Commit ded5a0a9 by bergquist

tech(alerting): remove unused code

parent 206a6b0a
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ type EvalContext struct {
ImagePublicUrl string
ImageOnDiskPath string
NoDataFound bool
RetryCount int
Ctx context.Context
......@@ -107,6 +106,5 @@ func NewEvalContext(alertCtx context.Context, rule *Rule) *EvalContext {
Logs: make([]*ResultLogEntry, 0),
EvalMatches: make([]*EvalMatch, 0),
log: log.New("alerting.evalContext"),
RetryCount: 0,
package notifiers
// import . ""
// func TestBaseNotifier( t *testing.T ) {
// Convey("Parsing base notification state", t, func() {
// Convey("matches", func() {
// json := `
// {
// "states": "critical"
// }`
// settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
// not := NewNotifierBase("ops", "email", settingsJSON)
// So(not.MatchSeverity(m.AlertSeverityCritical), ShouldBeTrue)
// })
// Convey("does not match", func() {
// json := `
// {
// "severityFilter": "critical"
// }`
// settingsJSON, _ := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(json))
// not := NewNotifierBase("ops", "email", settingsJSON)
// So(not.MatchSeverity(m.AlertSeverityWarning), ShouldBeFalse)
// })
// })
// }
package notifiers
import (
......@@ -45,6 +47,14 @@ func (this *EmailNotifier) Notify(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext) error {
return err
imageLink := evalContext.ImagePublicUrl
if imageLink == "" {
imageBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(evalContext.ImageOnDiskPath)
if err == nil {
imageLink = "data:image/jpg;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(imageBytes)
cmd := &m.SendEmailCommandSync{
SendEmailCommand: m.SendEmailCommand{
Data: map[string]interface{}{
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