Commit dd7a653d by Torkel Ödegaard Committed by GitHub


parent 1165d098
# Roadmap (2018-05-06)
# Roadmap (2018-06-26)
This roadmap is a tentative plan for the core development team. Things change constantly as PRs come in and priorities change.
But it will give you an idea of our current vision and plan.
### Short term (1-2 months)
- Elasticsearch alerting
- Crossplatform builds
- Backend service refactorings
- Explore UI
- First login registration view
### Mid term (2-4 months)
- Multi-Stat panel
- Metrics & Log Explore UI
### Mid term (2-4 months)
- React Panels
- Change visualization (panel type) on the fly.
- Templating Query Editor UI Plugin hook
### Long term (4 - 8 months)
- Alerting improvements (silence, per series tracking, etc)
- Progress on React migration
- Change visualization (panel type) on the fly.
- Multi stat panel (vertical version of singlestat with bars/graph mode with big number etc)
- Repeat panel by query results
### In a distant future far far away
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