Commit 1c71637d by Leonard Gram Committed by GitHub

Build: package all binaries for enterprise (#21381)

parent 34d9274c
......@@ -93,21 +93,18 @@ go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch amd64 -libc musl ${OPT} -skipRpm -skipDeb
#removing amd64 phantomjs bin for armv7/arm64 packages
rm tools/phantomjs/phantomjs
# build only amd64 for enterprise
if echo "$EXTRA_OPTS" | grep -vq enterprise ; then
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv6 ${OPT} -skipRpm package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv7 ${OPT} package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch arm64 ${OPT} package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv7 -libc musl ${OPT} -skipRpm -skipDeb package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch arm64 -libc musl ${OPT} -skipRpm -skipDeb package-only
if [ -d '/tmp/phantomjs/darwin' ]; then
cp /tmp/phantomjs/darwin/phantomjs tools/phantomjs/phantomjs
echo 'PhantomJS binaries for darwin missing!'
go run build.go -goos darwin -pkg-arch amd64 ${OPT} package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv6 ${OPT} -skipRpm package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv7 ${OPT} package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch arm64 ${OPT} package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv7 -libc musl ${OPT} -skipRpm -skipDeb package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch arm64 -libc musl ${OPT} -skipRpm -skipDeb package-only
if [ -d '/tmp/phantomjs/darwin' ]; then
cp /tmp/phantomjs/darwin/phantomjs tools/phantomjs/phantomjs
echo 'PhantomJS binaries for darwin missing!'
go run build.go -goos darwin -pkg-arch amd64 ${OPT} package-only
if [ -d '/tmp/phantomjs/windows' ]; then
cp /tmp/phantomjs/windows/phantomjs.exe tools/phantomjs/phantomjs.exe
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