Commit 43d7382d by Chavee Issariyapat

update Makefile

parent af87fa0c
# a helper shell script
function hasChanges() {
# old version, just track uncommited + untracked files
# test -n "$$(git status -s .)"
# expect 1 to be normal so the untracked file .make-funcition will be ignored
# old version, just track uncommited + untracked files
# test -n "$$(git status -s .)"
# expect 1 to be normal so the untracked file .make-funcition will be ignored
test 1 -ne "$$(git status -s . | wc -l )"
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ RELEASE_SUPPORT := $(shell dirname $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))/.mak
.PHONY: pre-build docker-build post-build build release patch-release minor-release major-release tag check-status check-release showver \
push do-push post-push
push do-push post-push post-init
@echo "$$MAKEFUNCTIONCODE" > ./.make-function
......@@ -120,6 +120,9 @@ post-build:
@rm .make-function
@rm .make-function
docker build -t $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) .
@DOCKER_MAJOR=$(shell docker -v | sed -e 's/.*version //' -e 's/,.*//' | cut -d\. -f1) ; \
......@@ -176,8 +179,9 @@ tag: check-status
@ if [ -n "$(shell git remote -v)" ] ; then git push --tags ; else echo 'no remote to push tags to' ; fi
check-status: init
@. $(RELEASE_SUPPORT) ; ! hasChanges || (echo "ERROR: there are still outstanding changes" >&2 && exit 1) ;
@. $(RELEASE_SUPPORT) ; ! hasChanges || (echo "ERROR: there are still outstanding changes" >&2) ;
@rm .make-function
check-release: init release.conf
check-release: init release.conf post-init
@. $(RELEASE_SUPPORT) ; tagExists $(TAG) || (echo "ERROR: version not yet tagged in git. make [minor,major,patch]-release." >&2 && exit 1) ;
@. $(RELEASE_SUPPORT) ; ! differsFromRelease $(TAG) || (echo "ERROR: current directory differs from tagged $(TAG). make [minor,major,patch]-release." ; exit 1)
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