Commit fd1ef0a2 by Torkel Ödegaard

Added custom scrollbar and remember scroll pos to jump back to same scroll pos…

Added custom scrollbar and remember scroll pos to jump back to same scroll pos when going back to dashboard from edit mode
parent 04f190c3
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export class CustomScrollbar extends PureComponent<Props> {
if (this.props.scrollTop > 10000) {
} else {
console.log('scrollbar set scrollTop');
......@@ -17,13 +17,10 @@ interface Props {
class Page extends Component<Props> {
private bodyClass = 'is-react';
private body = document.body;
static Header = PageHeader;
static Contents = PageContents;
componentDidMount() {
......@@ -33,10 +30,6 @@ class Page extends Component<Props> {
componentWillUnmount() {
updateTitle = () => {
const title = this.getPageTitle;
document.title = title ? title + ' - Grafana' : 'Grafana';
// Libraries
import $ from 'jquery';
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import React, { PureComponent, MouseEvent } from 'react';
import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import classNames from 'classnames';
......@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import classNames from 'classnames';
import { createErrorNotification } from 'app/core/copy/appNotification';
// Components
import { LoadingPlaceholder } from '@grafana/ui';
import { DashboardGrid } from '../dashgrid/DashboardGrid';
import { DashNav } from '../components/DashNav';
import { SubMenu } from '../components/SubMenu';
import { DashboardSettings } from '../components/DashboardSettings';
import { CustomScrollbar } from '@grafana/ui';
// Redux
import { initDashboard } from '../state/initDashboard';
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ interface State {
isEditing: boolean;
isFullscreen: boolean;
fullscreenPanel: PanelModel | null;
scrollTop: number;
rememberScrollTop: number;
export class DashboardPage extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
......@@ -58,6 +60,8 @@ export class DashboardPage extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
isEditing: false,
isFullscreen: false,
fullscreenPanel: null,
scrollTop: 0,
rememberScrollTop: 0,
async componentDidMount() {
......@@ -121,6 +125,7 @@ export class DashboardPage extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
isEditing: urlEdit,
isFullscreen: urlFullscreen,
fullscreenPanel: panel,
rememberScrollTop: this.state.scrollTop,
} else {
......@@ -135,9 +140,17 @@ export class DashboardPage extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
dashboard.setViewMode(this.state.fullscreenPanel, false, false);
this.setState({ isEditing: false, isFullscreen: false, fullscreenPanel: null }, () => {
isEditing: false,
isFullscreen: false,
fullscreenPanel: null,
scrollTop: this.state.rememberScrollTop,
() => {
......@@ -160,9 +173,10 @@ export class DashboardPage extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
$('body').toggleClass('panel-in-fullscreen', isFullscreen);
renderLoadingState() {
return <LoadingPlaceholder text="Loading" />;
setScrollTop = (e: MouseEvent<HTMLElement>): void => {
const target = as HTMLElement;
this.setState({ scrollTop: target.scrollTop });
renderDashboard() {
const { dashboard, editview } = this.props;
......@@ -186,7 +200,7 @@ export class DashboardPage extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
render() {
const { dashboard, editview, $injector } = this.props;
const { isSettingsOpening, isEditing, isFullscreen } = this.state;
const { isSettingsOpening, isEditing, isFullscreen, scrollTop } = this.state;
if (!dashboard) {
return null;
......@@ -201,6 +215,7 @@ export class DashboardPage extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
'dashboard-container': true,
'dashboard-container--has-submenu': dashboard.meta.submenuEnabled,
return (
<div className={classes}>
......@@ -211,12 +226,14 @@ export class DashboardPage extends PureComponent<Props, State> {
<div className="scroll-canvas scroll-canvas--dashboard">
{dashboard && editview && <DashboardSettings dashboard={dashboard} />}
<div className={gridWrapperClasses}>
{dashboard.meta.submenuEnabled && <SubMenu dashboard={dashboard} />}
<DashboardGrid dashboard={dashboard} isEditing={isEditing} isFullscreen={isFullscreen} />
<CustomScrollbar autoHeightMin={'100%'} setScrollTop={this.setScrollTop} scrollTop={scrollTop}>
{dashboard && editview && <DashboardSettings dashboard={dashboard} />}
<div className={gridWrapperClasses}>
{dashboard.meta.submenuEnabled && <SubMenu dashboard={dashboard} />}
<DashboardGrid dashboard={dashboard} isEditing={isEditing} isFullscreen={isFullscreen} />
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export class GrafanaCtrl {
$rootScope.colors = colors;
$rootScope.onAppEvent = function(name, callback, localScope) {
const unbind = $rootScope.$on(name, callback);
let callerScope = this;
......@@ -47,9 +47,12 @@ export function reactContainer(
routeInfo: $route.current.$$route.routeInfo,
ReactDOM.render(WrapInProvider(store, component, props), elem[0]);
scope.$on('$destroy', () => {
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