Commit e37fa486 by Peter Holmberg

remove replaced components

parent 16d41095
import './plugin_edit_ctrl';
import './plugin_page_ctrl';
import './import_list/import_list';
import './ds_edit_ctrl';
<page-header model="ctrl.navModel"></page-header>
<div class="page-container page-body">
<h3 class="page-sub-heading">Settings</h3>
<form name="ctrl.editForm" ng-if="ctrl.current">
<div class="gf-form-group">
<div class="gf-form-inline">
<div class="gf-form max-width-30">
<span class="gf-form-label width-10">Name</span>
<input class="gf-form-input max-width-23" type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="name" required>
<info-popover offset="0px -135px" mode="right-absolute">
The name is used when you select the data source in panels.
The <em>Default</em> data source is preselected in new
<gf-form-switch class="gf-form" label="Default" checked="ctrl.current.isDefault" switch-class="max-width-6"></gf-form-switch>
<div class="grafana-info-box" ng-if="ctrl.datasourceMeta.state === 'alpha'">
This plugin is marked as being in alpha state, which means it is in early development phase and
updates will include breaking changes.
<div class="grafana-info-box" ng-if="ctrl.datasourceMeta.state === 'beta'">
This plugin is marked as being in a beta development state. This means it is in currently in active development and could be
missing important features.
<rebuild-on-change property="">
<plugin-component type="datasource-config-ctrl">
<div ng-if="ctrl.hasDashboards">
<h3 class="section-heading">Bundled Plugin Dashboards</h3>
<div class="section">
<dashboard-import-list plugin="ctrl.datasourceMeta" datasource="ctrl.current"></dashboard-import-list>
<div ng-if="ctrl.testing" class="gf-form-group section">
<h5 ng-show="!ctrl.testing.done">Testing.... <i class="fa fa-spiner fa-spin"></i></h5>
<div class="alert-{{ctrl.testing.status}} alert" ng-show="ctrl.testing.done">
<div class="alert-icon">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" ng-show="ctrl.testing.status === 'error'"></i>
<i class="fa fa-check" ng-show="ctrl.testing.status !== 'error'"></i>
<div class="alert-body">
<div class="alert-title">{{ctrl.testing.message}}</div>
<div class="grafana-info-box span8" ng-if="ctrl.current.readOnly">
This datasource was added by config and cannot be modified using the UI. Please contact your server admin to update this datasource.
<div class="gf-form-button-row">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" ng-disabled="ctrl.current.readOnly" ng-click="ctrl.saveChanges()">Save &amp; Test</button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" ng-disabled="ctrl.current.readOnly" ng-show="!ctrl.isNew" ng-click="ctrl.delete()">Delete</button>
<a class="btn btn-inverse" href="datasources">Back</a>
<br />
<br />
<br />
import angular from 'angular';
import _ from 'lodash';
import Remarkable from 'remarkable';
export class PluginEditCtrl {
model: any;
pluginIcon: string;
pluginId: any;
includes: any;
readmeHtml: any;
includedDatasources: any;
tab: string;
navModel: any;
hasDashboards: any;
preUpdateHook: () => any;
postUpdateHook: () => any;
/** @ngInject */
constructor(private $scope, private $rootScope, private backendSrv, private $sce, private $routeParams, navModelSrv) {
this.pluginId = $routeParams.pluginId;
this.preUpdateHook = () => Promise.resolve();
this.postUpdateHook = () => Promise.resolve();
setNavModel(model) {
let defaultTab = 'readme';
this.navModel = {
main: {
url: '',
breadcrumbs: [{ title: 'Plugins', url: 'plugins' }],
children: [
icon: 'fa fa-fw fa-file-text-o',
id: 'readme',
text: 'Readme',
url: `plugins/${}/edit?tab=readme`,
if (model.type === 'app') {
icon: 'gicon gicon-cog',
id: 'config',
text: 'Config',
url: `plugins/${}/edit?tab=config`,
const hasDashboards = _.find(model.includes, { type: 'dashboard' });
if (hasDashboards) {
icon: 'gicon gicon-dashboard',
id: 'dashboards',
text: 'Dashboards',
url: `plugins/${}/edit?tab=dashboards`,
defaultTab = 'config';
} = this.$ || defaultTab;
for (const tab of this.navModel.main.children) {
if ( === { = true;
init() {
return this.backendSrv.get(`/api/plugins/${this.pluginId}/settings`).then(result => {
this.model = result;
this.pluginIcon = this.getPluginIcon(this.model.type);
this.model.dependencies.plugins.forEach(plug => {
plug.icon = this.getPluginIcon(plug.type);
this.includes =, plug => {
plug.icon = this.getPluginIcon(plug.type);
return plug;
return this.initReadme();
initReadme() {
return this.backendSrv.get(`/api/plugins/${this.pluginId}/markdown/readme`).then(res => {
const md = new Remarkable({
linkify: true,
this.readmeHtml = this.$sce.trustAsHtml(md.render(res));
getPluginIcon(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'datasource':
return 'icon-gf icon-gf-datasources';
case 'panel':
return 'icon-gf icon-gf-panel';
case 'app':
return 'icon-gf icon-gf-apps';
case 'page':
return 'icon-gf icon-gf-endpoint-tiny';
case 'dashboard':
return 'icon-gf icon-gf-dashboard';
return 'icon-gf icon-gf-apps';
update() {
.then(() => {
const updateCmd = _.extend(
enabled: this.model.enabled,
pinned: this.model.pinned,
jsonData: this.model.jsonData,
secureJsonData: this.model.secureJsonData,
return`/api/plugins/${this.pluginId}/settings`, updateCmd);
.then(res => {
window.location.href = window.location.href;
importDashboards() {
return Promise.resolve();
setPreUpdateHook(callback: () => any) {
this.preUpdateHook = callback;
setPostUpdateHook(callback: () => any) {
this.postUpdateHook = callback;
updateAvailable() {
const modalScope = this.$scope.$new(true);
modalScope.plugin = this.model;
this.$rootScope.appEvent('show-modal', {
src: 'public/app/features/plugins/partials/update_instructions.html',
scope: modalScope,
enable() {
this.model.enabled = true;
this.model.pinned = true;
disable() {
this.model.enabled = false;
this.model.pinned = false;
angular.module('grafana.controllers').controller('PluginEditCtrl', PluginEditCtrl);
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