Commit b54b43a4 by Ben Tranter

Add tests for diff formatters

parent bc6a57ce
package dashdiffs
import (
. ""
func TestDiff(t *testing.T) {
// Sample json docs for tests only
const (
leftJSON = `{
"key": "value",
"object": {
"key": "value",
"anotherObject": {
"same": "this field is the same in rightJSON",
"change": "this field should change in rightJSON",
"delete": "this field doesn't appear in rightJSON"
"array": [
"embeddedArray": {
"array": [
rightJSON = `{
"key": "differentValue",
"object": {
"key": "value",
"newKey": "value",
"anotherObject": {
"same": "this field is the same in rightJSON",
"change": "this field should change in rightJSON",
"add": "this field is added"
"array": [
"embeddedArray": {
"array": [
Convey("Testing dashboard diffs", t, func() {
// Compute the diff between the two JSON objects
baseData, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(leftJSON))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
newData, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(rightJSON))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
left, jsonDiff, err := getDiff(baseData, newData)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("The JSONFormatter should produce the expected JSON tokens", func() {
f := NewJSONFormatter(left)
_, err := f.Format(jsonDiff)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// Total up the change types. If the number of different change
// types is correct, it means that the diff is producing correct
// output to the template rendered.
changeCounts := make(map[ChangeType]int)
for _, line := range f.Lines {
// The expectedChangeCounts here were determined by manually
// looking at the JSON
expectedChangeCounts := map[ChangeType]int{
ChangeNil: 12,
ChangeAdded: 2,
ChangeDeleted: 1,
ChangeOld: 5,
ChangeNew: 5,
ChangeUnchanged: 5,
So(changeCounts, ShouldResemble, expectedChangeCounts)
Convey("The BasicFormatter should produce the expected BasicBlocks", func() {
f := NewBasicFormatter(left)
_, err := f.Format(jsonDiff)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
bd := &BasicDiff{}
blocks := bd.Basic(f.jsonDiff.Lines)
changeCounts := make(map[ChangeType]int)
for _, block := range blocks {
for _, change := range block.Changes {
for _, summary := range block.Summaries {
expectedChangeCounts := map[ChangeType]int{
ChangeNil: 3,
ChangeAdded: 2,
ChangeDeleted: 1,
ChangeOld: 3,
So(changeCounts, ShouldResemble, expectedChangeCounts)
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