Commit c1c1bcb8 by Alexander Zobnin Committed by Daniel Lee

histogram: don't cut negative values, issue #8628

parent 1da98f5e
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ coreModule.directive('grafanaGraph', function($rootScope, timeSrv, popoverSrv) {
ticks =[0].data, point => point[0]);
// Expand ticks for pretty view
min = Math.max(0, _.min(ticks) - bucketSize);
min = _.min(ticks) - bucketSize;
max = _.max(ticks) + bucketSize;
ticks = [];
......@@ -38,9 +38,12 @@ export function convertValuesToHistogram(values: number[], bucketSize: number):
return, (count, bound) => {
let histogam_series =, (count, bound) => {
return [Number(bound), count];
// Sort by Y axis values
return _.sortBy(histogam_series, point => point[0]);
function getBucketBound(value: number, bucketSize: number): number {
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