Commit d6d2080f by Torkel Ödegaard

mysql: minor progress on response processing

parent bd4f0734
......@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ func QueryMetrics(c *middleware.Context, reqDto dtos.MetricRequest) Response {
return ApiError(500, "Metric request error", err)
for _, res := range resp.Results {
if res.Error != nil {
res.ErrorString = res.Error.Error()
return Json(200, &resp)
......@@ -15,5 +15,4 @@ type SqlTestData struct {
ValueInt int
TimeEpoch int64
TimeDateTime time.Time
TimeTimeStamp time.Time
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ func addTestDataMigrations(mg *Migrator) {
{Name: "value_float", Type: DB_Float, Nullable: true},
{Name: "value_int", Type: DB_Int, Nullable: true},
{Name: "time_epoch", Type: DB_BigInt, Nullable: false},
{Name: "time_datetime", Type: DB_DateTime, Nullable: false},
{Name: "time_timestamp", Type: DB_TimeStamp, Nullable: false},
{Name: "time_date_time", Type: DB_DateTime, Nullable: false},
{Name: "time_time_stamp", Type: DB_TimeStamp, Nullable: false},
package sqlstore
import (
......@@ -11,23 +12,53 @@ func init() {
bus.AddHandler("sql", InsertSqlTestData)
func InsertSqlTestData(cmd *m.InsertSqlTestDataCommand) error {
return inTransaction2(func(sess *session) error {
func sqlRandomWalk(m1 string, m2 string, intWalker int64, floatWalker float64, sess *session) error {
timeWalker := time.Now().Add(time.Hour * -1)
now := time.Now()
step := time.Minute
row := &m.SqlTestData{
Metric1: "server1",
Metric2: "frontend",
ValueBigInt: 123123,
ValueDouble: 3.14159265359,
ValueFloat: 3.14159265359,
TimeEpoch: time.Now().Unix(),
TimeDateTime: time.Now(),
Metric1: m1,
Metric2: m2,
TimeEpoch: timeWalker.Unix(),
TimeDateTime: timeWalker,
for timeWalker.Unix() < now.Unix() {
timeWalker = timeWalker.Add(step)
row.Id = 0
row.ValueBigInt += rand.Int63n(100) - 100
row.ValueDouble += rand.Float64() - 0.5
row.ValueFloat += rand.Float32() - 0.5
row.TimeEpoch = timeWalker.Unix()
row.TimeDateTime = timeWalker
sqlog.Info("Writing SQL test data row")
if _, err := sess.Table("test_data").Insert(row); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func InsertSqlTestData(cmd *m.InsertSqlTestDataCommand) error {
return inTransaction2(func(sess *session) error {
var err error
sqlog.Info("SQL TestData: Clearing previous test data")
res, err := sess.Exec("TRUNCATE test_data")
if err != nil {
return err
rows, _ := res.RowsAffected()
sqlog.Info("SQL TestData: Truncate done", "rows", rows)
sqlRandomWalk("server1", "frontend", 100, 1.123, sess)
return err
......@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ func (br *BatchResult) WithError(err error) *BatchResult {
type QueryResult struct {
Error error `json:"error"`
Error error `json:"-"`
ErrorString string `json:"error"`
RefId string `json:"refId"`
Series TimeSeriesSlice `json:"series"`
......@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ import (
......@@ -74,19 +77,14 @@ func (e *MysqlExecutor) initEngine() error {
func (e *MysqlExecutor) Execute(ctx context.Context, queries tsdb.QuerySlice, context *tsdb.QueryContext) *tsdb.BatchResult {
result := &tsdb.BatchResult{}
result := &tsdb.BatchResult{
QueryResults: make(map[string]*tsdb.QueryResult),
session := e.engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
db := session.DB()
// queries := strings.Split(req.Query, ";")
// data := dataStruct{}
// data.Results = make([]resultsStruct, 1)
// data.Results[0].Series = make([]seriesStruct, 0)
for _, query := range queries {
rawSql := query.Model.Get("rawSql").MustString()
if rawSql == "" {
......@@ -100,118 +98,119 @@ func (e *MysqlExecutor) Execute(ctx context.Context, queries tsdb.QuerySlice, co
defer rows.Close()
result.QueryResults[query.RefId] = e.TransformToTimeSeries(query, rows)
for _, value := range result.QueryResults {
if value.Error != nil {
e.log.Error("error", "error", value.Error)
return result
func (e MysqlExecutor) TransformToTimeSeries(query *tsdb.Query, rows *core.Rows) *tsdb.QueryResult {
result := &tsdb.QueryResult{RefId: query.RefId}
pointsBySeries := make(map[string]*tsdb.TimeSeries)
columnNames, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
result.Error = err
return result
rc := NewStringStringScan(columnNames)
rowData := NewStringStringScan(columnNames)
for rows.Next() {
err := rc.Update(rows.Rows)
err := rowData.Update(rows.Rows)
if err != nil {
e.log.Error("Mysql response parsing", "error", err)
result.Error = err
return result
rowValues := rc.Get()
e.log.Info("Rows", "row", rowValues)
// for rows.Next() {
// columnValues := make([]interface{}, len(columnNames))
// err = rows.ScanSlice(&columnValues)
// if err != nil {
// result.Error = err
// return result
// }
// // bytes -> string
// for i := range columnValues {
// rowType := reflect.TypeOf(columnValues[i])
// e.log.Info("row", "type", rowType)
// rawValue := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(columnValues[i]))
// // if rawValue is null then ignore
// if rawValue.Interface() == nil {
// continue
// }
// rawValueType := reflect.TypeOf(rawValue.Interface())
// vv := reflect.ValueOf(rawValue.Interface())
// e.log.Info("column type", "name", columnNames[i], "type", rawValueType, "vv", vv)
// }
// }
if rowData.metric == "" {
rowData.metric = "Unknown"
e.log.Info("Rows", "metric", rowData.metric, "time", rowData.time, "value", rowData.value)
if !rowData.time.Valid {
result.Error = fmt.Errorf("Found row with no time value")
return result
if series, exist := pointsBySeries[rowData.metric]; exist {
series.Points = append(series.Points, tsdb.TimePoint{rowData.value, rowData.time})
} else {
series := &tsdb.TimeSeries{Name: rowData.metric}
series.Points = append(series.Points, tsdb.TimePoint{rowData.value, rowData.time})
pointsBySeries[rowData.metric] = series
for _, value := range pointsBySeries {
result.Series = append(result.Series, value)
return result
type stringStringScan struct {
// cp are the column pointers
cp []interface{}
// row contains the final result
row []string
colCount int
colNames []string
rowPtrs []interface{}
rowValues []string
columnNames []string
columnCount int
time null.Float
value null.Float
metric string
func NewStringStringScan(columnNames []string) *stringStringScan {
lenCN := len(columnNames)
s := &stringStringScan{
cp: make([]interface{}, lenCN),
row: make([]string, lenCN*2),
colCount: lenCN,
colNames: columnNames,
columnCount: len(columnNames),
columnNames: columnNames,
rowPtrs: make([]interface{}, len(columnNames)),
rowValues: make([]string, len(columnNames)),
j := 0
for i := 0; i < lenCN; i++ {
s.cp[i] = new(sql.RawBytes)
s.row[j] = s.colNames[i]
j = j + 2
for i := 0; i < s.columnCount; i++ {
s.rowPtrs[i] = new(sql.RawBytes)
return s
func (s *stringStringScan) Update(rows *sql.Rows) error {
if err := rows.Scan(s.cp...); err != nil {
if err := rows.Scan(s.rowPtrs...); err != nil {
return err
j := 0
for i := 0; i < s.colCount; i++ {
if rb, ok := s.cp[i].(*sql.RawBytes); ok {
s.row[j+1] = string(*rb)
for i := 0; i < s.columnCount; i++ {
if rb, ok := s.rowPtrs[i].(*sql.RawBytes); ok {
s.rowValues[i] = string(*rb)
fmt.Printf("column %s = %s", s.columnNames[i], s.rowValues[i])
switch s.columnNames[i] {
case "time_sec":
if sec, err := strconv.ParseInt(s.rowValues[i], 10, 64); err == nil {
s.time = null.FloatFrom(float64(sec * 1000))
case "value":
if value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s.rowValues[i], 64); err == nil {
s.value = null.FloatFrom(value)
case "metric":
if value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s.rowValues[i], 64); err == nil {
s.value = null.FloatFrom(value)
*rb = nil // reset pointer to discard current value to avoid a bug
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot convert index %d column %s to type *sql.RawBytes", i, s.colNames[i])
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot convert index %d column %s to type *sql.RawBytes", i, s.columnNames[i])
j = j + 2
return nil
func (s *stringStringScan) Get() []string {
return s.row
// type sqlDataRequest struct {
// Query string `json:"query"`
// Body []byte `json:"-"`
// }
// type seriesStruct struct {
// Columns []string `json:"columns"`
// Name string `json:"name"`
// Values [][]interface{} `json:"values"`
// }
// type resultsStruct struct {
// Series []seriesStruct `json:"series"`
// }
// type dataStruct struct {
// Results []resultsStruct `json:"results"`
// }
package tsdb
import "context"
import (
type HandleRequestFunc func(ctx context.Context, req *Request) (*Response, error)
......@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ export class MysqlDatasource {
var data = [];
if (res.results) {
_.forEach(res.results, queryRes => {
if (queryRes.error) {
throw {error: queryRes.error, message: queryRes.error};
for (let series of queryRes.series) {
......@@ -6,6 +6,21 @@ import {QueryCtrl} from 'app/plugins/sdk';
class MysqlQueryCtrl extends QueryCtrl {
static templateUrl = 'partials/query.editor.html';
resultFormats: any;
target: any;
constructor($scope, $injector) {
super($scope, $injector); = 'time_series'; = "{{table}}{{col_3}}";
this.resultFormats = [
{text: 'Time series', value: 'time_series'},
{text: 'Table', value: 'table'},
class MysqlConfigCtrl {
<query-editor-row query-ctrl="ctrl" can-collapse="false">
<div class="gf-form-inline">
<div class="gf-form gf-form--grow">
<textarea rows="3" class="gf-form-input" ng-model="" spellcheck="false" placeholder="query expression" data-min-length=0 data-items=100 ng-model-onblur ng-change="ctrl.refreshMetricData()"></textarea>
<textarea rows="6" class="gf-form-input" ng-model="" spellcheck="false" placeholder="query expression" data-min-length=0 data-items=100 ng-model-onblur ng-change="ctrl.refreshMetricData()"></textarea>
<div class="gf-form-inline">
<div class="gf-form">
<label class="gf-form-label query-keyword">Format as</label>
<div class="gf-form-select-wrapper">
<select class="gf-form-input gf-size-auto" ng-model="" ng-options="f.value as f.text for f in ctrl.resultFormats" ng-change="ctrl.refresh()"></select>
<div class="gf-form max-width-30">
<label class="gf-form-label query-keyword">Name by</label>
<input type="text" class="gf-form-input" ng-model="" spellcheck='false' placeholder="pattern" ng-blur="ctrl.refresh()">
<div class="gf-form gf-form--grow">
<div class="gf-form-label gf-form-label--grow"></div>
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