Commit d3a4b7a7 by Torkel Ödegaard

Merge branch 'master' of

parents b85b5e00 45b90972
# CloudWatch Datasource - Native Plugin
Grafana ships with **built in** support for CloudWatch. You just have to add it as a data source and you will be ready to build dashboards for you CloudWatch metrics.
Read more about it here:
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# CloudWatch Datasource - Native Plugin
Grafana ships with **advanced support** for Elasticsearch. You can do many types of simple or complex elasticsearch queries to visualize logs or metrics stored in Elasticsearch. You can also annotate your graphs with log events stored in Elasticsearch.
Read more about it here:
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# Grafana Fake Data Datasource - Native Plugin
This is the built in Fake Data Datasource that is used before any datasources are set up in your Grafana installation. It means you can create a graph without any data and still get an idea of what it would look like.
# Graphite Datasource - Native Plugin
Grafana ships with **built in** support for Graphite (of course!).
Grafana has an advanced Graphite query editor that lets you quickly navigate the metric space, add functions, change function parameters and much more. The editor can handle all types of graphite queries. It can even handle complex nested queries through the use of query references.
Read more about it here:
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# InfluxDB Datasource - Native Plugin
Grafana ships with **built in** support for InfluxDB 0.9.
There are currently two separate datasources for InfluxDB in Grafana: InfluxDB 0.8.x and InfluxDB 0.9.x. The API and capabilities of InfluxDB 0.9.x are completely different from InfluxDB 0.8.x which is why Grafana handles them as different data sources.
This is the plugin for InfluxDB 0.9. It is rapidly evolving and we continue to track its API.
InfluxDB 0.8 is no longer maintained by InfluxDB Inc, but we provide support as a convenience to existing users. You can find it [here](
Read more about InfluxDB here:
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......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export default class ResponseParser {
var series = influxResults.series[0];
return, (value) => {
if (_.isArray(value)) {
if (query.indexOf('SHOW TAG VALUES') >= 0) {
if (query.toLowerCase().indexOf('show tag values') >= 0) {
return { text: (value[1] || value[0]) };
} else {
return { text: value[0] };
# Mixed Datasource - Native Plugin
This is a **built in** datasource that allows you to mix different datasource on the same graph! You can enable this by selecting the built in -- Mixed -- data source. When selected this will allow you to specify data source on a per query basis. This will, for example, allow you to plot metrics from different Graphite servers on the same Graph or plot data from Elasticsearch alongside data from Prometheus. Mixing different data sources on the same graph works for any data source, even custom ones.
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# OpenTSDB Datasource - Native Plugin
Grafana ships with **built in** support for OpenTSDB, a scalable, distributed time series database.
Read more about it here:
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# CloudWatch Datasource - Native Plugin
Grafana ships with **built in** support for Prometheus, the open-source service monitoring system and time series database.
Read more about it here:
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# Dashlist Panel - Native Plugin
This Dashlist panel is **included** with Grafana.
The dashboard list panel allows you to display dynamic links to other dashboards. The list can be configured to use starred dashboards, a search query and/or dashboard tags.
Read more about it here:
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# Graph Panel - Native Plugin
The Graph is the main graph panel and is **included** with Grafana. It provides a very rich set of graphing options.
Read more about it here:
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# Singlestat Panel - Native Plugin
The Singlestat Panel is **included** with Grafana.
The Singlestat Panel allows you to show the one main summary stat of a SINGLE series. It reduces the series into a single number (by looking at the max, min, average, or sum of values in the series). Singlestat also provides thresholds to color the stat or the Panel background. It can also translate the single number into a text value, and show a sparkline summary of the series.
Read more about it here:
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# Table Panel - Native Plugin
The Table Panel is **included** with Grafana.
The table panel is very flexible, supporting both multiple modes for time series as well as for table, annotation and raw JSON data. It also provides date formatting and value formatting and coloring options.
Check out the [Table Panel Showcase in the Grafana Playground]( or read more about it here:
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# Text Panel - Native Plugin
The Text Panel is **included** with Grafana.
The Text Panel is a very simple panel that displays text. The source text is written in the Markdown syntax meaning you can format the text. Read [GitHub's Mastering Markdown]( to learn more.
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