Commit 0cbedb44 by bergquist

chore(api): remove commented endpoints

parent b8ccb823
......@@ -248,9 +248,7 @@ func Register(r *macaron.Macaron) {
r.Group("/alerts", func() {
r.Post("/test", bind(dtos.AlertTestCommand{}), wrap(AlertTest))
//r.Get("/:alertId/states", wrap(GetAlertStates))
//r.Put("/:alertId/state", bind(m.UpdateAlertStateCommand{}), wrap(PutAlertState))
r.Get("/:alertId", ValidateOrgAlert, wrap(GetAlert))
//r.Delete("/:alertId", ValidateOrgAlert, wrap(DelAlert)) disabled until we know how to handle it dashboard updates
r.Get("/", wrap(GetAlerts))
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