Commit d8b90721 by utkarshcmu

Able to display login Id of the user in Last Updated By

parent cb5c1bd2
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
......@@ -49,6 +48,20 @@ func GetDashboard(c *middleware.Context) {
dash := query.Result
// Finding the last updater of the dashboard
updater := "Anonymous"
if dash.UpdatedBy != 0 {
userQuery := m.GetUserByIdQuery{Id: dash.UpdatedBy}
userErr := bus.Dispatch(&userQuery)
if userErr != nil {
updater = "Unknown"
} else {
user := userQuery.Result
updater = user.Login
dto := dtos.DashboardFullWithMeta{
Dashboard: dash.Data,
Meta: dtos.DashboardMeta{
......@@ -60,7 +73,7 @@ func GetDashboard(c *middleware.Context) {
CanEdit: canEditDashboard(c.OrgRole),
Created: dash.Created,
Updated: dash.Updated,
UpdatedBy: strconv.FormatInt(dash.UpdatedBy, 10),
UpdatedBy: updater,
......@@ -89,7 +102,12 @@ func DeleteDashboard(c *middleware.Context) {
func PostDashboard(c *middleware.Context, cmd m.SaveDashboardCommand) {
cmd.OrgId = c.OrgId
cmd.UpdatedBy = c.UserId
if !c.IsSignedIn {
cmd.UpdatedBy = 0
} else {
cmd.UpdatedBy = c.UserId
dash := cmd.GetDashboardModel()
if dash.Id == 0 {
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