Commit f21fe65b by Torkel Ödegaard

fixed issues when changing type, need to remove event listeners and cleanup props

parent dac02d3d
......@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ export const DASHBOARD_TOP_PADDING = 20;
export const PANEL_HEADER_HEIGHT = 27;
export const PANEL_BORDER = 2;
export const PANEL_OPTIONS_KEY_PREFIX = 'options-';
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export class DashboardPanel extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
onPluginTypeChanged = (plugin: PanelPlugin) => {
this.props.panel.changeType(, this.state.angularPanel !== null);
import { Emitter } from 'app/core/utils/emitter';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { PANEL_OPTIONS_KEY_PREFIX } from 'app/core/constants';
export interface GridPos {
x: number;
......@@ -16,6 +17,42 @@ const notPersistedProperties: { [str: string]: boolean } = {
hasRefreshed: true,
// For angular panels we need to clean up properties when changing type
// To make sure the change happens without strange bugs happening when panels use same
// named property with different type / value expectations
// This is not required for react panels
const mustKeepProps: { [str: string]: boolean } = {
id: true,
gridPos: true,
type: true,
title: true,
scopedVars: true,
repeat: true,
repeatIteration: true,
repeatPanelId: true,
repeatDirection: true,
repeatedByRow: true,
minSpan: true,
collapsed: true,
panels: true,
targets: true,
datasource: true,
timeFrom: true,
timeShift: true,
hideTimeOverride: true,
maxDataPoints: true,
interval: true,
description: true,
links: true,
fullscreen: true,
isEditing: true,
hasRefreshed: true,
events: true,
cacheTimeout: true,
nullPointMode: true,
const defaults: any = {
gridPos: { x: 0, y: 0, h: 3, w: 6 },
datasource: null,
......@@ -82,7 +119,7 @@ export class PanelModel {
private getOptionsKey() {
return this.type + 'Options';
return 'options-' + this.type;
getSaveModel() {
......@@ -146,11 +183,25 @@ export class PanelModel {'panel-initialized');
changeType(pluginId: string) {
changeType(pluginId: string, fromAngularPanel: boolean) {
this.type = pluginId;
delete this.thresholds;
// for now we need to remove alert rules when changing type
delete this.alert;
// for angular panels only we need to remove all events and let angular panels do some cleanup
if (fromAngularPanel) {
for (const key of _.keys(this)) {
if (mustKeepProps[key] || key.indexOf(PANEL_OPTIONS_KEY_PREFIX) === 0) {
delete this[key];
console.log('deleting ', key);
destroy() {
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