Commit ed2092e2 by Torkel Ödegaard

docs: updated alerting docs to make query conditions easier to understand, fixes #8486

parent c2885430
......@@ -52,12 +52,22 @@ Here you can specify the name of the alert rule and how often the scheduler shou
### Conditions
Currently the only condition type that exists is a `Query` condition that allows you to
specify a query letter, time range and an aggregation function. The letter refers to
a query you already have added in the **Metrics** tab. The result from the query and the aggregation function is
a single value that is then used in the threshold check. The query used in an alert rule cannot
contain any template variables. Currently we only support `AND` and `OR` operators between conditions and they are executed serially.
specify a query letter, time range and an aggregation function.
### Query condition example
avg() OF query(A, 5m, now) IS BELOW 14
- `avg()` Controls how the values for **each** serie should be reduced to a value that can be compared against the threshold. Click on the function to change it to another aggregation function.
- `query(A, 5m, now)` The letter defines what query to execute from the **Metrics** tab. The second two parameters defines the time range, `5m, now` means 5 minutes from now to now. You can also do `10m, now-2m` to define a time range that will be 10 minutes from now to 2 minutes from now. This is useful if you want to ignore the last 2 minutes of data.
- `IS BELOW 14` Defines the type of threshold and the threshold value. You can click on `IS BELOW` to change the type of threshold.
The query used in an alert rule cannot contain any template variables. Currently we only support `AND` and `OR` operators between conditions and they are executed serially.
For example, we have 3 conditions in the following order:
`condition:A(evaluates to: TRUE) OR condition:B(evaluates to: FALSE) AND condition:C(evaluates to: TRUE)`
*condition:A(evaluates to: TRUE) OR condition:B(evaluates to: FALSE) AND condition:C(evaluates to: TRUE)*
so the result will be calculated as ((TRUE OR FALSE) AND TRUE) = TRUE.
We plan to add other condition types in the future, like `Other Alert`, where you can include the state
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