generate gofmt -s -w endpoints_map.go
import (
// NormalizeEndpoint takes and endpoint and service API information to return a
// normalized endpoint and signing region. If the endpoint is not an empty string
// the service name and region will be used to look up the service's API endpoint.
// If the endpoint is provided the scheme will be added if it is not present.
func NormalizeEndpoint(endpoint, serviceName, region string, disableSSL, useDualStack bool) (normEndpoint, signingRegion string) {
if endpoint == "" {
return EndpointForRegion(serviceName, region, disableSSL, useDualStack)
return AddScheme(endpoint, disableSSL), ""
// EndpointForRegion returns an endpoint and its signing region for a service and region.
// if the service and region pair are not found endpoint and signingRegion will be empty.
func EndpointForRegion(svcName, region string, disableSSL, useDualStack bool) (endpoint, signingRegion string) {
dualStackField := ""
if useDualStack {
dualStackField = "/dualstack"
derivedKeys := []string{
region + "/" + svcName + dualStackField,
region + "/*" + dualStackField,
"*/" + svcName + dualStackField,
"*/*" + dualStackField,
for _, key := range derivedKeys {
if val, ok := endpointsMap.Endpoints[key]; ok {
ep := val.Endpoint
ep = strings.Replace(ep, "{region}", region, -1)
ep = strings.Replace(ep, "{service}", svcName, -1)
endpoint = ep
signingRegion = val.SigningRegion
return AddScheme(endpoint, disableSSL), signingRegion
// Regular expression to determine if the endpoint string is prefixed with a scheme.
var schemeRE = regexp.MustCompile("^([^:]+)://")
// AddScheme adds the HTTP or HTTPS schemes to a endpoint URL if there is no
// scheme. If disableSSL is true HTTP will be added instead of the default HTTPS.
func AddScheme(endpoint string, disableSSL bool) string {
if endpoint != "" && !schemeRE.MatchString(endpoint) {
scheme := "https"
if disableSSL {
scheme = "http"
endpoint = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", scheme, endpoint)
return endpoint
"version": 2,
"endpoints": {
"*/*": {
"endpoint": "{service}.{region}"
"cn-north-1/*": {
"endpoint": "{service}.{region}",
"signatureVersion": "v4"
"cn-north-1/ec2metadata": {
"endpoint": ""
"us-gov-west-1/iam": {
"endpoint": ""
"us-gov-west-1/sts": {
"endpoint": ""
"us-gov-west-1/s3": {
"endpoint": "s3-{region}"
"us-gov-west-1/ec2metadata": {
"endpoint": ""
"*/budgets": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/cloudfront": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/cloudsearchdomain": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/data.iot": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/ec2metadata": {
"endpoint": ""
"*/iam": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/importexport": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/route53": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/sts": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/waf": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"us-east-1/sdb": {
"endpoint": "",
"signingRegion": "us-east-1"
"*/s3": {
"endpoint": "s3-{region}"
"*/s3/dualstack": {
"endpoint": "s3.dualstack.{region}"
"us-east-1/s3": {
"endpoint": ""
"eu-central-1/s3": {
"endpoint": "{service}.{region}"
package endpoints
type endpointStruct struct {
Version int
Endpoints map[string]endpointEntry
type endpointEntry struct {
Endpoint string
SigningRegion string
var endpointsMap = endpointStruct{
Version: 2,
Endpoints: map[string]endpointEntry{
"*/*": {
Endpoint: "{service}.{region}",
"*/budgets": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/cloudfront": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/cloudsearchdomain": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/data.iot": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/ec2metadata": {
Endpoint: "",
"*/iam": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/importexport": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/route53": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/s3": {
Endpoint: "s3-{region}",
"*/s3/dualstack": {
Endpoint: "s3.dualstack.{region}",
"*/sts": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"*/waf": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"cn-north-1/*": {
Endpoint: "{service}.{region}",
"cn-north-1/ec2metadata": {
Endpoint: "",
"eu-central-1/s3": {
Endpoint: "{service}.{region}",
"us-east-1/s3": {
Endpoint: "",
"us-east-1/sdb": {
Endpoint: "",
SigningRegion: "us-east-1",
"us-gov-west-1/ec2metadata": {
Endpoint: "",
"us-gov-west-1/iam": {
Endpoint: "",
"us-gov-west-1/s3": {
Endpoint: "s3-{region}",
"us-gov-west-1/sts": {
Endpoint: "",
......@@ -4,16 +4,45 @@ package api
import (
type service struct {
srcName string
dstName string
serviceVersion string
var mergeServices = map[string]service{
"dynamodbstreams": service{
dstName: "dynamodb",
srcName: "streams.dynamodb",
"wafregional": service{
dstName: "waf",
srcName: "waf-regional",
serviceVersion: "2015-08-24",
// customizationPasses Executes customization logic for the API by package name.
func (a *API) customizationPasses() {
var svcCustomizations = map[string]func(*API){
"s3": s3Customizations,
"cloudfront": cloudfrontCustomizations,
"dynamodbstreams": dynamodbstreamsCustomizations,
"s3": s3Customizations,
"cloudfront": cloudfrontCustomizations,
"rds": rdsCustomizations,
// Disable endpoint resolving for services that require customer
// to provide endpoint them selves.
"cloudsearchdomain": disableEndpointResolving,
"iotdataplane": disableEndpointResolving,
for k, _ := range mergeServices {
svcCustomizations[k] = mergeServicesCustomizations
if fn := svcCustomizations[a.PackageName()]; fn != nil {
......@@ -89,18 +118,59 @@ func cloudfrontCustomizations(a *API) {
// dynamodbstreamsCustomizations references any duplicate shapes from DynamoDB
func dynamodbstreamsCustomizations(a *API) {
p := strings.Replace(a.path, "streams.dynamodb", "dynamodb", -1)
// mergeServicesCustomizations references any duplicate shapes from DynamoDB
func mergeServicesCustomizations(a *API) {
info := mergeServices[a.PackageName()]
p := strings.Replace(a.path, info.srcName, info.dstName, -1)
if info.serviceVersion != "" {
index := strings.LastIndex(p, "/")
files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(p[:index])
if len(files) > 1 {
panic("New version was introduced")
p = p[:index] + "/" + info.serviceVersion
file := filepath.Join(p, "api-2.json")
dbAPI := API{}
serviceAPI := API{}
for n := range a.Shapes {
if _, ok := dbAPI.Shapes[n]; ok {
a.Shapes[n].resolvePkg = ""
if _, ok := serviceAPI.Shapes[n]; ok {
a.Shapes[n].resolvePkg = "" + info.dstName
// rdsCustomizations are customization for the service/rds. This adds non-modeled fields used for presigning.
func rdsCustomizations(a *API) {
inputs := []string{
for _, input := range inputs {
if ref, ok := a.Shapes[input]; ok {
ref.MemberRefs["SourceRegion"] = &ShapeRef{
Documentation: docstring(`SourceRegion is the source region where the resource exists. This is not sent over the wire and is only used for presigning. This value should always have the same region as the source ARN.`),
ShapeName: "String",
Shape: a.Shapes["String"],
Ignore: true,
ref.MemberRefs["DestinationRegion"] = &ShapeRef{
Documentation: docstring(`DestinationRegion is used for presigning the request to a given region.`),
ShapeName: "String",
Shape: a.Shapes["String"],
func disableEndpointResolving(a *API) {
a.Metadata.NoResolveEndpoint = true
package api
// shamelist is used to not rename certain operation's input and output shapes.
// We need to maintain backwards compatibility with pre-existing services. Since
// not generating unique input/output shapes is not desired, we will generate
// unique input/output shapes for new operations.
var shamelist = map[string]map[string]struct {
input bool
output bool
"APIGateway": {
"CreateApiKey": {
output: true,
"CreateAuthorizer": {
output: true,
"CreateBasePathMapping": {
output: true,
"CreateDeployment": {
output: true,
"CreateDocumentationPart": {
output: true,
"CreateDocumentationVersion": {
output: true,
"CreateDomainName": {
output: true,
"CreateModel": {
output: true,
"CreateResource": {
output: true,
"CreateRestApi": {
output: true,
"CreateStage": {
output: true,
"CreateUsagePlan": {
output: true,
"CreateUsagePlanKey": {
output: true,
"GenerateClientCertificate": {
output: true,
"GetAccount": {
output: true,
"GetApiKey": {
output: true,
"GetAuthorizer": {
output: true,
"GetBasePathMapping": {
output: true,
"GetClientCertificate": {
output: true,
"GetDeployment": {
output: true,
"GetDocumentationPart": {
output: true,
"GetDocumentationVersion": {
output: true,
"GetDomainName": {
output: true,
"GetIntegration": {
output: true,
"GetIntegrationResponse": {
output: true,
"GetMethod": {
output: true,
"GetMethodResponse": {
output: true,
"GetModel": {
output: true,
"GetResource": {
output: true,
"GetRestApi": {
output: true,
"GetSdkType": {
output: true,
"GetStage": {
output: true,
"GetUsage": {
output: true,
"GetUsagePlan": {
output: true,
"GetUsagePlanKey": {
output: true,
"ImportRestApi": {
output: true,
"PutIntegration": {
output: true,
"PutIntegrationResponse": {
output: true,
"PutMethod": {
output: true,
"PutMethodResponse": {
output: true,
"PutRestApi": {
output: true,
"UpdateAccount": {
output: true,
"UpdateApiKey": {
output: true,
"UpdateAuthorizer": {
output: true,
"UpdateBasePathMapping": {
output: true,
"UpdateClientCertificate": {
output: true,
"UpdateDeployment": {
output: true,
"UpdateDocumentationPart": {
output: true,
"UpdateDocumentationVersion": {
output: true,
"UpdateDomainName": {
output: true,
"UpdateIntegration": {
output: true,
"UpdateIntegrationResponse": {
output: true,
"UpdateMethod": {
output: true,
"UpdateMethodResponse": {
output: true,
"UpdateModel": {
output: true,
"UpdateResource": {
output: true,
"UpdateRestApi": {
output: true,
"UpdateStage": {
output: true,
"UpdateUsage": {
output: true,
"UpdateUsagePlan": {
output: true,
"AutoScaling": {
"ResumeProcesses": {
input: true,
"SuspendProcesses": {
input: true,
"CognitoIdentity": {
"CreateIdentityPool": {
output: true,
"DescribeIdentity": {
output: true,
"DescribeIdentityPool": {
output: true,
"UpdateIdentityPool": {
input: true,
output: true,
"DirectConnect": {
"AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect": {
output: true,
"AllocateHostedConnection": {
output: true,
"AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface": {
output: true,
"AllocatePublicVirtualInterface": {
output: true,
"AssociateConnectionWithLag": {
output: true,
"AssociateHostedConnection": {
output: true,
"AssociateVirtualInterface": {
output: true,
"CreateConnection": {
output: true,
"CreateInterconnect": {
output: true,
"CreateLag": {
output: true,
"CreatePrivateVirtualInterface": {
output: true,
"CreatePublicVirtualInterface": {
output: true,
"DeleteConnection": {
output: true,
"DeleteLag": {
output: true,
"DescribeConnections": {
output: true,
"DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect": {
output: true,
"DescribeHostedConnections": {
output: true,
"DescribeLoa": {
output: true,
"DisassociateConnectionFromLag": {
output: true,
"UpdateLag": {
output: true,
"EC2": {
"AttachVolume": {
output: true,
"CreateSnapshot": {
output: true,
"CreateVolume": {
output: true,
"DetachVolume": {
output: true,
"RunInstances": {
output: true,
"EFS": {
"CreateFileSystem": {
output: true,
"CreateMountTarget": {
output: true,
"ElastiCache": {
"AddTagsToResource": {
output: true,
"ListTagsForResource": {
output: true,
"ModifyCacheParameterGroup": {
output: true,
"RemoveTagsFromResource": {
output: true,
"ResetCacheParameterGroup": {
output: true,
"ElasticBeanstalk": {
"ComposeEnvironments": {
output: true,
"CreateApplication": {
output: true,
"CreateApplicationVersion": {
output: true,
"CreateConfigurationTemplate": {
output: true,
"CreateEnvironment": {
output: true,
"DescribeEnvironments": {
output: true,
"TerminateEnvironment": {
output: true,
"UpdateApplication": {
output: true,
"UpdateApplicationVersion": {
output: true,
"UpdateConfigurationTemplate": {
output: true,
"UpdateEnvironment": {
output: true,
"Glacier": {
"DescribeJob": {
output: true,
"UploadArchive": {
output: true,
"CompleteMultipartUpload": {
output: true,
"IAM": {
"GetContextKeysForCustomPolicy": {
output: true,
"GetContextKeysForPrincipalPolicy": {
output: true,
"SimulateCustomPolicy": {
output: true,
"SimulatePrincipalPolicy": {
output: true,
"Kinesis": {
"DisableEnhancedMonitoring": {
output: true,
"EnableEnhancedMonitoring": {
output: true,
"KMS": {
"ListGrants": {
output: true,
"ListRetirableGrants": {
output: true,
"Lambda": {
"CreateAlias": {
output: true,
"CreateEventSourceMapping": {
output: true,
"CreateFunction": {
output: true,
"DeleteEventSourceMapping": {
output: true,
"GetAlias": {
output: true,
"GetEventSourceMapping": {
output: true,
"GetFunctionConfiguration": {
output: true,
"PublishVersion": {
output: true,
"UpdateAlias": {
output: true,
"UpdateEventSourceMapping": {
output: true,
"UpdateFunctionCode": {
output: true,
"UpdateFunctionConfiguration": {
output: true,
"RDS": {
"ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup": {
output: true,
"ModifyDBParameterGroup": {
output: true,
"ResetDBClusterParameterGroup": {
output: true,
"ResetDBParameterGroup": {
output: true,
"Redshift": {
"DescribeLoggingStatus": {
output: true,
"DisableLogging": {
output: true,
"EnableLogging": {
output: true,
"ModifyClusterParameterGroup": {
output: true,
"ResetClusterParameterGroup": {
output: true,
"S3": {
"GetBucketNotification": {
input: true,
output: true,
"GetBucketNotificationConfiguration": {
input: true,
output: true,
"SWF": {
"CountClosedWorkflowExecutions": {
output: true,
"CountOpenWorkflowExecutions": {
output: true,
"CountPendingActivityTasks": {
output: true,
"CountPendingDecisionTasks": {
output: true,
"ListClosedWorkflowExecutions": {
output: true,
"ListOpenWorkflowExecutions": {
output: true,
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ func (a *API) AttachString(str string) {
// Setup initializes the API.
func (a *API) Setup() {
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ func (f paramFiller) paramsStructAny(value interface{}, shape *Shape) string {
case "blob":
v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(value))
if v.IsValid() && shape.Streaming {
return fmt.Sprintf("aws.ReadSeekCloser(bytes.NewBufferString(%#v))", v.Interface())
return fmt.Sprintf("bytes.NewReader([]byte(%#v))", v.Interface())
} else if v.IsValid() {
return fmt.Sprintf("[]byte(%#v)", v.Interface())
......@@ -70,6 +70,14 @@ type referenceResolver struct {
visited map[*ShapeRef]bool
var jsonvalueShape = &Shape{
ShapeName: "JSONValue",
Type: "jsonvalue",
ValueRef: ShapeRef{
JSONValue: true,
// resolveReference updates a shape reference to reference the API and
// its shape definition. All other nested references are also resolved.
func (r *referenceResolver) resolveReference(ref *ShapeRef) {
......@@ -78,6 +86,11 @@ func (r *referenceResolver) resolveReference(ref *ShapeRef) {
if shape, ok := r.API.Shapes[ref.ShapeName]; ok {
if ref.JSONValue {
ref.ShapeName = "JSONValue"
r.API.Shapes[ref.ShapeName] = jsonvalueShape
ref.API = r.API // resolve reference back to API
ref.Shape = shape // resolve shape reference
......@@ -108,18 +121,28 @@ func (r *referenceResolver) resolveShape(shape *Shape) {
// exportable variant. The shapes are also updated to include notations
// if they are Input or Outputs.
func (a *API) renameToplevelShapes() {
for _, v := range a.Operations {
for _, v := range a.OperationList() {
if v.HasInput() {
name := v.ExportedName + "Input"
switch n := len(v.InputRef.Shape.refs); {
case n == 1 && a.Shapes[name] == nil:
switch {
case a.Shapes[name] == nil:
if service, ok := shamelist[]; ok {
if check, ok := service[v.Name]; ok && check.input {
if v.HasOutput() {
name := v.ExportedName + "Output"
switch n := len(v.OutputRef.Shape.refs); {
case n == 1 && a.Shapes[name] == nil:
switch {
case a.Shapes[name] == nil:
if service, ok := shamelist[]; ok {
if check, ok := service[v.Name]; ok && check.output {
......@@ -261,3 +284,23 @@ func (a *API) removeUnusedShapes() {
// Represents the service package name to EndpointsID mapping
var custEndpointsKey = map[string]string{
"applicationautoscaling": "application-autoscaling",
// Sents the EndpointsID field of Metadata with the value of the
// EndpointPrefix if EndpointsID is not set. Also adds
// customizations for services if EndpointPrefix is not a valid key.
func (a *API) setMetadataEndpointsKey() {
if len(a.Metadata.EndpointsID) != 0 {
if v, ok := custEndpointsKey[a.PackageName()]; ok {
a.Metadata.EndpointsID = v
} else {
a.Metadata.EndpointsID = a.Metadata.EndpointPrefix
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