Commit 1618e908 by Dominik Prokop

Minor refactor of Gauge panel

parent 2d16c29a
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { Switch } from 'app/core/components/Switch/Switch';
import { OptionModuleProps } from './module';
import { Label } from '../../../core/components/Label/Label';
import { PanelOptionsProps } from '@grafana/ui';
import { Options } from './types';
export default class GaugeOptions extends PureComponent<OptionModuleProps> {
export default class GaugeOptions extends PureComponent<PanelOptionsProps<Options>> {
onToggleThresholdLabels = () =>
this.props.onChange({ ...this.props.options, showThresholdLabels: !this.props.options.showThresholdLabels });
......@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ export default class GaugeOptions extends PureComponent<OptionModuleProps> {
onMaxValueChange = ({ target }) => this.props.onChange({ ...this.props.options, maxValue: target.value });
render() {
const { maxValue, minValue, showThresholdLabels, showThresholdMarkers } = this.props.options;
const { options } = this.props;
const { maxValue, minValue, showThresholdLabels, showThresholdMarkers } = options;
return (
<div className="section gf-form-group">
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { PanelProps, NullValueMode } from '@grafana/ui';
import { getTimeSeriesVMs } from 'app/viz/state/timeSeries';
import Gauge from 'app/viz/Gauge';
import { Options } from './types';
interface Props extends PanelProps<Options> {}
export class GaugePanel extends PureComponent<Props> {
render() {
const { timeSeries, width, height } = this.props;
const vmSeries = getTimeSeriesVMs({
timeSeries: timeSeries,
nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Ignore,
return <Gauge timeSeries={vmSeries} {...this.props.options} width={width} height={height} />;
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import ValueOptions from 'app/plugins/panel/gauge/ValueOptions';
import Thresholds from 'app/plugins/panel/gauge/Thresholds';
import { BasicGaugeColor } from 'app/types';
import { PanelOptionsProps } from '@grafana/ui';
import ValueMappings from 'app/plugins/panel/gauge/ValueMappings';
import { Options } from './types';
import GaugeOptions from './GaugeOptions';
export const defaultProps = {
options: {
baseColor: BasicGaugeColor.Green,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
prefix: '',
showThresholdMarkers: true,
showThresholdLabels: false,
suffix: '',
decimals: 0,
stat: 'avg',
unit: 'none',
mappings: [],
thresholds: [],
export default class GaugePanelOptions extends PureComponent<PanelOptionsProps<Options>> {
static defaultProps = defaultProps;
render() {
const { onChange, options } = this.props;
return (
<div className="form-section">
<ValueOptions onChange={onChange} options={options} />
<GaugeOptions onChange={onChange} options={options} />
<Thresholds onChange={onChange} options={options} />
<div className="form-section">
<ValueMappings onChange={onChange} options={options} />
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import Thresholds from './Thresholds';
import { defaultProps, OptionsProps } from './module';
import { defaultProps } from './GaugePanelOptions';
import { BasicGaugeColor } from 'app/types';
import { PanelOptionsProps } from '@grafana/ui';
import { Options } from './types';
const setup = (propOverrides?: object) => {
const props: PanelOptionsProps<OptionsProps> = {
const props: PanelOptionsProps<Options> = {
onChange: jest.fn(),
options: {
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
import { ColorPicker } from 'app/core/components/colorpicker/ColorPicker';
import { OptionModuleProps } from './module';
import { BasicGaugeColor, Threshold } from 'app/types';
import { PanelOptionsProps } from '@grafana/ui';
import { Options } from './types';
interface State {
thresholds: Threshold[];
baseColor: string;
export default class Thresholds extends PureComponent<OptionModuleProps, State> {
export default class Thresholds extends PureComponent<PanelOptionsProps<Options>, State> {
constructor(props) {
import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import ValueMappings from './ValueMappings';
import { defaultProps, OptionModuleProps } from './module';
import { MappingType } from 'app/types';
import { PanelOptionsProps } from '@grafana/ui';
import { Options } from './types';
import { defaultProps } from 'app/plugins/panel/gauge/GaugePanelOptions';
const setup = (propOverrides?: object) => {
const props: OptionModuleProps = {
const props: PanelOptionsProps<Options> = {
onChange: jest.fn(),
options: {
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import MappingRow from './MappingRow';
import { OptionModuleProps } from './module';
import { MappingType, RangeMap, ValueMap } from 'app/types';
import { PanelOptionsProps } from '@grafana/ui';
import { Options } from './types';
interface State {
mappings: Array<ValueMap | RangeMap>;
nextIdToAdd: number;
export default class ValueMappings extends PureComponent<OptionModuleProps, State> {
export default class ValueMappings extends PureComponent<PanelOptionsProps<Options>, State> {
constructor(props) {
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { Label } from 'app/core/components/Label/Label';
import Select from 'app/core/components/Select/Select';
import UnitPicker from 'app/core/components/Select/UnitPicker';
import { OptionModuleProps } from './module';
import { PanelOptionsProps } from '@grafana/ui';
import { Options } from './types';
const statOptions = [
{ value: 'min', label: 'Min' },
......@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ const statOptions = [
const labelWidth = 6;
export default class ValueOptions extends PureComponent<OptionModuleProps> {
export default class ValueOptions extends PureComponent<PanelOptionsProps<Options>> {
onUnitChange = unit => this.props.onChange({ ...this.props.options, unit: unit.value });
onStatChange = stat => this.props.onChange({ ...this.props.options, stat: stat.value });
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import Gauge from 'app/viz/Gauge';
import { getTimeSeriesVMs } from 'app/viz/state/timeSeries';
import ValueOptions from './ValueOptions';
import GaugeOptions from './GaugeOptions';
import Thresholds from './Thresholds';
import ValueMappings from './ValueMappings';
import { PanelOptionsProps, PanelProps, NullValueMode } from '@grafana/ui';
import { BasicGaugeColor, RangeMap, Threshold, ValueMap } from 'app/types';
import GaugePanelOptions, { defaultProps } from './GaugePanelOptions';
import { GaugePanel } from './GaugePanel';
export interface OptionsProps {
baseColor: string;
decimals: number;
mappings: Array<RangeMap | ValueMap>;
maxValue: number;
minValue: number;
prefix: string;
showThresholdLabels: boolean;
showThresholdMarkers: boolean;
stat: string;
suffix: string;
thresholds: Threshold[];
unit: string;
export interface OptionModuleProps {
onChange: (item: any) => void;
options: OptionsProps;
export const defaultProps = {
options: {
baseColor: BasicGaugeColor.Green,
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
prefix: '',
showThresholdMarkers: true,
showThresholdLabels: false,
suffix: '',
decimals: 0,
stat: 'avg',
unit: 'none',
mappings: [],
thresholds: [],
interface Props extends PanelProps<OptionsProps> {}
class GaugePanel extends PureComponent<Props> {
render() {
const { timeSeries, width, height } = this.props;
const vmSeries = getTimeSeriesVMs({
timeSeries: timeSeries,
nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Ignore,
return <Gauge timeSeries={vmSeries} {...this.props.options} width={width} height={height} />;
class Options extends PureComponent<PanelOptionsProps<OptionsProps>> {
static defaultProps = defaultProps;
render() {
const { onChange, options } = this.props;
return (
<div className="form-section">
<ValueOptions onChange={onChange} options={options} />
<GaugeOptions onChange={onChange} options={options} />
<Thresholds onChange={onChange} options={options} />
<div className="form-section">
<ValueMappings onChange={onChange} options={options} />
export { GaugePanel as Panel, Options as PanelOptions, defaultProps as PanelDefaults };
export { GaugePanel as Panel, GaugePanelOptions as PanelOptions, defaultProps as PanelDefaults };
import { RangeMap, ValueMap, Threshold } from 'app/types';
export interface Options {
baseColor: string;
decimals: number;
mappings: Array<RangeMap | ValueMap>;
maxValue: number;
minValue: number;
prefix: string;
showThresholdLabels: boolean;
showThresholdMarkers: boolean;
stat: string;
suffix: string;
thresholds: Threshold[];
unit: string;
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