Container Registry

With the Docker Container Registry integrated into GitLab, every project can have its own space to store its Docker images.

Learn more about Container Registry.

How to use the Container Registry

First log in to GitLab’s Container Registry using your GitLab username and password. If you have 2FA enabled you need to use a personal access token:

docker login

Once you log in, you’re free to create and upload a container image using the common build and push commands:

docker build -t .
docker push

Use different image names

GitLab supports up to 3 levels of image names. The following examples of images are valid for your project:

Tag Tag ID Size Created
1.0.0-11-ce43d628 99f0ba5aa 347 MB · 12 layers almost 3 years
1.0.0-5-65cb7ca1 0a22af4f5 347 MB · 12 layers over 3 years
1.0.0-14 8e7157d45 347 MB · 12 layers over 2 years
1.0.0-12-f3a971e4 69e2ec3cd 347 MB · 12 layers almost 3 years
1.0.0-12 69e2ec3cd 347 MB · 12 layers almost 3 years
1.0.0-11 99f0ba5aa 347 MB · 12 layers almost 3 years
1.0.0-5 0a22af4f5 347 MB · 12 layers over 3 years
1.0.0-14-9816a6e5 8e7157d45 347 MB · 12 layers over 2 years
1.0.0-4-7fd4bc74 fc80b827b 347 MB · 12 layers over 3 years
1.0.0-8-85eee24f 347659f3c 347 MB · 12 layers about 3 years
1.0.0-7 66ce2922f 347 MB · 12 layers about 3 years
1.0.0-13 d88a1e08b 347 MB · 12 layers over 2 years
1.0.0-13-92c69642 d88a1e08b 347 MB · 12 layers over 2 years
1.0.0-4 fc80b827b 347 MB · 12 layers over 3 years
1.0.0-8 347659f3c 347 MB · 12 layers about 3 years
1.0.0-15-f8902b5b 5dee1a5fc 347 MB · 12 layers over 2 years
1.0.0-7-271f269a 66ce2922f 347 MB · 12 layers about 3 years
1.0.0-15 5dee1a5fc 347 MB · 12 layers over 2 years
latest 5dee1a5fc 347 MB · 12 layers over 2 years