returnfmt.Errorf("Column metric must be of type %s. metric column name: %s type: %s but datatype is %T",strings.Join(e.metricColumnTypes,", "),columnNames[metricIndex],columnTypes[metricIndex].DatabaseTypeName(),values[metricIndex])
- return column named <i>time</i> (UTC in seconds or timestamp)
- return column(s) with numeric datatype as values
- (Optional: return column named <i>metric</i> to represent the series name. If no column named metric is found the column name of the value column is used as series name)
- return column named <i>metric</i> to represent the series name.
- If multiple value columns are returned the metric column is used as prefix.
- If no column named metric is found the column name of the value column is used as series name