Commit 86ba1ce8 by zCaesar


parent 5bd7644b
......@@ -51,4 +51,3 @@ EXPOSE 8888
VOLUME ["/var/log/vernemq", "/var/lib/vernemq", "/etc/vernemq"]
CMD ["start_vernemq"]
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ define MAKEFUNCTIONCODE
# old version, just track uncommited + untracked files
# test -n "$$(git status -s .)"
# expect 1 to be normal so the untracked file .make-funcition will be ignored
test 1 -ne "$$(git status -s . | wc -l )"
test 0 -ne "$$(git status -s . | sed -e '/.make-function/d' | wc -l)"
function getRelease() {
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