Component for showing a value based on a [DisplayValue](
### Display properties
There are a few properties that will determine the look of the BigValue.
#### Justify mode
There are two modes for aligning text, auto and center.
#### Graph mode
You can control graph shown in BigValue with the `GraphMode` property. `GraphMode.Area` renders a
graph in the behind the value. `GrapMode.None` will hide it.
#### Color mode
`ColorMode` controls which part of the component that should have the color from thresholds or field config,
`ColorMode.Background` and `ColorMode.Value`.
Note, `ColorMode.Value` will only set the color for the value.
#### Text mode
There are four variants to render text:
* `TextMode.Auto` - Show value and name if there's more than on BigValue in the same pane.
* `TextMode.Value` - Show only the value.
* `TextMode.ValueAndName` - Show value and the name.
* `TextMode.None` - Do not show any value or name.
### Example usage
An example usage is in the [Stat panel](