Commit db524af6 by Rashid Khan

sort panel documentation

parent 5e297222
## Sort
This will probably be removed in the near future since it only interacts with
the table panel and the table panel already implements all of its functionality.
It only interacts with the table panel in any case
### Parameters
* label :: The label to stick over the drop down
* sort :: An array where the first elemetn is the field to sort on an the second
is the direction ('asc' or 'desc')
### Group Events
#### Sends
* sort :: An array where the first elemetn is the field to sort on an the second
is the direction ('asc' or 'desc')
#### Receives
* fields :: An array containing the fields in a table. This will be concat'd +
uniqued with the curent list.
angular.module('kibana.sort', [])
.controller('sort', function($scope, eventBus) {
## Sort
This will probably be removed in the near future since it only interacts with
the table panel and the table panel already implements all of its functionality.
It only interacts with the table panel in any case
### Parameters
* label :: The label to stick over the drop down
* sort :: An array where the first elemetn is the field to sort on an the second
is the direction ('asc' or 'desc')
### Group Events
#### Sends
* sort :: An array where the first elemetn is the field to sort on an the second
is the direction ('asc' or 'desc')
#### Receives
* fields :: An array containing the fields in a table. This will be concat'd +
uniqued with the curent list.
angular.module('kibana.stringquery', [])
.controller('stringquery', function($scope, eventBus) {
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