Commit ee91fc36 by Marcus Efraimsson Committed by GitHub

Changelog: 7.2.0-beta1 update (#27498)

Co-authored-by: Zoltán Bedi <>
parent be8bc512
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* **API**: Return ID of the deleted resource for dashboard, datasource and folder DELETE endpoints. [#26691](, [@AgnesToulet](
* **API**: Support paging in the admin orgs list API. [#26932](, [@benjaminjb](
* **API**: return resource ID for auth key creation, folder permissions update and user invite complete endpoints. [#27419](, [@AgnesToulet](
* **Alerting**: Add toggle to disable alert threshold visibility in graph panel. [#25705](, [@jpalpant](
* **Alerting**: Adds support for overriding 'dedup_key' via alert tags when using the Pagerduty notifier. [#27356](, [@alavrovinfb](
* **Alerting**: Change alert rule link in alert notifications to open panel in view mode. [#27378](, [@robertlestak](
* **Alerting**: Support storing sensitive notifier settings securely/encrypted. [#25114](, [@mtanda](
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* **DateFormats**: Default ISO & US formats never omit date part even if date is today (breaking change). [#27300](, [@torkelo](
* **Explore/Loki**: POC for toggling parsed fields in the list view. [#26178](, [@fredr](
* **Explore**: Sort order of log results. [#26669](, [@ivanahuckova](
* **Explore**: Transform prometheus query to elasticsearch query. [#23670](, [@melchiormoulin](
* **Field overrides**: Overrides UI improvements. [#27073](, [@dprokop](
* **Flux**: Increase series limit for Flux datasource. [#26746](, [@sneddrs](
* **Heatmap**: Reduce the aggressiveness of hiding ticks/labels when panel is small. [#27016](, [@lrstanley](
* **Image Store**: Add support for using signed URLs when uploading images to GCS. [#26840](, [@marcosrmendezthd](
* **Image Store**: Fallback to application default credentials when no key file is specified for GCS. [#25948](, [@Eraac](
* **InfluxDB/Flux**: Increase series limit for Flux datasource. [#26746](, [@sneddrs](
* **InfluxDB**: exclude result and table column from Flux table results. [#27081](, [@ryantxu](
* **InfluxDB**: return a table rather than an error when timeseries is missing time. [#27320](, [@ryantxu](
* **Instrumentation**: Adds instrumentation for outgoing datasource requests. [#27427](, [@bergquist](
* **Loki**: Add scopedVars support in legend formatting for repeated variables. [#27046](, [@ivanahuckova](
* **Loki**: Re-introduce running of instant queries. [#27213](, [@ivanahuckova](
* **Loki**: Support request cancellation properly (Uses new backendSrv.fetch Observable request API). [#27265](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **MixedDatasource**: Shows retrieved data even if a data source fails. [#27024](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **OAuth2**: GenericOAuth should handle DEFLATE compressed payloads in JWT. [#26969](, [@billoley](
* **OAuth**: Handle DEFLATE compressed payloads in JWT for Generic OAuth. [#26969](, [@billoley](
* **OAuth**: Increase state cookie max age. [#27258](, [@bergquist](
* **Orgs**: Remove org deprecation notice as we have decided to preserve multi-org support. [#26853](, [@torkelo](
* **PanelInspector**: Adds a Raw display mode but defaults to Formatted display mode. [#27306](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **Postgres**: Support Unix socket for host. [#25778](, [@aknuds1](
* **Prometheus**: Add scopedVars support in legend formatting for repeated variables. [#27047](, [@ivanahuckova](
* **Prometheus**: Support request cancellation properly (Uses new backendSrv.fetch Observable request API). [#27090](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **Prometheus**: add $__rate_interval variable. [#26937](, [@zoltanbedi](
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* **TablePanel**: Add support for basic gauge as a cell display mode. [#26595](, [@jutley](
* **Transformations**: Group by and aggregate on multiple fields. [#25498](, [@Totalus](
* **Transformations**: enable transformations reorder. [#27197](, [@dprokop](
* **Units**: Allow re-scaling nanoseconds up to days. [#26458](, [@kaydelaney](
* **grafana-cli**: Add ability to read password from stdin to reset admin password. [#26016](, [@nabokihms](
* **heatmap**: reduce the aggressiveness of hiding ticks/labels when panel is small. [#27016](, [@lrstanley](
* **Reporting**: add branding options. (Enterprise)
* **Reporting**: allow setting custom timerange. (Enterprise)
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* **DashboardSettings**: Fixes auto refresh crash with space in interval. [#27438](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **Elasticsearch**: Fix localized dates in index pattern. [#27351](, [@domasx2](
* **Elasticsearch**: Fix using multiple bucket script aggregations when only grouping by terms. [#24064](, [@MarceloNunesAlves](
* **Explore**: Expand template variables when redirecting from dashboard panel. [#27354](, [@Elfo404](
* **FolderPicker**: Fixes not being able to create new folder. [#27092](, [@hugohaggmark](
* **Graphite**: Show and hide query editor function popup on click. [#26923](, [@ivanahuckova](
* **InfluxDB/Flux**: Fix for Alerts on InfluxDB Flux datasources only use the first series. [#27463](, [@ryantxu](
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