Commit 209e9ebd by Torkel Ödegaard

fix(influxdb): fixes and refactorings of influxdb 0.9 editor, no longer shows…

fix(influxdb): fixes and refactorings of influxdb 0.9 editor, no longer shows template vars in keys dropdown and group by dropdownm, fixes #2636
parent e27e9dc2
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ it allows you to add queries of differnet data source types & instances to the s
- [Issue #2563]( Annotations: Fixed issue when html sanitizer failes for title to annotation body, now fallbacks to html escaping title and text
- [Issue #2564]( Templating: Another atempt at fixing #2534 (Init multi value template var used in repeat panel from url)
- [Issue #2620]( Graph: multi series tooltip did no highlight correct point when stacking was enabled and series were of different resolution
- [Issue #2636]( InfluxDB: Do no show template vars in dropdown for tag keys and group by keys
**Breaking Changes**
- Notice to makers/users of custom data sources, there is a minor breaking change in 2.2 that
......@@ -119,8 +119,7 @@ function (angular, _, InfluxQueryBuilder) {
$scope.getMeasurements = function () {
var query = $scope.queryBuilder.buildExploreQuery('MEASUREMENTS');
return $scope.datasource.metricFindQuery(query)
.then(null, $scope.handleQueryError);
......@@ -129,42 +128,46 @@ function (angular, _, InfluxQueryBuilder) {
return [];
$scope.transformToSegments = function(results) {
return, function(segment) {
return new MetricSegment({ value: segment.text, expandable: segment.expandable });
$scope.transformToSegments = function(addTemplateVars) {
return function(results) {
var segments =, function(segment) {
return new MetricSegment({ value: segment.text, expandable: segment.expandable });
$scope.addTemplateVariableSegments = function(segments) {
_.each(templateSrv.variables, function(variable) {
segments.unshift(new MetricSegment({ type: 'template', value: '/$' + + '/', expandable: true }));
return segments;
if (addTemplateVars) {
_.each(templateSrv.variables, function(variable) {
segments.unshift(new MetricSegment({ type: 'template', value: '/$' + + '/', expandable: true }));
return segments;
$scope.getTagsOrValues = function(segment, index) {
var query;
if (segment.type === 'condition') {
return $q.when([new MetricSegment('AND'), new MetricSegment('OR')]);
if (segment.type === 'operator') {
var nextValue = $scope.tagSegments[index+1].value;
if (/^\/.*\/$/.test(nextValue)) {
return $q.when(MetricSegment.newOperators(['=~', '!~']));
} else {
return $q.when(MetricSegment.newOperators(['=', '<>', '<', '>']));
var query, addTemplateVars;
if (segment.type === 'key' || segment.type === 'plus-button') {
query = $scope.queryBuilder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS');
addTemplateVars = false;
} else if (segment.type === 'value') {
query = $scope.queryBuilder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_VALUES', $scope.tagSegments[index-2].value);
} else if (segment.type === 'condition') {
return $q.when([new MetricSegment('AND'), new MetricSegment('OR')]);
} else if (segment.type === 'operator' && /^(?!\/.*\/$)/.test($scope.tagSegments[index+1].value)) {
return $q.when([MetricSegment.newOperator('='), MetricSegment.newOperator('<>'),
MetricSegment.newOperator('<'), MetricSegment.newOperator('>')]);
} else if (segment.type === 'operator' && /^\/.*\/$/.test($scope.tagSegments[index+1].value)) {
return $q.when([MetricSegment.newOperator('=~'), MetricSegment.newOperator('!~')]);
else {
return $q.when([]);
addTemplateVars = true;
return $scope.datasource.metricFindQuery(query)
.then(function(results) {
if (segment.type === 'key') {
results.splice(0, 0, angular.copy($scope.removeTagFilterSegment));
......@@ -177,8 +180,8 @@ function (angular, _, InfluxQueryBuilder) {
$scope.getFieldSegments = function() {
var fieldsQuery = $scope.queryBuilder.buildExploreQuery('FIELDS');
return $scope.datasource.metricFindQuery(fieldsQuery)
.then(null, $scope.handleQueryError);
.then(null, $scope.handleQueryError);
$scope.addField = function() {
......@@ -197,8 +200,7 @@ function (angular, _, InfluxQueryBuilder) {
var query = $scope.queryBuilder.buildExploreQuery('TAG_KEYS');
return $scope.datasource.metricFindQuery(query)
.then(function(results) {
if (segment.type !== 'plus-button') {
results.splice(0, 0, angular.copy($scope.removeGroupBySegment));
......@@ -322,6 +324,12 @@ function (angular, _, InfluxQueryBuilder) {
return new MetricSegment({value: op, type: 'operator', cssClass: 'query-segment-operator' });
MetricSegment.newOperators = function(ops) {
return, function(op) {
return new MetricSegment({value: op, type: 'operator', cssClass: 'query-segment-operator' });
MetricSegment.newPlusButton = function() {
return new MetricSegment({fake: true, html: '<i class="fa fa-plus "></i>', type: 'plus-button' });
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