- 08 Nov, 2016 16 commits
bergquist committed
bergquist committed
bergquist committed
Torkel Ödegaard committed
bergquist committed
Torkel Ödegaard committed
Torkel Ödegaard committed
Added last function for alerting conditions
Carl Bergquist committed -
utkarshcmu committed
utkarshcmu committed
bergquist committed
bergquist committed
bergquist committed
Merge branch 'alerting_pagerduty' of https://github.com/utkarshcmu/grafana into utkarshcmu-alerting_pagerduty
bergquist committed -
Removed invalid alerting state from the UI
Carl Bergquist committed -
utkarshcmu committed
- 07 Nov, 2016 20 commits
Update github auth docs
Carl Bergquist committed -
Add AWS Govcloud Region
Carl Bergquist committed -
Torkel Ödegaard committed
Roger Swingle committed
utkarshcmu committed
utkarshcmu committed
utkarshcmu committed
utkarshcmu committed
utkarshcmu committed
utkarshcmu committed
utkarshcmu committed
Torkel Ödegaard committed
Reduce alerting states
Carl Bergquist committed -
bergquist committed
closes #6488
bergquist committed -
bergquist committed
ref #6444
bergquist committed -
bergquist committed
Removed playlist item when dashboard is deleted
Carl Bergquist committed -
ref #6444
bergquist committed
- 06 Nov, 2016 4 commits
Torkel Ödegaard committed
Torkel Ödegaard committed
In Github's "allowed organizations" scenario, it makes sense to have `allow_sign_up` to be `true` as most administrators will expect their org's github users to be able to sign in without further steps like creating a local user first.
Mani Soundararajan committed -
Torkel Ödegaard committed