1. 10 Sep, 2015 1 commit
    • Fix dataproxy_test.go tests · 6e532231
      This change fix dataproxy_test.go tests that was failing with:
      pkg/api/dataproxy_test.go:17: not enough arguments in call to NewReverseProxy
      pkg/api/dataproxy_test.go:39: not enough arguments in call to NewReverseProxy
      FAIL	_/home/ubuntu/grafana/pkg/api [build failed]
      Mehdi Abaakouk committed
  2. 09 Sep, 2015 10 commits
  3. 08 Sep, 2015 18 commits
  4. 07 Sep, 2015 6 commits
  5. 06 Sep, 2015 5 commits