Commit e3922c6e by Andreas Motl Committed by Ryan McKinley

grafana/toolkit: Fixup save artifacts in a zip id in the folder (#20071) (#20139)

parent f0b3dc22
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ const packagePluginRunner: TaskRunner<PluginCIOptions> = async () => {
const start =;
const ciDir = getCiFolder();
const packagesDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'packages');
let distDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'dist');
const distDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'dist');
const docsDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'docs');
const grafanaEnvDir = path.resolve(ciDir, 'grafana-test-env');
await execa('rimraf', [packagesDir, distDir, grafanaEnvDir]);
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ const packagePluginRunner: TaskRunner<PluginCIOptions> = async () => {
// Updating the dist dir to have a pluginId named directory in it
// The zip needs to contain the plugin code wrapped in directory with a pluginId name
distDir = path.resolve(ciDir, `dist/${getPluginId()}`);
const distContentDir = path.resolve(distDir, getPluginId());
console.log('Build Dist Folder');
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ const packagePluginRunner: TaskRunner<PluginCIOptions> = async () => {
// 1. Check for a local 'dist' folder
const d = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'dist');
if (fs.existsSync(d)) {
await execa('cp', ['-rn', d + '/.', distDir]);
await execa('cp', ['-rn', d + '/.', distContentDir]);
// 2. Look for any 'dist' folders under ci/job/XXX/dist
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ const packagePluginRunner: TaskRunner<PluginCIOptions> = async () => {
const contents = path.resolve(ciDir, 'jobs', j, 'dist');
if (fs.existsSync(contents)) {
try {
await execa('cp', ['-rn', contents + '/.', distDir]);
await execa('cp', ['-rn', contents + '/.', distContentDir]);
} catch (er) {
throw new Error('Duplicate files found in dist folders');
......@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ const packagePluginRunner: TaskRunner<PluginCIOptions> = async () => {
console.log('Save the source info in plugin.json');
const pluginJsonFile = path.resolve(distDir, 'plugin.json');
const pluginJsonFile = path.resolve(distContentDir, 'plugin.json');
const pluginInfo = getPluginJson(pluginJsonFile); = await getPluginBuildInfo();
fs.writeFile(pluginJsonFile, JSON.stringify(pluginInfo, null, 2), err => {
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