// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Render should render component 1`] = ` <div> <h3 className="page-sub-heading" > Team Settings </h3> <form className="gf-form-group" name="teamDetailsForm" onSubmit={[Function]} > <div className="gf-form max-width-30" > <Component> Name </Component> <input className="gf-form-input max-width-22" onChange={[Function]} required={true} type="text" value="test" /> </div> <div className="gf-form max-width-30" > <Component tooltip="This is optional and is primarily used to set the team profile avatar (via gravatar service)" > Email </Component> <input className="gf-form-input max-width-22" onChange={[Function]} placeholder="team@email.com" type="email" value="test@test.com" /> </div> <div className="gf-form-button-row" > <button className="btn btn-success" type="submit" > Update </button> </div> </form> <SharedPreferences resourceUri="teams/1" /> </div> `;