Commit 286ef1b5 by zCaesar

not auth

parent 8ac40526
......@@ -100,34 +100,52 @@ module.exports = function (options = {}) {
var cachekey = 'auth:' + req.body.client_id + ':' + req.body.username + ':' + req.body.password;
var authstatus = cache.get(cachekey);
if (typeof (authstatus) == 'undefined') {
// cache missed
authCheck(req.body.client_id, req.body.username, req.body.password, function (result) {
cache.set(cachekey, result);
if (result) {
require('./redis/on_register').on_register_redis(req.body.client_id).then(status => {
console.log('redis:status: ' + status)
if (status) {
"result": "ok"
} else {
"result": "no"
} else {
"result": "no"
// const util = require('util')
// console.log(util.inspect(status, false, null, true))
else {
if (authstatus) {
// if (typeof (authstatus) == 'undefined') {
// // cache missed
// authCheck(req.body.client_id, req.body.username, req.body.password, function (result) {
// cache.set(cachekey, result);
// if (result) {
// require('./redis/on_register').on_register_redis(req.body.client_id).then(status => {
// console.log('redis:status: ' + status)
// if (status) {
// res.send({
// "result": "ok"
// });
// } else {
// res.send({
// "result": "no"
// });
// }
// })
// } else {
// res.send({
// "result": "no"
// });
// }
// // const util = require('util')
// // console.log(util.inspect(status, false, null, true))
// });
// }
// else {
// if (authstatus) {
// require('./redis/on_register').on_register_redis(req.body.client_id).then(status => {
// console.log('redis:status: ' + status)
// if (status) {
// res.send({
// "result": "ok"
// });
// } else {
// res.send({
// "result": "no"
// });
// }
// })
// } else {
// res.send({
// "result": "no"
// });
// }
// }
require('./redis/on_register').on_register_redis(req.body.client_id).then(status => {
console.log('redis:status: ' + status)
if (status) {
......@@ -136,16 +154,10 @@ module.exports = function (options = {}) {
} else {
"result": "no"
"result": { 'error': "not allowed" }
} else {
"result": "no"
else {
"authserv_host" : "",
"authserv_port" : 31081,
"pubca": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nzSaVroFHIeQI0ZcTxzAOvS0CAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
"device_registry_host" : "",
"device_registry_port" : 8990,
"device_registry_host" : "",
"device_registry_port" : 8080
"token_registry_host" : "",
"token_registry_port" : 8790,
"auth_on_register_debug" : true,
"auth_on_publish_debug" : true,
"auth_on_subscribe_debug" : true,
"on_publish_debug" : true,
"on_deliver_debug" : true,
"on_unsubscribe_debug" : true,
"on_offline_debug" : true
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