1.`Starred`: The starred dashboard selection displays starred dashboards in alphabetical order. On dashboard load, the dashlist panel will re-query the favorites to appear in dashboard list panel, always providing the most up to date results.
2.`Recently Viewed`: The recently viewed dashboard selection displays starred dashboards in alphabetical order. On dashboard load, the dashlist panel will re-query the favorites to appear in dashboard list panel, always providing the most up to date results.
3.`Search`: The search dashboard selection displays dashboards by search query or tag(s). On dashboard load, the dashlist panel will re-query the dashboard list, always providing the most up to date results.
4.`Show Headings`: When show headings is ticked the choosen list selection is shown as a heading.
1.`Starred`: The starred dashboard selection displays starred dashboards in alphabetical order.
2.`Recently Viewed`: The recently viewed dashboard selection displays recently viewed dashboards in alphabetical order.
3.`Search`: The search dashboard selection displays dashboards by search query or tag(s).
4.`Show Headings`: When show headings is ticked the choosen list selection(Starred, Recently Viewed, Search) is shown as a heading.
5.`Max Items`: Max items set the maximum of items in a list.
6.`Query`: Here is where you enter your query you want to search by. Remember that you need you have the `Search` checkbox ticked.
7.`Tags`: Here is where you enter your tag(s) you want to search by. Remember that you need you have the `Search` checkbox ticked.
The panel may be configured to search by either string query or tag(s). On dashboard load, the dashlist panel will re-query the dashboard list, always providing the most up to date results.
To configure dashboard list in this manner, select `search` from the Mode select box. When selected, the Search Options section will appear.
Name | Description
------------ | -------------
Mode | Set search or starred mode
Query | If in search mode specify the search query
Tags | if in search mode specify dashboard tags to search for
Limit number to | Specify the maximum number of dashboards
### Search by string
To search by a string, enter a search query in the `Search Options: Query` field. Queries are case-insensitive, and partial values are accepted.
To search by one or more tags, enter your selection in the `Search Options: Tags:` field. Note that existing tags will not appear as you type, and *are* case sensitive. To see a list of existing tags, you can always return to the dashboard, open the Dashboard Picker at the top and click `tags` link in the search bar.
6.`Query`: Here is where you enter your query you want to search by. Queries are case-insensitive, and partial values are accepted.
7.`Tags`: Here is where you enter your tag(s) you want to search by. Note that existing tags will not appear as you type, and *are* case sensitive. To see a list of existing tags, you can always return to the dashboard, open the Dashboard Picker at the top and click `tags` link in the search bar.
> When multiple tags and strings appear, the dashboard list will display those matching ALL conditions.
The Singlestat Panel allows you to show the one main summary stat of a SINGLE series. It reduces the series into a single number (by looking at the max, min, average, or sum of values in the series). Singlestat also provides thresholds to color the stat or the Panel background. It can also translate the single number into a text value, and show a sparkline summary of the series.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Sparklines are a great way of seeing the historical data related to the summary
### Gauge
Gauges give a clear visuall. It's a great way to see if a value is close to the thresholds. The gauge uses the colors set in the color options.
Gauges gives a clear picture of how high a value is in it's context. It's a great way to see if a value is close to the thresholds. The gauge uses the colors set in the color options.