Commit 803699ea by Ivana Huckova Committed by GitHub

Grafana: Create new playlist/dashboard/channel card is not visible when there…

Grafana: Create new playlist/dashboard/channel card is not visible when there are no items in the list (#18890)
parent 5f1bb394
......@@ -114,14 +114,14 @@
<div ng-if="ctrl.canSave && ctrl.folderId && !ctrl.hasFilters && ctrl.sections.length === 0">
<empty-list-cta model="{
title: 'This folder doesn\'t have any dashboards yet',
buttonIcon: 'gicon gicon-dashboard-new',
buttonLink: 'dashboard/new?folderId={{ctrl.folderId}}',
buttonTitle: 'Create Dashboard',
proTip: 'Add/move dashboards to your folder at ->',
proTipLink: 'dashboards',
proTipLinkTitle: 'Manage dashboards',
proTipTarget: ''
}" />
title="'This folder doesn\'t have any dashboards yet'"
buttonIcon="'gicon gicon-dashboard-new'"
buttonTitle="'Create Dashboard'"
proTip="'Add/move dashboards to your folder at ->'"
proTipLinkTitle="'Manage dashboards'"
......@@ -45,15 +45,15 @@
<div ng-if="ctrl.notifications.length === 0">
<empty-list-cta model="{
title: 'There are no notification channels defined yet',
buttonIcon: 'gicon gicon-alert-notification-channel',
buttonLink: 'alerting/notification/new',
buttonTitle: 'Add channel',
proTip: 'You can include images in your alert notifications.',
proTipLink: '',
proTipLinkTitle: 'Learn more',
proTipTarget: '_blank'
}" />
title= "'There are no notification channels defined yet'"
buttonIcon= "'gicon gicon-alert-notification-channel'"
buttonLink= "'alerting/notification/new'"
buttonTitle= "'Add channel'"
proTip= "'You can include images in your alert notifications.'"
proTipLink= "''"
proTipLinkTitle= "'Learn more'"
proTipTarget= "'_blank'"
......@@ -53,15 +53,14 @@
<div ng-if="ctrl.playlists.length === 0">
<empty-list-cta model="{
title: 'There are no playlists created yet',
buttonIcon: 'fa fa-plus',
buttonLink: 'playlists/create',
buttonTitle: ' Create Playlist',
proTip: 'You can use playlists to cycle dashboards on TVs without user control',
proTipLink: '',
proTipLinkTitle: 'Learn more',
proTipTarget: '_blank'
}" />
title="'There are no playlists created yet'"
buttonIcon="'fa fa-plus'"
buttonTitle="'Create Playlist'"
proTip="'You can use playlists to cycle dashboards on TVs without user control'"
proTipLinkTitle="'Learn more'"
proTipTarget="'_blank'" />
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