Commit d6ff16fe by David Kaltschmidt

Explore: fix graph resize on window resize

- resize HOC wrapper only resized first child which in case of large
  graphs was the warning button
- moved warning button inside the panel parent
parent 7d0eccdd
......@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@ export class Graph extends PureComponent<GraphProps, GraphState> {
const data = this.getGraphData();
return (
<div className="panel-container">
{loading && <div className="explore-graph__loader" />}
!this.state.showAllTimeSeries && (
......@@ -180,12 +181,9 @@ export class Graph extends PureComponent<GraphProps, GraphState> {
<div className="panel-container">
{loading && <div className="explore-graph__loader" />}
<div id={id} className="explore-graph" style={{ height }} />
<Legend data={data} />
<div id={id} className="explore-graph" style={{ height }} />
<Legend data={data} />
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