1. 04 Dec, 2020 20 commits
  2. 03 Dec, 2020 18 commits
  3. 02 Dec, 2020 2 commits
    • GraphNG: Bars, Staircase, Smooth modes (#29359) · 22ec38b0
      * initial impl of Bars, Staircase, Smooth modes
      * fix fillTo for staircase and smooth paths
      * fix pointSize
      * [bars] adjust gap factor & reduce bar width to include stroke width. remove rounding to favor gap & width uniformity over edge crispness.
      * remove line path fallback for too-dense data
      * "Auto" points mode implies "Never" for Bars
      * slightly reduce x axis tick density
      * fix bars height calc, make bars crisp again.
      * [bars] don't use hard-coded 'x' scale key
      * refactor catmullRomFitting() to accept x & y coord arrays. restrict to processing only visible data range.
      * move path building functions to own file
      * export typed functions
      Co-authored-by: Ryan McKinley <ryantxu@gmail.com>
      Leon Sorokin committed