Commit fbf39598 by Torkel Ödegaard

heatmp: removed series stats option, lacked tests

parent ece21b2d
......@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ let panelDefaults = {
yBucketNumber: null,
tooltip: {
show: true,
seriesStat: false,
showHistogram: false
highlightCards: true
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ function convertToCards(buckets) {
yBounds: yBucket.bounds,
values: yBucket.values,
count: yBucket.count,
seriesStat: getSeriesStat(yBucket.points)
......@@ -146,15 +145,6 @@ function removeZeroBuckets(buckets) {
* Count values number for each timeseries in given bucket
* @param {Array} points Bucket's datapoints with series name ([val, ts, series_name])
* @return {Object} seriesStat: {seriesName_1: val_1, seriesName_2: val_2}
function getSeriesStat(points) {
return _.countBy(points, p => p[2]);
* Convert set of time series into heatmap buckets
* @return {Object} Heatmap object:
* {
......@@ -87,17 +87,18 @@ export class HeatmapTooltip {
let tooltipHtml = `<div class="graph-tooltip-time">${time}</div>
<div class="heatmap-histogram"></div>`;
if (yData && yData.bounds) {
boundBottom = valueFormatter(yData.bounds.bottom);
boundTop = valueFormatter(;
valuesNumber = yData.count;
tooltipHtml += `<div>
bucket: <b>${boundBottom} - ${boundTop}</b> <br>
count: <b>${valuesNumber}</b> <br>
if (this.panel.tooltip.seriesStat && yData.seriesStat) {
tooltipHtml = this.addSeriesStat(tooltipHtml, yData.seriesStat);
if (yData) {
if (yData.bounds) {
boundBottom = valueFormatter(yData.bounds.bottom);
boundTop = valueFormatter(;
valuesNumber = yData.count;
tooltipHtml += `<div>
bucket: <b>${boundBottom} - ${boundTop}</b> <br>
count: <b>${valuesNumber}</b> <br>
} else {
// currently no bounds for pre bucketed data
tooltipHtml += `<div>count: <b>${yData.count}</b><br></div>`;
} else {
if (!this.panel.tooltip.showHistogram) {
......@@ -159,15 +160,6 @@ export class HeatmapTooltip {
return pos;
addSeriesStat(tooltipHtml, seriesStat) {
tooltipHtml += "series: <br>";
_.forEach(seriesStat, (values, series) => {
tooltipHtml += `&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;${series}: <b>${values}</b><br>`;
return tooltipHtml;
addHistogram(data) {
let xBucket =[data.x];
let yBucketSize =;
......@@ -181,8 +173,8 @@ export class HeatmapTooltip {
let scale = this.scope.yScale.copy();
let histXScale = scale
.domain([min, max])
.range([0, HISTOGRAM_WIDTH]);
.domain([min, max])
.range([0, HISTOGRAM_WIDTH]);
let barWidth;
if (this.panel.yAxis.logBase === 1) {
......@@ -193,21 +185,21 @@ export class HeatmapTooltip {
barWidth = Math.max(barWidth, 1);
let histYScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, _.max(, d => d[1]))])
.range([0, HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT]);
.domain([0, _.max(, d => d[1]))])
.range([0, HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT]);
let histogram =".heatmap-histogram")
.attr("width", HISTOGRAM_WIDTH)
.attr("height", HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT);
.attr("width", HISTOGRAM_WIDTH)
.attr("height", HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT);
.attr("x", d => {
return histXScale(d[0]);
.attr("width", barWidth)
.attr("y", d => {
.attr("x", d => {
return histXScale(d[0]);
.attr("width", barWidth)
.attr("y", d => {
return HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT - histYScale(d[1]);
.attr("height", d => {
......@@ -63,10 +63,6 @@
<div ng-if="">
<gf-form-switch class="gf-form" label-class="width-8"
label="Series stats"
checked="ctrl.panel.tooltip.seriesStat" on-change="ctrl.render()">
<gf-form-switch class="gf-form" label-class="width-8"
checked="ctrl.panel.tooltip.showHistogram" on-change="ctrl.render()">
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