Commit edf5868c by Torkel Ödegaard

fix(panel timeshift): fixed so that panel time range works when dashboard time…

fix(panel timeshift): fixed so that panel time range works when dashboard time range does not end in now, like  and , fixes #3941
parent 5588e759
# 3.0.0 (unrelased master branch)
### New Features
* **Playlists**: Playlists can now be persisted and started from urls, closes [#3655](
* **Playlists**: Playlists can now be persisted and started from urls, closes [#3655](
* **Metadata**: Settings panel now shows dashboard metadata, closes [#3304](
* **InfluxDB**: Support for policy selection in query editor, closes [#2018](
......@@ -11,14 +11,15 @@
* **KairosDB** The data source is no longer included in default builds, but can easily be installed via improved plugin system, closes [#3524](
### Enhancements
* **Sessions**: Support for memcached as session storage, closes [#3458](
* **mysql**: Grafana now supports ssl for mysql, closes [#3584](
* **snapshot**: Annotations are now included in snapshots, closes [#3635](
* **Sessions**: Support for memcached as session storage, closes [#3458](
* **mysql**: Grafana now supports ssl for mysql, closes [#3584](
* **snapshot**: Annotations are now included in snapshots, closes [#3635](
* **Admin**: Admin can now have global overview of Grafana setup, closes [#3812](
### Bug fixes
* **Playlist**: Fix for memory leak when running a playlist, closes [#3794](
* **InfluxDB**: Fix for InfluxDB and table panel when using Format As Table and having group by time, fixes [#3928](
* **InfluxDB**: Fix for InfluxDB and table panel when using Format As Table and having group by time, fixes [#3928](
* **Panel Time shift**: Fix for panel time range and using dashboard times liek `Today` and `This Week`, fixes [#3941](
# 2.6.1 (unrelased, 2.6.x branch)
......@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ class MetricsPanelCtrl extends PanelCtrl {
this.rangeRaw.from = timeFromInfo.from; =;
this.range.from = timeFromDate; = dateMath.parse(;
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