Commit 7b5f7ed5 by Torkel Ödegaard

dashboard_history: SQL did not work when using MySQL, fixes to dashboard version…

dashboard_history: SQL did not work when using MySQL, fixes to dashboard version numbering, so inserts start at 1, added migration to fix old dashboards with version 0
parent 5409f4c0
......@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ func GetDashboard(c *middleware.Context) {
creator = getUserLogin(dash.CreatedBy)
// make sure db version is in sync with json model version
dash.Data.Set("version", dash.Version)
dto := dtos.DashboardFullWithMeta{
Dashboard: dash.Data,
Meta: dtos.DashboardMeta{
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ func SaveDashboard(cmd *m.SaveDashboardCommand) error {
affectedRows := int64(0)
if dash.Id == 0 {
dash.Version = 1
dash.Data.Set("version", dash.Version)
affectedRows, err = sess.Insert(dash)
......@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ func GetDashboardVersions(query *m.GetDashboardVersionsQuery) error {
dashboard_version.created_by as created_by_id,
"user".login as created_by`).
Join("LEFT", "user", `dashboard_version.created_by = "user".id`).
Join("LEFT", "dashboard", ` = "dashboard_version".dashboard_id`).,`+
dialect.Quote("user")+`.login as created_by`).
Join("LEFT", "user", `dashboard_version.created_by = `+dialect.Quote("user")+`.id`).
Join("LEFT", "dashboard", ` = dashboard_version.dashboard_id`).
Where("dashboard_version.dashboard_id=? AND dashboard.org_id=?", query.DashboardId, query.OrgId).
OrderBy("dashboard_version.version DESC").
Limit(query.Limit, query.Start).
......@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@ func addDashboardVersionMigration(mg *Migrator) {
mg.AddMigration("add index dashboard_version.dashboard_id", NewAddIndexMigration(dashboardVersionV1, dashboardVersionV1.Indices[0]))
mg.AddMigration("add unique index dashboard_version.dashboard_id and dashboard_version.version", NewAddIndexMigration(dashboardVersionV1, dashboardVersionV1.Indices[1]))
// before new dashboards where created with version 0, now they are always inserted with version 1
const setVersionTo1WhereZeroSQL = `UPDATE dashboard SET version = 1 WHERE version = 0`
mg.AddMigration("Set dashboard version to 1 where 0", new(RawSqlMigration).
const rawSQL = `INSERT INTO dashboard_version
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ export class NavModelSrv {
title: 'Version History',
title: 'Version history',
icon: 'fa fa-fw fa-history',
clickHandler: () => dashNavCtrl.openEditView('history')
<div class="tabbed-view-header">
<h2 class="tabbed-view-title">
Version History
Version history
<ul class="gf-tabs">
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