Commit d6ed8c52 by Torkel Ödegaard Committed by GitHub

Dashboard: Redirects for old edit & view panel urls (#25653)

parent d1b230f8
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ func (hs *HTTPServer) registerRoutes() {
reqSnapshotPublicModeOrSignedIn := middleware.SnapshotPublicModeOrSignedIn()
redirectFromLegacyDashboardURL := middleware.RedirectFromLegacyDashboardURL()
redirectFromLegacyDashboardSoloURL := middleware.RedirectFromLegacyDashboardSoloURL()
redirectFromLegacyPanelEditURL := middleware.RedirectFromLegacyPanelEditURL()
quota := middleware.Quota(hs.QuotaService)
bind := binding.Bind
......@@ -65,8 +66,8 @@ func (hs *HTTPServer) registerRoutes() {
r.Get("/plugins/:id/page/:page", reqSignedIn, hs.Index)
r.Get("/a/:id/*", reqSignedIn, hs.Index) // App Root Page
r.Get("/d/:uid/:slug", reqSignedIn, hs.Index)
r.Get("/d/:uid", reqSignedIn, hs.Index)
r.Get("/d/:uid/:slug", reqSignedIn, redirectFromLegacyPanelEditURL, hs.Index)
r.Get("/d/:uid", reqSignedIn, redirectFromLegacyPanelEditURL, hs.Index)
r.Get("/dashboard/db/:slug", reqSignedIn, redirectFromLegacyDashboardURL, hs.Index)
r.Get("/dashboard/script/*", reqSignedIn, hs.Index)
r.Get("/dashboard-solo/snapshot/*", hs.Index)
......@@ -34,6 +34,33 @@ func RedirectFromLegacyDashboardURL() macaron.Handler {
// In Grafana v7.0 we changed panel edit & view query parameters.
// This middleware tries to detect those old url parameters and direct to the new url query params
func RedirectFromLegacyPanelEditURL() macaron.Handler {
return func(c *models.ReqContext) {
queryParams := c.Req.URL.Query()
panelId, hasPanelId := queryParams["panelId"]
_, hasFullscreen := queryParams["fullscreen"]
_, hasEdit := queryParams["edit"]
if hasPanelId && hasFullscreen {
delete(queryParams, "panelId")
delete(queryParams, "fullscreen")
delete(queryParams, "edit")
if hasEdit {
queryParams["editPanel"] = panelId
} else {
queryParams["viewPanel"] = panelId
newURL := setting.ToAbsUrl(fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s", strings.TrimPrefix(c.Req.URL.Path, "/"), queryParams.Encode()))
c.Redirect(newURL, 301)
func RedirectFromLegacyDashboardSoloURL() macaron.Handler {
return func(c *models.ReqContext) {
slug := c.Params("slug")
......@@ -55,4 +55,21 @@ func TestMiddlewareDashboardRedirect(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given the dashboard legacy edit panel middleware", t, func() {
middlewareScenario(t, "GET dashboard by legacy edit url", func(sc *scenarioContext) {
sc.m.Get("/d/:uid/:slug", RedirectFromLegacyPanelEditURL(), sc.defaultHandler)
sc.fakeReqWithParams("GET", "/d/asd/dash?orgId=1&panelId=12&fullscreen&edit", map[string]string{}).exec()
Convey("Should redirect to new dashboard edit url with a 301 Moved Permanently", func() {
So(sc.resp.Code, ShouldEqual, 301)
redirectURL, _ := sc.resp.Result().Location()
So(redirectURL.String(), ShouldEqual, "/d/asd/d/asd/dash?editPanel=12&orgId=1")
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