Commit e36925b5 by Mikhail Snetkov Committed by GitHub

Alerting: Append appSubUrl to back button on channel form (#28282)

parent 7ee8f91e
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import { NotificationSettings } from './NotificationSettings';
import { BasicSettings } from './BasicSettings';
import { ChannelSettings } from './ChannelSettings';
import config from 'app/core/config';
interface Props extends Omit<FormAPI<NotificationChannelDTO>, 'formState'> {
selectableChannels: Array<SelectableValue<string>>;
selectedChannel?: NotificationChannelType;
......@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ export const NotificationChannelForm: FC<Props> = ({
<Button type="button" variant="secondary" onClick={() => onTestChannel(getValues({ nest: true }))}>
<a href="/alerting/notifications">
<a href={`${config.appSubUrl}/alerting/notifications`}>
<Button type="button" variant="secondary">
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