Commit e9576853 by Torkel Ödegaard Committed by GitHub

Table: Fixes issue with fixed min and auto max with bar gauge cell (#31316)

parent debb82e1
......@@ -65,14 +65,20 @@ function getMinMaxAndDelta(field: Field): NumericRange {
* @internal
export function getFieldConfigWithMinMax(field: Field, local?: boolean): FieldConfig {
const { config } = field;
let { min, max } = config;
if (isNumber(min) && !isNumber(max)) {
return config; // noop
if (isNumber(min) && isNumber(max)) {
return config;
if (local || !field.state?.range) {
return { ...config, ...getMinMaxAndDelta(field) };
return { ...config, ...field.state.range };
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