Commit f9a6414b by Oleg Gaidarenko Committed by GitHub

Build: fix use of env vars in parentheses execs (#18249)

* Build: fix use of env vars in parentheses execs

* Build: disable shellcheck rule SC2086 for a file

Follow up for 4b16cd6c
parent 996567ac
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
# This script is executed from within the container.
......@@ -32,16 +34,16 @@ echo "current dir: $(pwd)"
# build only amd64 for enterprise
if echo "$EXTRA_OPTS" | grep -vq enterprise ; then
go run build.go -goarch armv6 -cc "${CCARMV6}" "${OPT}" build
go run build.go -goarch armv7 -cc "${CCARMV7}" "${OPT}" build
go run build.go -goarch arm64 -cc "${CCARM64}" "${OPT}" build
go run build.go -goos darwin -cc "${CCOSX64}" "${OPT}" build
go run build.go -goarch armv6 -cc ${CCARMV6} ${OPT} build
go run build.go -goarch armv7 -cc ${CCARMV7} ${OPT} build
go run build.go -goarch arm64 -cc ${CCARM64} ${OPT} build
go run build.go -goos darwin -cc ${CCOSX64} ${OPT} build
go run build.go -goos windows -cc "${CCWIN64}" "${OPT}" build
go run build.go -goos windows -cc ${CCWIN64} ${OPT} build
# Do not remove CC from the linux build, its there for compatibility with Centos6
CC=${CCX64} go run build.go "${OPT}" build
CC=${CCX64} go run build.go ${OPT} build
yarn install --pure-lockfile --no-progress
......@@ -51,36 +53,36 @@ else
echo "Building frontend and packaging incremental build for $CIRCLE_BRANCH"
echo "Building frontend"
go run build.go "${OPT}" build-frontend
go run build.go ${OPT} build-frontend
if [ -d "dist" ]; then
rm -rf dist
mkdir dist
go run build.go -gen-version "${OPT}" > dist/grafana.version
go run build.go -gen-version ${OPT} > dist/grafana.version
# Load ruby, needed for packing with fpm
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
source /etc/profile.d/
echo "Packaging"
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch amd64 "${OPT}" package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch amd64 ${OPT} package-only
#removing amd64 phantomjs bin for armv7/arm64 packages
rm tools/phantomjs/phantomjs
# build only amd64 for enterprise
if echo "$EXTRA_OPTS" | grep -vq enterprise ; then
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv6 "${OPT}" -skipRpm package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv7 "${OPT}" package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch arm64 "${OPT}" package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv6 ${OPT} -skipRpm package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch armv7 ${OPT} package-only
go run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch arm64 ${OPT} package-only
if [ -d '/tmp/phantomjs/darwin' ]; then
cp /tmp/phantomjs/darwin/phantomjs tools/phantomjs/phantomjs
echo 'PhantomJS binaries for darwin missing!'
go run build.go -goos darwin -pkg-arch amd64 "${OPT}" package-only
go run build.go -goos darwin -pkg-arch amd64 ${OPT} package-only
if [ -d '/tmp/phantomjs/windows' ]; then
......@@ -89,6 +91,6 @@ if [ -d '/tmp/phantomjs/windows' ]; then
echo 'PhantomJS binaries for Windows missing!'
go run build.go -goos windows -pkg-arch amd64 "${OPT}" package-only
go run build.go -goos windows -pkg-arch amd64 ${OPT} package-only
go run build.go latest
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ chmod a+x /tmp/scratch/*.msi
echo "MSI: Copy to $WORKING_DIRECTORY/dist"
cp /tmp/scratch/*.msi "$WORKING_DIRECTORY/dist"
echo "MSI: Generate SHA256"
MSI_FILE=$(ls "$WORKING_DIRECTORY/dist/*.msi")
MSI_FILE=$(ls "$WORKING_DIRECTORY"/dist/*.msi)
SHA256SUM=$(sha256sum "$MSI_FILE" | cut -f1 -d' ')
echo "$SHA256SUM" > "$MSI_FILE.sha256"
echo "MSI: SHA256 file content:"
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