@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Since not all datasources have the same configuration settings we only have the
| tlsAuthWithCACert | boolean | *All* | Enable TLS authentication using CA cert |
| tlsSkipVerify | boolean | *All* | Controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. |
| graphiteVersion | string | Graphite | Graphite version |
| timeInterval | string | Elastic, InfluxDB, PostgreSQL & Prometheus | Lowest interval/step value that should be used for this data source |
| timeInterval | string | Elastic, InfluxDB, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL & Prometheus | Lowest interval/step value that should be used for this data source |
| esVersion | number | Elastic | Elasticsearch version as a number (2/5/56) |
| timeField | string | Elastic | Which field that should be used as timestamp |
| interval | string | Elastic | Index date time format |
A lower limit for the `$__interval` variable. Recommended to be set to write frequency, for example `1m` if your data is written every minute.
This option can also be overridden/configured in a dashboard panel under data source options. It's important to note that this value **needs** to be formatted as a
number followed by a valid time identifier, e.g. `1m` (1 minute) or `30s` (30 seconds). The following time identifiers are supported:
Identifier | Description
------------ | -------------
`y` | year
`M` | month
`w` | week
`d` | day
`h` | hour
`m` | minute
`s` | second
`ms` | millisecond
### Database User Permissions (Important!)
The database user you specify when you add the data source should only be granted SELECT permissions on
A lower limit for the `$__interval` variable. Recommended to be set to write frequency, for example `1m` if your data is written every minute.
This option can also be overridden/configured in a dashboard panel under data source options. It's important to note that this value **needs** to be formatted as a
number followed by a valid time identifier, e.g. `1m` (1 minute) or `30s` (30 seconds). The following time identifiers are supported:
Identifier | Description
------------ | -------------
`y` | year
`M` | month
`w` | week
`d` | day
`h` | hour
`m` | minute
`s` | second
`ms` | millisecond
### Database User Permissions (Important!)
The database user you specify when you add the data source should only be granted SELECT permissions on