Commit 36073169 by Carl Bergquist Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #6489 from bergquist/reduce_notification_states

Reduce alerting states
parents 56340bfd b2d8e83c
......@@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ var (
M_Alerting_Result_State_Ok Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Paused Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_NoData Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_ExecError Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Pending Counter
M_Alerting_Result_State_Pending Counter
M_Alerting_Active_Alerts Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Slack Counter
M_Alerting_Notification_Sent_Email Counter
......@@ -102,7 +101,6 @@ func initMetricVars(settings *MetricSettings) {
M_Alerting_Result_State_Ok = RegCounter("alerting.result", "state", "ok")
M_Alerting_Result_State_Paused = RegCounter("alerting.result", "state", "paused")
M_Alerting_Result_State_NoData = RegCounter("alerting.result", "state", "no_data")
M_Alerting_Result_State_ExecError = RegCounter("alerting.result", "state", "exec_error")
M_Alerting_Result_State_Pending = RegCounter("alerting.result", "state", "pending")
M_Alerting_Active_Alerts = RegCounter("alerting.active_alerts")
......@@ -9,35 +9,47 @@ import (
type AlertStateType string
type AlertSeverityType string
type NoDataOption string
type ExecutionErrorOption string
const (
AlertStateNoData AlertStateType = "no_data"
AlertStateExecError AlertStateType = "execution_error"
AlertStatePaused AlertStateType = "paused"
AlertStateAlerting AlertStateType = "alerting"
AlertStateOK AlertStateType = "ok"
AlertStatePending AlertStateType = "pending"
AlertStateNoData AlertStateType = "no_data"
AlertStatePaused AlertStateType = "paused"
AlertStateAlerting AlertStateType = "alerting"
AlertStateOK AlertStateType = "ok"
AlertStatePending AlertStateType = "pending"
const (
NoDataSetNoData NoDataOption = "no_data"
NoDataSetAlerting NoDataOption = "alerting"
NoDataSetOK NoDataOption = "ok"
NoDataKeepState NoDataOption = "keep_state"
const (
ExecutionErrorSetAlerting ExecutionErrorOption = "alerting"
ExecutionErrorKeepState ExecutionErrorOption = "keep_state"
func (s AlertStateType) IsValid() bool {
return s == AlertStateOK || s == AlertStateNoData || s == AlertStateExecError || s == AlertStatePaused || s == AlertStatePending
return s == AlertStateOK || s == AlertStateNoData || s == AlertStatePaused || s == AlertStatePending
func (s NoDataOption) IsValid() bool {
return s == NoDataSetNoData || s == NoDataSetAlerting || s == NoDataSetOK || s == NoDataKeepState
return s == NoDataSetNoData || s == NoDataSetAlerting || s == NoDataKeepState
func (s NoDataOption) ToAlertState() AlertStateType {
return AlertStateType(s)
func (s ExecutionErrorOption) IsValid() bool {
return s == ExecutionErrorSetAlerting || s == ExecutionErrorKeepState
func (s ExecutionErrorOption) ToAlertState() AlertStateType {
return AlertStateType(s)
type Alert struct {
Id int64
Version int64
......@@ -26,10 +26,23 @@ type EvalContext struct {
ImagePublicUrl string
ImageOnDiskPath string
NoDataFound bool
PrevAlertState m.AlertStateType
Ctx context.Context
func NewEvalContext(alertCtx context.Context, rule *Rule) *EvalContext {
return &EvalContext{
Ctx: alertCtx,
StartTime: time.Now(),
Rule: rule,
Logs: make([]*ResultLogEntry, 0),
EvalMatches: make([]*EvalMatch, 0),
log: log.New("alerting.evalContext"),
PrevAlertState: rule.State,
type StateDescription struct {
Color string
Text string
......@@ -48,11 +61,6 @@ func (c *EvalContext) GetStateModel() *StateDescription {
Color: "#888888",
Text: "No Data",
case m.AlertStateExecError:
return &StateDescription{
Color: "#000",
Text: "Execution Error",
case m.AlertStateAlerting:
return &StateDescription{
Color: "#D63232",
......@@ -63,6 +71,18 @@ func (c *EvalContext) GetStateModel() *StateDescription {
func (c *EvalContext) ShouldUpdateAlertState() bool {
return c.Rule.State != c.PrevAlertState
func (c *EvalContext) ShouldSendNotification() bool {
if (c.PrevAlertState == m.AlertStatePending) && (c.Rule.State == m.AlertStateOK) {
return false
return true
func (a *EvalContext) GetDurationMs() float64 {
return float64(a.EndTime.Nanosecond()-a.StartTime.Nanosecond()) / float64(1000000)
......@@ -97,14 +117,3 @@ func (c *EvalContext) GetRuleUrl() (string, error) {
return ruleUrl, nil
func NewEvalContext(alertCtx context.Context, rule *Rule) *EvalContext {
return &EvalContext{
Ctx: alertCtx,
StartTime: time.Now(),
Rule: rule,
Logs: make([]*ResultLogEntry, 0),
EvalMatches: make([]*EvalMatch, 0),
log: log.New("alerting.evalContext"),
package alerting
import (
. ""
func TestAlertingEvalContext(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Eval context", t, func() {
ctx := NewEvalContext(context.TODO(), &Rule{Conditions: []Condition{&conditionStub{firing: true}}})
Convey("Should update alert state", func() {
Convey("ok -> alerting", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.State = models.AlertStateAlerting
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("ok -> ok", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.State = models.AlertStateOK
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("Should send notifications", func() {
Convey("pending -> ok", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStatePending
ctx.Rule.State = models.AlertStateOK
So(ctx.ShouldSendNotification(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("ok -> alerting", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.State = models.AlertStateAlerting
So(ctx.ShouldSendNotification(), ShouldBeTrue)
......@@ -27,32 +27,55 @@ func NewResultHandler() *DefaultResultHandler {
func (handler *DefaultResultHandler) Handle(evalContext *EvalContext) error {
oldState := evalContext.Rule.State
func (handler *DefaultResultHandler) GetStateFromEvaluation(evalContext *EvalContext) m.AlertStateType {
if evalContext.Error != nil {
handler.log.Error("Alert Rule Result Error",
"ruleId", evalContext.Rule.Id,
"name", evalContext.Rule.Name,
"error", evalContext.Error,
"changing state to", evalContext.Rule.ExecutionErrorState.ToAlertState())
if evalContext.Rule.ExecutionErrorState == m.ExecutionErrorKeepState {
return evalContext.PrevAlertState
} else {
return evalContext.Rule.ExecutionErrorState.ToAlertState()
} else if evalContext.Firing {
return m.AlertStateAlerting
} else if evalContext.NoDataFound {
handler.log.Info("Alert Rule returned no data",
"ruleId", evalContext.Rule.Id,
"name", evalContext.Rule.Name,
"changing state to", evalContext.Rule.NoDataState.ToAlertState())
if evalContext.Rule.NoDataState == m.NoDataKeepState {
return evalContext.PrevAlertState
} else {
return evalContext.Rule.NoDataState.ToAlertState()
return m.AlertStateOK
func (handler *DefaultResultHandler) Handle(evalContext *EvalContext) error {
executionError := ""
annotationData := simplejson.New()
evalContext.Rule.State = handler.GetStateFromEvaluation(evalContext)
if evalContext.Error != nil {
handler.log.Error("Alert Rule Result Error", "ruleId", evalContext.Rule.Id, "error", evalContext.Error)
evalContext.Rule.State = m.AlertStateExecError
executionError = evalContext.Error.Error()
annotationData.Set("errorMessage", executionError)
} else if evalContext.Firing {
evalContext.Rule.State = m.AlertStateAlerting
if evalContext.Firing {
annotationData = simplejson.NewFromAny(evalContext.EvalMatches)
} else {
if evalContext.NoDataFound {
if evalContext.Rule.NoDataState != m.NoDataKeepState {
evalContext.Rule.State = evalContext.Rule.NoDataState.ToAlertState()
} else {
evalContext.Rule.State = m.AlertStateOK
if handler.shouldUpdateAlertState(evalContext, oldState) {
handler.log.Info("New state change", "alertId", evalContext.Rule.Id, "newState", evalContext.Rule.State, "oldState", oldState)
if evalContext.ShouldUpdateAlertState() {
handler.log.Info("New state change", "alertId", evalContext.Rule.Id, "newState", evalContext.Rule.State, "prev state", evalContext.PrevAlertState)
cmd := &m.SetAlertStateCommand{
AlertId: evalContext.Rule.Id,
......@@ -76,7 +99,7 @@ func (handler *DefaultResultHandler) Handle(evalContext *EvalContext) error {
Title: evalContext.Rule.Name,
Text: evalContext.GetStateModel().Text,
NewState: string(evalContext.Rule.State),
PrevState: string(oldState),
PrevState: string(evalContext.PrevAlertState),
Epoch: time.Now().Unix(),
Data: annotationData,
......@@ -86,21 +109,14 @@ func (handler *DefaultResultHandler) Handle(evalContext *EvalContext) error {
handler.log.Error("Failed to save annotation for new alert state", "error", err)
if (oldState == m.AlertStatePending) && (evalContext.Rule.State == m.AlertStateOK) {
handler.log.Info("Notfication not sent", "oldState", oldState, "newState", evalContext.Rule.State)
} else {
if evalContext.ShouldSendNotification() {
return nil
func (handler *DefaultResultHandler) shouldUpdateAlertState(evalContext *EvalContext, oldState m.AlertStateType) bool {
return evalContext.Rule.State != oldState
func countStateResult(state m.AlertStateType) {
switch state {
case m.AlertStatePending:
......@@ -113,7 +129,5 @@ func countStateResult(state m.AlertStateType) {
case m.AlertStateNoData:
case m.AlertStateExecError:
package alerting
// import (
// "context"
// "testing"
// ""
// . ""
// )
// func TestAlertResultHandler(t *testing.T) {
// Convey("Test result Handler", t, func() {
// handler := NewResultHandler()
// evalContext := NewEvalContext(context.TODO(), &Rule{})
// Convey("Should update", func() {
// Convey("when no earlier alert state", func() {
// oldState := models.AlertStateOK
// evalContext.Rule.State = models.AlertStateAlerting
// evalContext.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataKeepState
// evalContext.NoDataFound = true
// So(handler.shouldUpdateAlertState(evalContext, oldState), ShouldBeFalse)
// })
// })
// })
// }
import (
. ""
func TestAlertingResultHandler(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Result handler", t, func() {
ctx := NewEvalContext(context.TODO(), &Rule{Conditions: []Condition{&conditionStub{firing: true}}})
dummieError := fmt.Errorf("dummie")
handler := NewResultHandler()
Convey("Should update alert state", func() {
Convey("ok -> alerting", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Firing = true
So(handler.GetStateFromEvaluation(ctx), ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("ok -> error(alerting)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorSetAlerting
ctx.Rule.State = handler.GetStateFromEvaluation(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("ok -> error(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorKeepState
ctx.Rule.State = handler.GetStateFromEvaluation(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateOK)
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("pending -> error(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStatePending
ctx.Error = dummieError
ctx.Rule.ExecutionErrorState = models.ExecutionErrorKeepState
ctx.Rule.State = handler.GetStateFromEvaluation(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStatePending)
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("ok -> no_data(alerting)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataSetAlerting
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = handler.GetStateFromEvaluation(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateAlerting)
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("ok -> no_data(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStateOK
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataKeepState
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = handler.GetStateFromEvaluation(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStateOK)
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("pending -> no_data(keep_last)", func() {
ctx.PrevAlertState = models.AlertStatePending
ctx.Rule.NoDataState = models.NoDataKeepState
ctx.NoDataFound = true
ctx.Rule.State = handler.GetStateFromEvaluation(ctx)
So(ctx.Rule.State, ShouldEqual, models.AlertStatePending)
So(ctx.ShouldUpdateAlertState(), ShouldBeFalse)
......@@ -11,17 +11,18 @@ import (
type Rule struct {
Id int64
OrgId int64
DashboardId int64
PanelId int64
Frequency int64
Name string
Message string
NoDataState m.NoDataOption
State m.AlertStateType
Conditions []Condition
Notifications []int64
Id int64
OrgId int64
DashboardId int64
PanelId int64
Frequency int64
Name string
Message string
NoDataState m.NoDataOption
ExecutionErrorState m.ExecutionErrorOption
State m.AlertStateType
Conditions []Condition
Notifications []int64
type ValidationError struct {
......@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ func NewRuleFromDBAlert(ruleDef *m.Alert) (*Rule, error) {
model.Frequency = ruleDef.Frequency
model.State = ruleDef.State
model.NoDataState = m.NoDataOption(ruleDef.Settings.Get("noDataState").MustString("no_data"))
model.ExecutionErrorState = m.ExecutionErrorOption(ruleDef.Settings.Get("executionErrorState").MustString("alerting"))
for _, v := range ruleDef.Settings.Get("notifications").MustArray() {
jsonModel := simplejson.NewFromAny(v)
......@@ -37,10 +37,14 @@ var reducerTypes = [
var noDataModes = [
{text: 'OK', value: 'ok'},
{text: 'Alerting', value: 'alerting'},
{text: 'No Data', value: 'no_data'},
{text: 'Keep Last', value: 'keep_last'},
{text: 'Keep Last State', value: 'keep_state'},
var executionErrorModes = [
{text: 'Alerting', value: 'alerting'},
{text: 'Keep Last State', value: 'keep_state'},
function createReducerPart(model) {
......@@ -48,7 +52,6 @@ function createReducerPart(model) {
return new QueryPart(model, def);
function getStateDisplayModel(state) {
switch (state) {
case 'ok': {
......@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ export default {
conditionTypes: conditionTypes,
evalFunctions: evalFunctions,
noDataModes: noDataModes,
executionErrorModes: executionErrorModes,
reducerTypes: reducerTypes,
createReducerPart: createReducerPart,
joinEvalMatches: joinEvalMatches,
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ export class AlertTabCtrl {
conditionModels: any;
evalFunctions: any;
noDataModes: any;
executionErrorModes: any;
......@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export class AlertTabCtrl {
this.evalFunctions = alertDef.evalFunctions;
this.conditionTypes = alertDef.conditionTypes;
this.noDataModes = alertDef.noDataModes;
this.executionErrorModes = alertDef.executionErrorModes;
this.appSubUrl = config.appSubUrl;
......@@ -140,6 +142,7 @@ export class AlertTabCtrl {
alert.noDataState = alert.noDataState || 'no_data';
alert.executionErrorState = alert.executionErrorState || 'alerting';
alert.frequency = alert.frequency || '60s';
alert.handler = alert.handler || 1;
alert.notifications = alert.notifications || [];
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<div class="gf-form-group">
<div class="gf-form">
<span class="gf-form-label">If no data points or all values are null</span>
<span class="gf-form-label width-18">If no data points or all values are null</span>
<span class="gf-form-label query-keyword">SET STATE TO</span>
<div class="gf-form-select-wrapper">
<select class="gf-form-input" ng-model="ctrl.alert.noDataState" ng-options="f.value as f.text for f in ctrl.noDataModes">
......@@ -90,6 +90,15 @@
<div class="gf-form">
<span class="gf-form-label width-18">On execution error or timeout</span>
<span class="gf-form-label query-keyword">SET STATE TO</span>
<div class="gf-form-select-wrapper">
<select class="gf-form-input" ng-model="ctrl.alert.executionErrorState" ng-options="f.value as f.text for f in ctrl.executionErrorModes">
<div class="gf-form-button-row">
<button class="btn btn-inverse" ng-click="ctrl.test()">
Test Rule
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