Commit 01582a2f by Carl Bergquist Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #11121 from grafana/telegram-inline-image-notifications

alerting: Limits telegram captions to 200 chars.
parents 76d4163f 891462b5
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ import (
const (
captionLengthLimit = 200
var (
telegramApiUrl string = ""
......@@ -82,88 +86,81 @@ func NewTelegramNotifier(model *m.AlertNotification) (alerting.Notifier, error)
func (this *TelegramNotifier) buildMessage(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext, sendImageInline bool) *m.SendWebhookSync {
var imageFile *os.File
var err error
if sendImageInline {
imageFile, err = os.Open(evalContext.ImageOnDiskPath)
defer imageFile.Close()
if err != nil {
sendImageInline = false // fall back to text message
cmd, err := this.buildMessageInlineImage(evalContext)
if err == nil {
return cmd
} else {
this.log.Error("Could not generate Telegram message with inline image.", "err", err)
message := ""
return this.buildMessageLinkedImage(evalContext)
if sendImageInline {
// Telegram's API does not allow HTML formatting for image captions.
message = fmt.Sprintf("%s\nState: %s\nMessage: %s\n", evalContext.GetNotificationTitle(), evalContext.Rule.Name, evalContext.Rule.Message)
} else {
message = fmt.Sprintf("<b>%s</b>\nState: %s\nMessage: %s\n", evalContext.GetNotificationTitle(), evalContext.Rule.Name, evalContext.Rule.Message)
func (this *TelegramNotifier) buildMessageLinkedImage(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext) *m.SendWebhookSync {
message := fmt.Sprintf("<b>%s</b>\nState: %s\nMessage: %s\n", evalContext.GetNotificationTitle(), evalContext.Rule.Name, evalContext.Rule.Message)
ruleUrl, err := evalContext.GetRuleUrl()
if err == nil {
message = message + fmt.Sprintf("URL: %s\n", ruleUrl)
if !sendImageInline {
// only attach this if we are not sending it inline.
if evalContext.ImagePublicUrl != "" {
message = message + fmt.Sprintf("Image: %s\n", evalContext.ImagePublicUrl)
if evalContext.ImagePublicUrl != "" {
message = message + fmt.Sprintf("Image: %s\n", evalContext.ImagePublicUrl)
metrics := ""
fieldLimitCount := 4
for index, evt := range evalContext.EvalMatches {
metrics += fmt.Sprintf("\n%s: %s", evt.Metric, evt.Value)
if index > fieldLimitCount {
metrics := generateMetricsMessage(evalContext)
if metrics != "" {
message = message + fmt.Sprintf("\n<i>Metrics:</i>%s", metrics)
if metrics != "" {
if sendImageInline {
// Telegram's API does not allow HTML formatting for image captions.
message = message + fmt.Sprintf("\nMetrics:%s", metrics)
} else {
message = message + fmt.Sprintf("\n<i>Metrics:</i>%s", metrics)
cmd := this.generateTelegramCmd(message, "text", "sendMessage", func(w *multipart.Writer) {
fw, _ := w.CreateFormField("parse_mode")
return cmd
func (this *TelegramNotifier) buildMessageInlineImage(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext) (*m.SendWebhookSync, error) {
var imageFile *os.File
var err error
imageFile, err = os.Open(evalContext.ImageOnDiskPath)
defer imageFile.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var body bytes.Buffer
ruleUrl, err := evalContext.GetRuleUrl()
metrics := generateMetricsMessage(evalContext)
message := generateImageCaption(evalContext, ruleUrl, metrics)
cmd := this.generateTelegramCmd(message, "caption", "sendPhoto", func(w *multipart.Writer) {
fw, _ := w.CreateFormFile("photo", evalContext.ImageOnDiskPath)
io.Copy(fw, imageFile)
return cmd, nil
func (this *TelegramNotifier) generateTelegramCmd(message string, messageField string, apiAction string, extraConf func(writer *multipart.Writer)) *m.SendWebhookSync {
var body bytes.Buffer
w := multipart.NewWriter(&body)
fw, _ := w.CreateFormField("chat_id")
if sendImageInline {
fw, _ = w.CreateFormField("caption")
fw, _ = w.CreateFormField(messageField)
fw, _ = w.CreateFormFile("photo", evalContext.ImageOnDiskPath)
io.Copy(fw, imageFile)
} else {
fw, _ = w.CreateFormField("text")
fw, _ = w.CreateFormField("parse_mode")
apiMethod := ""
if sendImageInline {
this.log.Info("Sending telegram image notification", "photo", evalContext.ImageOnDiskPath, "chat_id", this.ChatID, "bot_token", this.BotToken)
apiMethod = "sendPhoto"
} else {
this.log.Info("Sending telegram text notification", "chat_id", this.ChatID, "bot_token", this.BotToken)
apiMethod = "sendMessage"
this.log.Info("Sending telegram notification", "chat_id", this.ChatID, "bot_token", this.BotToken, "apiAction", apiAction)
url := fmt.Sprintf(telegramApiUrl, this.BotToken, apiAction)
url := fmt.Sprintf(telegramApiUrl, this.BotToken, apiMethod)
cmd := &m.SendWebhookSync{
Url: url,
Body: body.String(),
......@@ -175,6 +172,50 @@ func (this *TelegramNotifier) buildMessage(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext, se
return cmd
func generateMetricsMessage(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext) string {
metrics := ""
fieldLimitCount := 4
for index, evt := range evalContext.EvalMatches {
metrics += fmt.Sprintf("\n%s: %s", evt.Metric, evt.Value)
if index > fieldLimitCount {
return metrics
func generateImageCaption(evalContext *alerting.EvalContext, ruleUrl string, metrics string) string {
message := evalContext.GetNotificationTitle()
if len(evalContext.Rule.Message) > 0 {
message = fmt.Sprintf("%s\nMessage: %s", message, evalContext.Rule.Message)
if len(message) > captionLengthLimit {
message = message[0:captionLengthLimit]
if len(ruleUrl) > 0 {
urlLine := fmt.Sprintf("\nURL: %s", ruleUrl)
message = appendIfPossible(message, urlLine, captionLengthLimit)
if metrics != "" {
metricsLines := fmt.Sprintf("\n\nMetrics:%s", metrics)
message = appendIfPossible(message, metricsLines, captionLengthLimit)
return message
func appendIfPossible(message string, extra string, sizeLimit int) string {
if len(extra)+len(message) <= sizeLimit {
return message + extra
log.Debug("Line too long for image caption.", "value", extra)
return message
func (this *TelegramNotifier) ShouldNotify(context *alerting.EvalContext) bool {
return defaultShouldNotify(context)
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
m ""
. ""
......@@ -50,6 +51,71 @@ func TestTelegramNotifier(t *testing.T) {
So(telegramNotifier.ChatID, ShouldEqual, "-1234567890")
Convey("generateCaption should generate a message with all pertinent details", func() {
evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(nil, &alerting.Rule{
Name: "This is an alarm",
Message: "Some kind of message.",
State: m.AlertStateOK,
caption := generateImageCaption(evalContext, "http://grafa.url/abcdef", "")
So(len(caption), ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo, 200)
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "Some kind of message.")
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "[OK] This is an alarm")
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "http://grafa.url/abcdef")
Convey("When generating a message", func() {
Convey("URL should be skipped if it's too long", func() {
evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(nil, &alerting.Rule{
Name: "This is an alarm",
Message: "Some kind of message.",
State: m.AlertStateOK,
caption := generateImageCaption(evalContext,
"foo bar")
So(len(caption), ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo, 200)
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "Some kind of message.")
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "[OK] This is an alarm")
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "foo bar")
So(caption, ShouldNotContainSubstring, "http")
Convey("Message should be trimmed if it's too long", func() {
evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(nil, &alerting.Rule{
Name: "This is an alarm",
Message: "Some kind of message that is too long for appending to our pretty little message, this line is actually exactly 197 chars long and I will get there in the end I promise I will. Yes siree that's it.",
State: m.AlertStateOK,
caption := generateImageCaption(evalContext,
So(len(caption), ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo, 200)
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "[OK] This is an alarm")
So(caption, ShouldNotContainSubstring, "http")
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "Some kind of message that is too long for appending to our pretty little message, this line is actually exactly 197 chars long and I will get there in the end I promise ")
Convey("Metrics should be skipped if they dont fit", func() {
evalContext := alerting.NewEvalContext(nil, &alerting.Rule{
Name: "This is an alarm",
Message: "Some kind of message that is too long for appending to our pretty little message, this line is actually exactly 197 chars long and I will get there in the end I ",
State: m.AlertStateOK,
caption := generateImageCaption(evalContext,
"foo bar long song")
So(len(caption), ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo, 200)
So(caption, ShouldContainSubstring, "[OK] This is an alarm")
So(caption, ShouldNotContainSubstring, "http")
So(caption, ShouldNotContainSubstring, "foo bar")
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