Commit e53c8100 by Matt

Merge pull request #3 from mattttt/mattttt-docs

Adding additional pages and updates from google doc
parents aa4d6d6f 2b59724e
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ pages:
- ['reference/', 'Reference', 'Import & Export']
- ['reference/', 'Reference', 'Administration']
- ['reference/', 'Reference', 'HTTP API']
- ['reference/', 'Reference', 'Keyboard Shortcuts']
- ['datasources/', 'Data Sources', 'Graphite']
- ['datasources/', 'Data Sources', 'InfluxDB']
......@@ -7,14 +7,25 @@ page_keywords: grafana, dashlist, panel, documentation
# Dashlist Panel
## Overview
The dashboard list panel allows you to show a list of links to other dashboards. The list
can be based on a search query or dashboard tag query. You can also configure it to show your starred
The dashboard list panel allows you to show a list of links to other dashboards. The list can be based on a search query or dashboard tag query. You can also configure it to show your starred
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/dashboard_list_panels.png" style="width:80%;">
## Options
### Mode: Starred Dashboards
The `starred` dashboard selection will display starred dashboards in alphabetical order, up to the number selected in the `Limit Number to` field. As new starred dashboards are added, the Dashlist Panel will automatically update.
### Mode: Search Dashboards
Dashboard lists may be configured by either a string search query or tag. On each dashboard load, the dashlist panel will re-query the dashboard list, always providing the most up to date results.
To configure dashboard list in this manner, select `search` from the Mode select box. When properly selected, the Search Options section will appear.
Name | Description
------------ | -------------
......@@ -24,4 +35,18 @@ Tags | if in search mode specify dashboard tags to search for
Limit number to | Specify the maximum number of dashboards
#### Search by string
To search by a string, enter a search query in the `Search Options: Query:` field. Queries are non-case sensitive, and partial values are accepted. On each dashboard load, the dashlist panel will re-query the dashboard list, always providing the most up to date results of the search string.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/dashboard_list_config_string.png">
#### Search by tag
To search by a string, enter a search query in the `Search Options: Query:` field. Queries are non-case sensitive, and partial values are accepted.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/dashboard_list_config_tags.png">
When multiple tags and strings appear, the dashboard list will display those matching ALL conditions.
......@@ -6,5 +6,79 @@ page_keywords: grafana, export, import, documentation
# Export and Import
You find the import view in the bottom of the search dropdown. From this view you
can import local json files or migrate dashboards stored in Elasticsearch or InfluxDB.
## Exporting a dashboard
Dashboards are exported in Grafana JSON format, and contain everything you need (layout, variables, styles, data sources, queries, etc)to import the dashboard at a later time.
#### Export to file
To export a dashboard, locate the settings menu within the desired dashboard and click the gear icon. The export option will always be available, and will open a browser save-as dialog window.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/export.gif">
#### Copy JSON
The raw JSON may be accessed directly from within the interface and copy/pasted into an editor of your choice to be saved later. To view this JSON, locate the settings menu within the desired dashboard and click the gear icon. The View JSON option will always be available, and will open the raw JSON in a text area. To copy the entire JSON file, click into the text area, the select all [CTRL+A (PC, Linux) or CMD+A (Mac)].
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/export-2.gif">
## Importing a dashboard
Grafana 2.0 now has integrated dashboard storage engine that can be configured to use an internal sqlite3 database, MySQL, or Postgres. This eliminates the need to use Elasticsearch for dashboard storage for Graphite users. Grafana 2.0 does not support storing dashboards in InfluxDB.
The import view can be found at the Dashboard Picker dropdown, next to the New Dashboard and Playlist buttons.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/import.gif">
#### Import from a file
To import a dashboard through a local JSON file, click the 'Choose file' button in the Import from File section. Note that JSON is not linted or validated prior during upload, so we recommend validating locally if you're editing. In a pinch, you can use, and if you are editing dashboard JSON frequently, there are linter plugins for popular text editors.
#### Importing dashboards from Elasticsearch
Start by going to the `Data Sources` view (via the side menu), and make sure your Elasticsearch data source is added. Specify the Elasticsearch index name where your existing Grafana v1.x dashboards are stored (the default is `grafana-dash`).
#### Importing dashboards from InfluxDB
Start by going to the `Data Sources` view (via the side menu), and make sure your InfluxDB data source is added. Specify the database name where your Grafana v1.x dashboards are stored, the default is `grafana`.
### Import view
In the Import view you find the section `Migrate dashboards`. Pick the data source you added (from Elasticsearch or InfluxDB), and click the `Import` button.
Your dashboards should be automatically imported into the Grafana 2.0 back-end. Dashboards will no longer be stored in your previous Elasticsearch or InfluxDB databases.
### Troubleshooting
#### Common issues when importing/exporting from a file.
Note: When importing a dashboard, keep an eye out for template variables that may not exist in your instance of Grafana. For example,
"templating": {
"list": [
"allFormat": "glob",
"current": {
"tags": [],
"text": "google_com + monkey_id_au",
"value": [
"datasource": null,
To resolve this, remove any unnecessary JSON that may be specific to the instance you are exporting from. In this case, we can remove the entire "current" section entirely, and Grafana will populate default.
"templating": {
"list": [
"allFormat": "glob",
"datasource": null,
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page_title: Kayboard Shortcuts
page_description: Kayboard Shortcuts for Grafana
page_keywords: grafana, export, import, documentation
# Keyboard Shortcuts
No mouse? No problem. Grafana has extensive keyboard shortcuts to allow you to navigate throughout the interface. This comes in especially handy when dealing with dealing with single-purpose machines powering on-wall displays that may not have a mouse available.
## Dashboard Keyboard Shortcuts
Press `Shift`+`?` to open the keyboard shortcut dialog from anywhere within the dashboard views.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/Grafana-Keyboard-Shortcuts.gif" style="width:80%;">
|`Esc`|Exit fullscreen edit/view mode, close search or any editor view|
|`CTRL`+`F`|Open dashboard search view (also contains import/playlist controls)|
|`CTRL`+`S`|Save dashboard|
|`CTRL`+`H`|Hide row controls|
|`CTRL`+`Z`|Zoom out|
|`CTRL`+`R`|Refresh (Fetches new data and rerenders panels)|
|`CTRL`+`O`|Enable/Disable shared graph crosshair|
**Note**: Grafana keyboard shortcuts are the same across operating system. For example, `CTRL`+`F` will open the dashboard picker on a Mac as well, **not** `⌘`+`F`
Have a suggestion for a new keyboard shortcut? Let us know!
\ No newline at end of file
page_title: Search guide
page_description: Search guide
page_keywords: grafana, time range, guide, documentation
page_title: Dashboard Search
page_description: Dashboard Search in Grafana
page_keywords: grafana, search, guide, documentation
# Search Guide
# Dashboard Search
To search and load dashboards click the open folder icon in the header or use the shortcut CTRL+F.
Dashboards can be searched by the dashboard name, filtered by one (or many) tags or filtered by starred status. The dashboard search is accessed through the dashboard picker, available in the dashboard top nav area.
## Tags
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/dashboard_search.jpg">
Click on any dashboard or use the down arrow key to navigate the search result and hit enter to open the selected dashboard.
1. `Dashboard Picker`: The Dashboard Picker is your primary navigation tool to move between dashboards. It is present on all dashboards, and open the Dashboard Search. The dashboard picker also doubles as the title of the current dashboard.
2. `Search Bar`: The search bar allows you to enter any string and search both database and file based dashbaords in real-time.
3. `Starred`: The starred link allows you to filter the list to display only starred dashboards.
4. `Tags`: The tags filter allows you to filter the list by dashboard tags.
If you have a lot of dashboards use tags to organize them. You can add tags in the dashboards settings modal.
When using only a keyboard, you can use your keyboard arrow keys to navigate the results, hit enter to open the selected dashboard.
## Find by dashboard name
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/dashboard_search_text.gif">
To search and load dashboards click the open folder icon in the header or use the shortcut `CTRL`+`F`. Begin typing any part of the desired dashboard names. Search will return results for for any partial string match in real-time, as you type.
Dashboard search is:
- Real-time
- *Not* case senstitive
- Functional across stored *and* file based dashboards.
## Filter by Tag(s)
If you have a lot of dashboards use tags to organize them. You can add tags in the dashboards settings modal.
After you have added tags you can now view all available tags in the search popup. Click the tags link to the right in the search box, or just hit tab and then enter. You should now see a list of all tags. You can filter the tag list by continue writing in the search box, for example: "tags!:mongodb".
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/dashboard_search_tag_filtering.gif">
To filter the dashboard list by tag, click on any tag appearing in the right column. The list may be further filtered by cliking on additional tags.
Click on any tag in the tag list to show dashboards with that tag (or just down arrow key to select a tag then enter key).
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/dashboard_search_tags_all_filtering.gif">
## Keyboard navigation
Alternately, to see a list of all available tags, click the tags link in the search bar. All tags will be shown, and when a tag is selected, the dashboard search will be instantly filtered.
While the search input has focus you can use your keyboard arrow keys to navigate the results, hit enter to open the selected dashboard.
When using only a keybaord: `tab` to focus on the *tags* link, `▼` down arrow key to find a tag and select with the `Enter` key.
**Note**: When multiple tags are selected, Grafana will show dashboards that include **all**.
## Filter by Starred
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/dashboard_search_starred_filtering.gif">
Starring is a great way to organize and find commonly used dashboards. To show only starred dashboards in the list, click the *starred* link in the search bar.
When using only a keybaord: `tab` to focus on the *stars* link, `▼` down arrow key to find a tag and select with the `Enter` key.
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......@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ page_description: Time range user guide
page_keywords: grafana, time range, guide, documentation
# Dashboard time picker
# Time Range Controls
Grafana provides numerous ways to manage the time ranges of the data being visualized, both at the Dashboard-level and the Panel-level.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v1/time_range_controls.png">
In the top right, you have the master Dashboard time picker (it's inbetween the 'Zoom out' and the 'Refresh' links).
In the top right, you have the master Dashboard time picker (it's in between the 'Zoom out' and the 'Refresh' links).
From this dropdown you can:
......@@ -24,10 +24,24 @@ All of this applies to all Panels in the Dashboard (except those with Panel Time
It's possible to customize the options displayed for relative time and the auto-refresh options.
From Dashboard settings, click the Timepicker tab. From here you can specify the relative and auto refresh intervals. The Timepicker tab settings are saved on a per Dashboard basis. Entries are comma separated and accept a number followed by one of the following units: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks), M (months), y (years).
From Dashboard settings, click the Timepicker tab. From here you can specify the relative and auto refresh intervals. The Timepicker tab settings are saved on a per Dashboard basis. Entries are comma separated and accept a number followed by one of the following units: `s (seconds)`, `m (minutes)`, `h (hours)`, `d (days)`, `w (weeks)`, `M (months)`, `y (years)`.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/TimePicker-TimeOptions.png">
## Panel time override
In Grafana 2.0, it's now possible for individual Panels to override the Dashboard time picker. Please check out the [whats new in 2.0 guide](../../guides/whats-new-in-v2/) for further information
## Panel time overrides & timeshift
In Grafana v2.x you can now override the relative time range for individual panels, causing them to be different than what is selected in the Dashboard time picker in the upper right. You can also add a time shift to individual panels. This allows you to show metrics from different time periods or days at the same time.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/panel_time_override.jpg">
You control these overrides in panel editor mode and the new tab `Time Range`.
<img class="no-shadow" src="/img/v2/time_range_tab.jpg">
When you zoom or change the Dashboard time to a custom absolute time range, all panel overrides will be disabled. The panel relative time override is only active when the dashboard time is also relative. The panel timeshift override however is always active, even when the dashboard time is absolute.
The `Hide time override info` option allows you to hide the the override info text that is by default shown in the
upper right of a panel when overridden time range options.
Currently you can only override the dashboard time with relative time ranges, not absolute time ranges.
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