Commit cb8f020a by spenceralger

Merge pull request #431 from spenceralger/geo_point_filter

Fixes filtering on array values from the micro-analysis pop-out
parents 77e1e004 b160700e
......@@ -73,10 +73,20 @@
kbn.top_field_values = function(docs,field,count) {
var counts = _.countBy(_.pluck(docs,field),function(field){
return _.isUndefined(field) ? '' : field;
var all_values = _.pluck(docs,field),
groups = {};
// manually grouping into pairs allows us to keep the original value,
_.each(all_values, function (value) {
var key = _.isUndefined(value) ? '' : value.toString();
if (_.has(groups, key)) {
groups[key][1] ++;
} else {
groups[key] = [value, 1];
return _.pairs(counts).sort(function(a, b) {
return _.values(groups).sort(function(a, b) {
return a[1] - b[1];
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